
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

author:A gathering of famous artists
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

【Calligrapher's Profile】

【Calligrapher's Profile】

Cai Shengjie, male, born in 1942, is from Nanao County, Guangdong Province. China's State Guest Ceremony is specially for calligraphy artists and national first-class calligraphers. He is now an expert member of the World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, a member of the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Calligraphy and Painting Art, a member of the World Federation of Chinese Literature and Art, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of the China Couplet Association, an academician of the Oriental Shenzhou Academy of Painting and Calligraphy in Beijing, China, an honorary vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Collection Association, a special calligrapher of the Beijing Institute of Contemporary Tibetan Painting and Calligraphy, an academician of the China International Press Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, a calligraphy art expert of a senior think tank, a specially appointed calligrapher and painter of the Ethiopian Embassy, and a reporter of "Chinese Photography". Since childhood, under the influence and edification of the ancestors' legacy, he likes calligraphy and other arts, follows the ancient law and painstakingly learns the words of the sages, and has his own artistic pursuit, so as to continue to explore and expand, gradually enrich the increasingly rigorous and independent, and form his own artistic style.

His entries have won many awards and are often exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, the United States, France and other countries. Among them, in 2010, his works "Visionary" and "In the Balance Mountain" won the gold medal of "Paris Chinese Traditional Culture and Art Exhibition"; In 2015, his works "Early Spring" and "Dragon Soaring" won the gold medal in the calligraphy category of the "United Nations Chinese Traditional Culture Exchange Conference and Invitational Exhibition of Famous Artists' Works"; The works "Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance" and "Building the Chinese Dream Together" are engraved on the New Great Wall of Badaling; In 2016, his works "Long March", "Aerospace Dream of Becoming a Strong Country, Science and Technology Leapt and Ride the East Wind", and "Yingge Yan Dance" won the gold medal of the "National Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Contest to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Red Army's Long March" and the gold medal of the "National Competition of the Successful Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the 11th Manned Space Flight" respectively. In addition, more than 30 works have been included in the "Limited Edition Collector's Album" and the "China Business Card Belt and Road" Chinese Stamp Album with the theme of celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Published two Chinese stamp albums, "Famous Calligrapher and Painter Cai Shengjie, Han Mo Dan Qingyao China" and "Chinese Business Card, Famous Calligrapher, Cai Shengjie". His works have been donated to national defense institutions and charities, and he has been awarded the honorary titles of "Charity Artist" and "Outstanding Artist of China" by the China Charity Federation and other units, and won the "Special Contribution Award". Some of his works have been collected by the World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, and the China Aerospace Museum.

2019: The work "Mighty Division" won the gold medal of the "Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" and toured with the works of Fan Zeng, Master Ouyang Zhongshi, Li Duo and other generals in South Korea, Russia and other countries. In addition, the "Belt and Road Inheritance of National Porcelain" - "Heaven Rewards Diligence" and "Shede" are dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and are presented to major ministries and commissions, organs, enterprises and institutions, major embassies in China, national libraries, national museums, etc., for collection.

The standard for calligraphy works is RMB 35,000 per square foot. It has attracted much attention and praise from the calligraphy community. It is sold in the calligraphy market and on the website. His representative works have been included in the compilation of "The Complete Works of the World's Oriental Literati and Calligraphers and Painters", "National Treasures Archives - Collection of Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters", "Peaceful China", "Three Masters of People's Art", "Chinese Centennial Classics", "The Most Powerful Artist in Chinese Art Collection", "Intangible Cultural Heritage: National Rite Special Artist", "Dictionary of Modern and Modern Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", "General History of Chinese Art", "Essence of Chinese Photographers' Works" and other classics.

The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily

——Remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

In various high-level calligraphy exhibitions, it is common to see the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie's excellent works, once his calligraphy works are exhibited, it is like being born, and the birth is a spectacle, which has an extraordinary influence on the aesthetics of calligraphy, the promotion of culture, and the collection of artworks. This is because his calligraphy works are skillful, and he can write with a pen and write five bodies, and all books can be completed. And because his calligraphy works have a humanistic realm of lyricism with calligraphy, the pen and ink are full of the spirit of expressing the spirit, rich in artistic soul, which makes people look uplifted, and makes his works have a unique and unique pattern. It is no wonder that Mr. Cai Shengjie has become the mainstay of the contemporary calligraphy world with his outstanding calligraphy achievements!

The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

Looking at the golden book brocade of "Chinese Dragon Teng", there will be pen and ink when the positive energy of the times is full of faces! His calligraphy creation is based on the rise of the country as the background, guided by the rejuvenation of the nation, and writes the vast atmosphere of the terrain and the south is deep, the heavenly pillar is high and the north is far away. Mr. Cai Shengjie's calligraphy works have a value of 40,000 feet in the art market, which is indeed the result of natural success, and is the fruit of his calligraphy leading the literary and artistic dragon vein!

The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

The ancients said that it is not easy to use a pen since ancient times! If the pen is rigid and there is no change, the calligraphy lacks vitality and vitality. Mr. Cai Shengjie is well versed in the secret of the use of the pen for thousands of years, so his calligraphy works attach great importance to the rhythm shaping of the pen and ink lines, and present the high and low inclination with the rhythm, and the length is compared. Works such as cursive "Dragon", "Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water", "Pen and Ink Amazing World" and other works are all ink in the pen, and the lines of the pen in the ink shape the gods! With a stroke of the pen, the iron pillar will stand, the ink will fall on the rice paper, and the autumn eagle will chase the rabbit. If it is fast, it is like thunder and lightning, and it is like falling flowers and snow. Such a calligraphy line stunner is full of infinite rhythmic tension! Life is explicit because of the rhythm, calligraphy is also the same, under the control of the rhythm of the infinite changes in pen and ink, Mr. Cai Shengjie's calligraphy creation is extremely active, his calligraphy has no calligrapher's rigidity, nor the restraint of the book slave, with the lonely bird and the falling glow fly together, the autumn water is a long sky and a color of the space dynamic, forming a contemporary literati calligraphy majestic writing righteousness style, really both form and spirit, breathtaking!

The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

The male pen stands on the iron pillar, and the big ink falls mightily. The philosophy of the Chinese is to combine rigidity and softness, and neutrality is the supreme thing. Calligraphy is also an important carrier to express the spiritual core of the Chinese, and Mr. Cai Shengjie's calligraphy perfectly fits the meaning of neutrality and harmony in Chinese philosophy. Carefully pack up the threads, this is the beauty of softness. In the harmony between rigidity and softness, his calligraphy works such as "the sea is the dragon world, the cloud is the hometown of the crane" and other works are under the full visual tension, and give birth to a poetic impression of the landscape that is not exciting, to determine the essence of Chinese aesthetics, to present the pattern of Chinese in the world, and to promote the essence of traditional culture impartially, Mr. Cai Shengjie is not only an excellent calligrapher, but also a master of using calligraphy to carry the right way of Chinese culture!

Famous calligraphy and painting art critic Liu Zhenming

July 2, 2024 in Beijing


The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie
The majestic pen stands on the iron pillar, and the ink falls mightily - remember the famous calligrapher Cai Shengjie

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