
I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

author:Affection and dew

My name is Zhang Hua, I am in my early fifties, and I run a small store at the entrance of the community. My life was supposed to be uneventful, but a decision twenty years ago completely changed the course of my life.

It was a rainy autumn day, and I had just fallen out of love and was planning to spend the rest of my life alone. That's when I learned that my brother Li Qiang and his wife Wang Li had been in a car accident. Li Qiang unfortunately died, and Wang Li was seriously injured and fell into a coma. They left behind a son, Li Ming, who was only three years old.

I still remember the first time I met Li Ming, his big eyes were full of confusion and fear. I squatted down, hugged him gently, and said, "Mingming, don't be afraid, Auntie will take care of you." "It was at that moment that I decided that I wanted to raise this child.

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

After Wang Li woke up, she was very unstable because she couldn't accept her husband's death. She left a letter and left alone. I don't blame her, after all, how painful it is to lose a loved one. But I feel sorry for Li Ming, I lost the company of my parents at such a young age.

Since that day, my life has revolved around Li Ming. Get up at five in the morning to make breakfast for him, and lie down at ten at night. During the day, he worked in the commissary and tutored him with his homework at night. Although it is hard, watching Li Ming grow up day by day, my heart is full of satisfaction.

"Auntie, you see I got a perfect score!" Li Ming excitedly rushed into the commissary and held the test paper in front of me.

I put down the ledger in my hand, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but smile: "Awesome! This math is not easy. ”

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

Li Ming scratched his head shyly: "It's not because Auntie taught well." ”

I touched his head, my heart filled with pride. Li Ming has been sensible since he was a child and knows that I have done a lot for him. He studied hard and his grades were always at the top. I often wonder how happy my brother and sister-in-law would be if they could see their son now.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Ming is about to take the college entrance examination. During that time, I was worried about him every day. Finally, on the day he got his acceptance letter, we were all moved to tears.

"Auntie, I was admitted!" Li Ming waved the notice excitedly, "I'm going to be a soldier!" ”

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

I was stunned for a moment, and my heart was mixed. is proud because Li Ming was admitted to his favorite military school; Worried, because being a soldier means danger and separation. But looking at the light in Li Ming's eyes, I knew that I couldn't stop him from pursuing his dreams.

"Good boy, Auntie is proud of you." Fighting back tears, I hugged him tightly.

In this way, Li Ming embarked on a military career. We had less contact, but every time I spoke and heard his firm voice, I knew I had made the right decision.

Four years later, Li Ming graduated from the military academy and was assigned to a unit in a remote mountainous area. Later, with his outstanding ability, he was promoted step by step, and finally became the head of the regiment. Every time I see him come back in a crisp military uniform, I feel incredibly proud.

However, just when I thought life would always be so peaceful, an unexpected piece of news upset my balance.

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

That day, Li Ming suddenly called me: "Auntie, I found my mother." ”

My heart sank suddenly, and I clenched my phone: "What did you say?" ”

"I've found my mother," Li Ming repeated, his voice excited "I want to bring her back to live." Auntie, you don't mind, do you? ”

I forced down the fluctuations in my heart and smiled reluctantly: "How can you mind? That's a good thing. ”

After hanging up, I sat behind the counter of the commissary, unable to calm down for a long time. It's been twenty years, Wang Li suddenly came back, what kind of mentality should I face her? I have put so much effort into raising Li Ming, and now that his biological mother is back, where should I go?

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

A week later, Li Ming came back with Wang Li. The moment I saw Wang Li, I had mixed feelings in my heart. She was much older than I remembered, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes hid the vicissitudes of time.

"Zhang Hua, long time no see." Wang Li said softly, with apology and gratitude in her eyes.

I smiled reluctantly, "Welcome back." ”

For the next few days, the three of us lived together. Wang Li tried her best to fit into the family and take care of our daily life, but I always felt like I was holding my breath. Every time I see Li Ming and Wang Li talking and laughing, I can't help but think of those difficult years.

Finally, at a family gathering, I couldn't help but explode.

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

"Do you know how I've been here all these years?" I shouted at Wang Li, "As soon as you leave, you leave a three-year-old child, and I will raise him with hard work." Now that you're back, do you want to act as if nothing happened? ”

Wang Li lowered her head, tears dripping on the table: "I know what I did wrong." I've been regretting it all these years, but I don't dare to come back and face you. ”

Li Ming hurriedly stood up and dissuaded: "Auntie, Mom, don't argue." We're family. ”

Looking at Li Ming's anxious appearance, I suddenly felt tired. I turned away and locked myself in my room.

