
There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception

author:Chinese costumes

Shroud can also walk on the runway? Recently, the 2024 Shenzhou Funeral Technology and Culture Festival was held at the Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center, and the "Shroud Fashion Show" during the event sparked heated discussions on the whole network.

This unique display is undoubtedly a clear stream, some people applaud it, and some people have doubts: some netizens called it "subverted cognition", and some netizens thought that "it is not appropriate to hold a shroud fashion show" and "shrouds should not be so bells and whistles, and should advocate thick and thin burial".

There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception

In response to the incident, the organizer staff said that the "shroud fashion show" was not the first time it had been held, and it had been held in cemeteries and other places before, and it was "a very normal thing" in the funeral industry. He also said that because everyone will eventually wear such a dress, there are now more styles, not just the traditional ones.

There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception

According to relevant reports, this cultural festival aims to deepen the foundation of funeral people's livelihood and culture, use literary and artistic creation to vividly show the concept of funeral, and promote the new trend of green funeral and civilized funeral. At the same time, the event made full use of digital technology and intelligent tools to break the shackles of traditional concepts, advocate civilized funeral fashion, and promote exchanges and cooperation among peers by creating highlights such as funeral-themed creative blocks, cultural and creative programs, live broadcasts and life fashion shows.

There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception
There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception

The "Shroud Fashion Show", the official name of which is the "Second China (International) Life Fashion Show", in one and a half hours, there are hundreds of sets of shrouds, filial piety dresses, funeral dresses, etc., worn on the models for catwalk display. As the last set of dresses in life, behind each design is the designer's thinking about the ultimate respect for life, as well as a deep understanding of art.

However, netizens didn't buy it, believing that it was disrespectful to the deceased and completely subverted people's traditional perception of fashion week. Of course, there are also netizens who believe that any industry and work should be respected, which is also the development of the funeral industry.

There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception

For a long time, the issue of death was often avoided by the public, and shrouds were often regarded as an item with bad omens. This phenomenon profoundly reveals that in the current society, education about life, especially death education, is generally neglected and relatively avoided, hindering people's comprehensive understanding of the meaning and value of life, as well as the cherishing and reverence of life.

There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception

"Death may be a door, and passing away is not the end but transcendence, to the next journey." This is a classic line from the movie "The Undertaker". For everyone, the last set of dresses in life has a special meaning, and a decent shroud makes farewell more ritualistic, which is a symbol of farewell to the world for the deceased, and it is also our exploration and pursuit of the meaning of life.

There is also a sense of ritual in saying goodbye, and this particular fashion show is accused of subverting perception

So, what do you think of the "Shroud Fashion Show"? Welcome to leave a message and discuss in the comment area!

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