
Wandashan Dairy embraces the new era and unlocks new ways to share products with innovative marketing

author:China Life Consumption Network

On July 1, Wandashan Dairy held a unique new product sharing meeting in its official Douyin live broadcast room, and its novel live broadcast form attracted the attention and support of many fans. With the theme of "66 Years of Quality", this new product sharing meeting relies on the five major products as a solid foundation, innovatively integrates online sharing and digital marketing strategies, and blooms digital creativity and nutrition and health. Through this unique way, we have deeply and extensively promoted the concept of "alpine ecological milk", which not only strengthens consumers' brand recognition of Wandashan Dairy, but also shows the surging vitality and firm determination of national dairy enterprises to keep up with the pace of the times and embrace the trend of innovation, so that consumers can feel the different charm of this old dairy industry.

Wandashan Dairy embraces the new era and unlocks new ways to share products with innovative marketing

New form + strong interaction, old state-owned enterprises collide with new consumption fashions

The new era of consumption is the era with user-driven as the core. With the large-scale shift of consumer groups to online, digital marketing methods have been rapidly catalyzed, and the Internet has become an important platform for brand promotion, and innovative marketing strategies have become the only way for brands to win market share and achieve sustainable growth. In this era, only by constantly adapting to consumer needs and innovating marketing strategies can brands stand out in the fierce market competition.

Wandashan Dairy's 66-year-old high-quality new product sharing meeting is an innovative marketing campaign that deeply focuses on consumers. From the beginning of the warm-up period, the brand accurately grasped the needs of users, closely focused on consumer pain points such as "product selection", "nutritional value" and "direct supply of fresh milk", and carefully planned a series of creative videos and product posters through platforms such as Shuangwei and One Shake. On the day of the live broadcast, the official promotion officer of Wandashan Dairy showed the profound historical heritage and scientific and technological strength of the brand with a professional and authoritative on-site explanation, and Wandashan Dairy signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Jiangnan University to jointly establish a joint innovation laboratory for breast milk lipid research in China, creating the first milk powder brand in China that successfully completed clinical trial verification, and leading the upward development of the enterprise with science and technology.

Wandashan Dairy embraces the new era and unlocks new ways to share products with innovative marketing

In addition, the live broadcast room also elaborated on the concept of "alpine ecological milk" of Wandashan Dairy, relying on the advantages of alpine ecology, Wandashan Dairy meets the needs of consumers of all ages with nutritional protection, which is a veritable national force for the comprehensive revitalization of China's dairy industry.

Wandashan Dairy embraces the new era and unlocks new ways to share products with innovative marketing

Diversification + differentiation The product matrix of all ages enriches the new consumption experience

If good marketing is the magic weapon for the sustainable prosperity of an enterprise, then a good product is the confidence and soul of an enterprise's long-term prosperity. Wandashan Dairy has pushed the brand to a new height with the help of the marketing "combination punch" played by the 66-year-old high-quality new product sharing meeting, but in the final analysis, paying attention to the needs of national nutrition and health, creating a diversified and differentiated all-age product matrix, and constantly maintaining the same frequency resonance of product renewal and consumer demand is the real driving force and long-term plan for brand development.

Wandashan Dairy conforms to the national quality consumption demand, lays out five major sectors: milk powder, liquid milk, nutrition, special canal and retail, and continuously promotes the diversification and high-end of products, so that consumers can feel delicious and healthy while meeting the nutritional needs of the whole life cycle from infants to adults. In terms of milk powder, Wandashan Dairy has launched infant milk powder represented by Jingzhi Extraordinary, Jingcai Childcare, and Jingmei Zhichun, and milk powder for subdivided groups represented by Golden Season and Zhuge Xiaojiang series; In terms of liquid milk, in order to pay attention to the market health trend of zero sugar and the pursuit of fresh flavors by young audiences, we have launched milk fresh matcha, honey grapefruit, 0 sucrose series, and alpine ecological series products; In terms of nutrition, with the health protection derived from nature, we have launched melatonin capsules and bovine colostrum powder to create healthy products that integrate into life; In addition, Wandashan Dairy also pays close attention to the nutritional balance needs of all family members, launches school milk and fresh milk home ordering business, and lays out offline "milk is fresh" chain brand stores, relying on the advantages of golden milk source to ensure that every consumer can enjoy nutritious and healthy milk.

Wandashan Dairy embraces the new era and unlocks new ways to share products with innovative marketing

66 years of quality, 66 years of restarting. The successful conclusion of the 66-year-old high-quality new product sharing meeting of Wandashan Dairy is a successful exploration of the old dairy enterprises and the younger generation to create a new way of marketing and harvest a new consumer experience. In the future, Wandashan Dairy will continue to uphold the innovative marketing concept, continue to launch creative marketing activities, dig deep into consumer needs, provide diversified nutrition, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of the dairy industry.

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