
A must-go summer resort in a lifetime, Mohe is super detailed, and a practical travel guide

author:Mohe Xiao Liu

Mohe Arctic Village, Zuibei, China,

This is a great place to observe the "Northern Lights".

Catch the summer solstice on June 21, although you may not be able to see the Northern Lights

But to experience the drunken north: the super long polar day, it is not a romantic thing

Go to the Zuibei Post Office and send a postcard

Go to the romantic [Mohe Ballroom] to check in

A must-go summer resort in a lifetime, Mohe is super detailed, and a practical travel guide

Mohe tourism drunk season:

In spring (mid-May to mid-June), azaleas bloom all over the mountains.

In summer (June-August), the forests of the Daxing'an Mountains are lush, the water of the Heilongjiang River flows slowly, and the green mountains, green waters, borders, and quiet villages are located. It is a drunken season to find a summer vacation in the north.

Autumn (September) is particularly beautiful in the colorful Great Khing'an Mountains

Winter (November to March) is covered with snow, looking for the north and looking for the cold

A must-go summer resort in a lifetime, Mohe is super detailed, and a practical travel guide

☘️☘️☘️ Mohe Tourism TIPs:

1. There are many people playing before and after the summer solstice festival, which is more lively, but relatively speaking, the cost of accommodation and other expenses have also risen significantly

2. From July to August, entering the summer tourism season, train tickets, vehicles, accommodation, etc. are relatively tight, so book in advance @ Mohe Xiaoliu

3. Mohe summer travel wear: short sleeves + long pants + sunscreen during the day; Add a coat in the evening.

4. The Daxing'an Mountains forest is deep and dense, and there are many mosquitoes, so it is advisable to go in a group and be led by a local team leader

5. There is no mobile phone signal along the way, inform your family before departure to avoid worry.

6. China is separated from Russia by a river, and it is forbidden to cross the border

7. Toiletries need to be brought, sunscreen, skin care, moisturizing, bring flower clothes to take pictures better

A must-go summer resort in a lifetime, Mohe is super detailed, and a practical travel guide

A must-see attraction for Mohe tourism

❤ China Drunk North Point

❤ Arctic Village - I found the north

❤ North Red & Arctic Outpost

❤ Zuibei Supply and Marketing Cooperative

❤ Reindeer Park

❤ Polaris Plaza

A must-go summer resort in a lifetime, Mohe is super detailed, and a practical travel guide

Mohe accommodation Mohe, Beibei Village, and Beihong Village are mainly accommodation in these 3 places.

Relatively speaking, there are more accommodation options in Mohe and Arctic Village, local homestays or hotels, and experience the local characteristic culture. Both

There are relatively few Beihong villages, mainly ordinary homestays and characteristic homestays. Accommodation is tight during the summer peak season, so book in advance.

A must-go summer resort in a lifetime, Mohe is super detailed, and a practical travel guide

Popular routes in summer: [Mohe-Hulunbuir Grassland 7-Day Tour]

D1 Mohe pick-up station - Polaris Square - Wuliu Fire Memorial Hall - Songyuan Park - Mohe

D2 Mohe River - Heilongjiang Di Yiwan - Ussuri Shoal - Beihong Village - Arctic Village

D3 Arctic Village - zui North Post Office - Arctic Sandbar - North Border Outpost - Reindeer Park - Mangui

D4 Mangui - Alongshan - Jinhe - Mordoga - Linjiang

D5 Linjiang - Murowei - Enhe - Erguna (Asian DI wetland) - Montenegro

D6 Black Mountain Head - Black Mountain Head Ranch - 186 Ribbon River - Hulun Lake - Manzhouli

D7 Manzhouli - Guomen - Matryoshka Square - Ao Bao - Manzhouli

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