
As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

author:Three small hairs
Reading guide: As the old saying goes, "clothes have three don't dry", 3 bad habits of drying clothes, many families are still doing

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are closely related to our daily life, and the ancients put "clothing" in the first place, which shows its importance. Because clothes are not just a simple covering, but also more about their cold and warmth.

In our daily life, washing and drying clothes is something that we are accustomed to, but it also contains a lot of knowledge and exquisiteness.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

As the old saying goes, "If you don't dry your clothes, your children and grandchildren will have fewer disasters", this sounds a bit intimidating and even cursed, but it is also a summary of the life experience of the older generation.

It talks about three bad habits that we should avoid in drying clothes, otherwise it will bring some unnecessary trouble to ourselves and our families. So what are the "three don't dry"? Let's find out!

1. Do not dry clothes in the bathroom.

Many people have this habit and like to dry their clothes in the bathroom, especially for underwear, underwear and other more private clothes, and they dare not take them outside to dry, that is, they dry them in the bathroom.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

However, they ignore that the bathroom is one of the most humid areas in the whole home, and its environmental characteristics determine that it is not an ideal place to dry clothes, especially underwear, underwear and other close-fitting clothes.

First of all, the air circulation in the toilet is poor, the clothes are difficult to dry quickly, and the long-term humid environment is easy to breed bacteria, mold, and even cause odors, such clothes may be uncomfortable to wear on the body, and even cause skin diseases such as allergies and itching.

Secondly, not to mention the heavy humidity in the bathroom, there will be a large number of bacteria, viruses, etc., especially now that every household has a flush toilet, and the toilet will be flushed according to the flush toilet, which will cause a large number of bacteria and viruses to float in the air in the bathroom.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

Freshly washed clothes are dried in the bathroom, which will cause a lot of bacteria and viruses to adhere to them, and may even become a breeding ground for them.

In fact, clothes should be taken outside to dry, especially underwear and underwear, so that the sun can also play a good sterilization role. If the clothes that have been dried in the bathroom for a long time may stink in bad weather, it is definitely not okay to wear such clothes.

What's more, if the clothes are wet for a long time, it will also cause damage to them and affect the service life.

2. Do not dry clothes at the door or above the aisle.

Doorways and aisles are the only places for families to enter and exit, and their use of space should focus on convenience and safety. However, drying laundry over these areas not only affects the overall aesthetics of the home, but can also bring a range of inconveniences and safety hazards.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

In my hometown, there is a saying that you can't dry clothes above the gate, because the door is a passage for people to enter and exit. And if you hang your clothes on them, you have to pass under them, which is very indecent, so you are very avoidant.

And there are indeed some inappropriate places to dry clothes above the gate or in the aisle. On the one hand, drying clothes can easily block the view, especially for the elderly and children with poor vision, increasing the risk of falls.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for clothing to drip or fall, which can get wet and cause slipping, as well as damage to the furniture or decorations underneath.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

The third aspect is that in some cities, or places with a large flow of people, drying clothes in the aisles will also increase the risk of theft, and some people with bad intentions will take the sheep with ease. That's less than the loss of a few pieces of clothing, but things are disgusting to think about.

Therefore, in order to keep your home clean and safe, you should try to avoid drying clothes at the door and above the aisle. Choose a dedicated drying area, such as a balcony, patio or outdoor clothes rail, to ensure that laundry is dried without disrupting access and that it can be dried quickly and taking advantage of the natural conditions.

3. Don't leave your clothes out overnight.

I guess many people have heard of this old rule. Generally, clothes that are dried outside should be taken back before dark, and it is not advisable to stay overnight outside. Especially if you have children at home, you can't let your clothes stay out overnight.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

In the past, I didn't know much about this, thinking that these were superstitious sayings of the older generation, but an incident happened later that made me change this view and have to admire the wisdom of the ancients.

I remember that it was my family's clothes, but I forgot to take them back because of something, and I didn't get them back until the next morning. I didn't look closely at it when I took it back, and then I put it on. But soon after putting it on, it always feels uncomfortable, and there is often a tingling sensation. Later, when I took it off, I was shocked to find that there were several bees in it.

In fact, in the past, the elders often reminded us that clothes should not be spent overnight, especially children's clothes. A very important reason is that I am afraid that some mosquitoes will hide in the clothes, and some may even lay eggs on the clothes, etc., which will be uncomfortable to wear, and may be allergic and even endanger health.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

What's more, clothing that is exposed to the air for a long time is more likely to absorb pollutants such as dust and pollen, increasing the risk of skin allergies.

On the other hand, when the temperature drops and the humidity increases, leaving the dried clothes outside overnight is not only easy for the clothes to absorb the dew and moisture at night, causing the clothes to become wet again, but also because of the low temperature at night, the clothes become hard and deformed, affecting the wearing experience.

It can be seen that it is very important to develop a good habit of putting away clothes in time. In the evening, when the sun is about to set, it is time to start taking the clothes back indoors. If the clothes are left out overnight, don't rush to wear them when you take them home, it's best to wash them first and then dry them before putting them on.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

Drying laundry is a trivial matter, but the knowledge involved should not be overlooked. "There are three things that don't dry clothes, and there are few disasters for children and grandchildren" is not entirely superstition, it is more of a reminder to avoid drying in the bathroom, not drying above the aisle at the door, and not letting clothes stay overnight outside.

Instead, you should dry your clothes in a reasonable place, and it is recommended that you dry your clothes on a well-ventilated, sunny balcony or outdoor drying rack.

This not only helps the clothes dry quickly, but also the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight can effectively kill the bacteria on the clothes, reducing the chance of bacterial growth.

As the old saying goes, "there are three things to dry clothes", and many families are still doing the three bad habits of drying clothes

Such clothes will be comfortable to wear on the body, and there will be no other health effects. If you still have these three bad habits of drying clothes, you should correct them quickly. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that the clothes purchased online must be washed before wearing! #头条创作挑战赛 ##长文创作激励计划#

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