A few days later, Li Ming approached me and offered to take us on a tour of his troops. I didn't want to go, but seeing his earnest eyes, I finally agreed.

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

When we came to the unit, we visited Li Ming's office, training ground, and dormitory. Looking at the awards and photos hanging on the wall, I suddenly realized that Li Ming was no longer the little boy who needed my care. He has grown into a good soldier, a man who can take on heavy responsibilities.

In the honor room, I saw the various medals that Li Ming had received. Wang Li stood next to me and whispered, "Zhang Hua, thank you." Without you, there would be no Li Ming today. ”

I turned my head and saw the sincerity in Wang Li's eyes. I took a deep breath, looked at Wang Li and said, "Over the years, you must have been very difficult." ”

Wang Li nodded, with tears in her eyes: "Every day I regret my original decision." I know I've missed too much, but I really appreciate everything you've done for Li Ming. ”

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

At this moment, Li Ming came over and stood among us. He held the hands of the two of us, and his voice was a little choked: "Auntie, Mom, thank you." Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. ”

At that moment, I felt the ice in my heart begin to melt. The three of us hugged each other and cried, and the twenty-year estrangement seemed to disappear at this moment.

After leaving the honor room, Li Ming took us on a tour of his dormitory. Although simple, it is neat and orderly. There is a photo on the bedside table, which is a photo of me and Li Ming. When I saw this picture, my eyes were red again.

"Auntie, this is my most precious photo," Li Ming said softly, "Every time I encounter difficulties, seeing this photo will give me strength." ”

Wang Li walked over and gently stroked the photo frame: "Zhang Hua, you have worked hard all these years." Li Ming can have today, it all depends on your cultivation. ”

I shook my head: "Li Ming is so good, it is the result of his own efforts. We are all very proud of him. ”

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

Just then, the whistle of the assembly came from outside. Li Ming looked at us apologetically: "Auntie, Mom, I have to go to a ceremony." Would you like to take a look? ”

We nodded in agreement and followed Li Ming to the playground. I saw that the officers and men of the entire regiment were lined up neatly, and Li Ming stood in front of the team, standing tall as a pine.

"Stand upright!" Li Ming's loud voice resounded in the playground.

Looking at the high-spirited young officer in front of me, I suddenly realized that my little Ming had really grown up. He is no longer the little boy who needs my protection, but a soldier who can protect the country and the people.

After the ceremony, Li Ming walked over with a proud smile on his face: "Auntie, Mom, what do you think?" ”

Wang Li and I looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison, "Great! ”

I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he took his own mother away, and I was sad but pleasantly surprised

That night, the three of us sat in Li Ming's dormitory and talked about the past. The past is flooding in, with laughter, tears, and more anticipation for the future.

"Actually," Wang Li said suddenly, "I've been paying attention to Li Ming's news all these years. Every time I see his promotion, I feel both proud and guilty. I am proud because my son is so good, and I am guilty because I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a mother. ”

I took Wang Li's hand and whispered, "The past is gone." The important thing is that we are all by Li Ming's side now, and we can witness his future growth together. ”

Li Ming's eyes flashed with tears: "Thank you." With you by my side, I feel like I can do anything. ”

At that moment, I felt like we really became a family. The estrangement and misunderstanding of the past have disappeared, and all that remains is understanding and support for each other.

On the way home, Wang Li and I walked side by side, and Li Ming walked in front of us. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his military uniform, reflecting a golden glow.

"Zhang Hua," Wang Li said softly, "thank you for taking care of Li Ming all these years. I know I owe you so much, but I hope that from now on, we can take care of Li Ming together and witness his future together. ”

I took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay." Li Ming needs the two of us. Let the past pass, let's look forward together. ”

Li Ming turned his head with a happy smile on his face: "Auntie, Mom, let's go home." ”

When I heard the word "home", a warm current surged in my heart. yes, we finally have a complete home. Although it has gone through 20 years of twists and turns, the happiness at this moment is hard-won and even more precious.

As I walked home, my heart filled with hope. I know that in the days to come, the three of us will support each other and care for each other. Li Ming's military career is still very long, and Wang Li and I will become his strongest backing.

Looking at the road ahead, I can't help but sigh: life is like a book, turning over a painful chapter, and we have ushered in a warm new chapter. I have raised my nephew for 20 years, and after he became the commander of the army, he brought his own mother back, and I experienced sadness, but in the end I received an unexpected surprise. This may be the gift that life has given us, and after experiencing the wind and rain, we finally ushered in the rainbow.