
In history, what is the story of Fu Yemao?

author:The Man in the Iron Mask interprets historical figures

Fu Yemao, the core figure of the production of the dragon head, the representative inheritor of the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage projects, the core member of the dragon lantern production on the river, and the craftsman of the dragon.

On the fifteenth day of the first month, at the end of the year, it was raining lightly, and the slightly deserted Fu ancestral hall ushered in a faltering old man, he slowly walked to the middle of the hall, and worshiped the dragon head Bodhisattva in front of him devoutly, only to see the dragon head face such as the Buddha, the eyebrows and good eyes, the shape is exquisite, this dragon head is made by the old man, he is the river dragon lantern Shenghui, the national inheritor Fu Yemao. The dragon lantern festival on the river is a large-scale folk activity that has been passed down from generation to generation in Heshang Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou during the Lantern Festival, including a series of complete ceremonies such as opening the light, lighting out, making Lantern Festival and turning lanterns, gathering the dance, folk music, sports and legends of the Republic of China and other items in the river area, there are dragon lanterns and meetings, and horse lanterns to get together, it is not only an important activity for local people to express their beliefs and wishes, but also a stage to show the unique skills of the people, among them, the dragon head is the core of the victory, attracting tourists from all over the country to come to observe and appreciate. That's mainly happy, this group of people, the dragon lantern likes to do it very much, the dragon lantern can bring the wind and rain, bless us with a better age, this idea is like this, tie the dragon lantern. For tourists, the Dragon Lantern Festival on the River is a rare traditional folk carnival, but in the hearts of the locals, they have a more intimate emotional connection with the dragon head and the Dragon Lantern Festival. Weng Diming said: "A large folk project, small folk project, are a kind of emotional needs of the people, speaking of faith, in fact, manifested, are a very ordinary joy, anger and sorrow, he wants to be once a year, he wants to release the enthusiasm of life, an unrestrained character in it, called rhythmic, at this point, he must be like this, express a kind of vitality of life." According to legend, during the reign of Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the Dragon King of Jinghe who lived in the Yellow River Basin was about to be beheaded because of his fighting spirit tampered with the rainfall time, violated the rules of heaven, and was about to be beheaded, so he asked for help from Li Shimin, Li Shimin happily agreed but was ultimately powerless to stop, in order to appease the Dragon King of Jinghe after death, Li Shimin had to take back the original body of the Dragon King and send it back to Jinghe on the night of the Lantern Festival. Pray for the dragon king to skillfully use clouds and rain to bless the happiness and health of the people. In Fu Yemao's heart, the belief and love for the dragon head Bodhisattva is deep-rooted, and there is no reason for it to be the most natural thing. In 1937, Fu Yemao was born in Xitou Village, Heshang Town, since he was a child, he loved dragon lanterns, watched adults tie them, and tried to use local materials and play with small lanterns. At that time, it was mainly thick cardboard cutting, like those lamps and small boards, which were impressions and were done together. The original small lights, the larger ones are involved, so playing with them, they are some gadgets, there is such a meaning, and then I liked it, so I tied and tied and played with it myself.

At that time, there were no other toys, out of interest and like, he was made into a decent "small finished product" with his own hands, and the young Fu Yemao's heart was full of a sense of achievement, perhaps from that time, the seeds of making dragon lanterns were buried in his heart. Tie the fish lamp with bamboo strips, this fish is the head, this is the eye, this place is the mouth, this eye, the eye is drawn, the fish eye is drawn. Fu Yemao has eight brothers and sisters in his family, and three acres of thin fields cannot meet the needs of life at all. In 1962, Fu Yemao was recruited to Hangzhou Iron and Steel Plant as a temporary worker, because he was honest and willing to work hard, and was gradually retained, from a temporary worker to a regular worker, and worked until retirement, in Fu Yemao's impression, after liberation, Xitou Village only in 1956 Pan Lantern again, again Pan was already in 1978, 80-year-old Fu Yemao for the 50s of the Pan Long has a vague memory, he clearly remembers the 1978 time, because at that time he was in the prime of life He not only participated in the drum lifting, And he also tied a cow lamp himself. At that time, I also tied a lamp, this lamp is a cow, tied to a cow, I belong to the cow, and because of this cow, I was rewarded with 88 yuan, and at that time I was awarded 88 yuan. Fu Yemao has never stopped his love for the dragon lantern, when he was a worker, although he couldn't go home often, but every time it was the New Year, as long as the village had a dragon head, more or less, he had to participate in it. In 1992, he retired, at this time, Fu Yemao can finally develop this hobby, he took the initiative to learn from the village masters, continue to accumulate experience, improve the dragon head making skills in practice, and has been committed to the production process of the dragon head and dragon tail in the core part of the dragon lantern Shenghui on the river. To make sixty or seventy lanterns, there are always some of them, and tying the lantern is a partner, and this dragon lantern companion is my partner, this content, this situation, I like to do it myself, and it is a partner. There are unforeseen circumstances, 18 years ago, after the unexpected death of his wife, the dragon lantern became Fu Yemao's only companion, whenever the dragon head was put out, Fu Yemao looked at the dragon lantern this beautiful, and his heart was indescribably happy. This year's faucet, do a good look at it is also very good, the heart is also happy, last year the main body is not very good, some things are relatively less to do, this year the body is a little better to work harder, but also to do, everyone do together. Fold a piece of colored paper in half to the appropriate size, cut and cover it with a chiseling template, and then use a stapler to staple the corners and fix them, and then you can start chiseling. Chiseling flowers is one of Fu Yemao's unique skills, thin pieces of paper, he can chisel more than ten pieces at a time, and the chiseled patterns can be pasted on the dragon head, dragon tail, and dragon balls, as decoration, very good-looking, but it is very difficult to do. If you don't know how to chisel, take a look at it, be timid, this knife chisel down, yourself generally thirteen or fourteen, fourteen, at least fourteen, fourteen two dragon files can be pasted, the chisel will break a little hard, look at the barbar, the chisel is fast, the wood is easy to chisel, the paper is more difficult to chisel than the wood, the paper is tender. Because the paper is very soft and slippery, the strength of the chisel must be accurate, and if you are not careful, the paper will be chiseled, and it will not be used. What the apprentice learned to do was the simplest "money flower" pattern, first chiseling a straight line along the diagonal, then chiseling another, then chiseling the middle pattern, and finally chiseling the border around it, Fu Yemao will also chisel a lot of more difficult ones. Here is the rabbit, this rabbit is my own drawing, the rabbit is my own drawing, the rabbit is my own drawing, here is a butterfly, this butterfly is Wei Leihong to himself, the part of his own drawing, the money flower is added by myself, originally this butterfly is empty around it, the money flower is added by myself. For these patterns, Fu Yemao is like a few treasures, along with large and small tools, they are all treasures that he has accumulated over the years. In Fu Yemao's house, the miscellaneous things are all things in the faucet, occupying all corners of the house, and from time to time he has to take them out and look at them. The faucet production process is complex, all completed, about 100 work, more than 200 days, the need for everyone to work together, every winter month, everyone began to get busy, bamboo cut back to peel into various sizes of silk, together to make the dragon head, dragon tail appearance, the size has been recorded, because every year tied, these have been imprinted in the minds of the masters, the dragon to be 2.1 meters high, the belly to be 76 cm high, 68 cm wide, the mouth opening 36 cm, the upper jaw has 58 holes, through the silk must be even. The fifty-eight pieces of silk here are to pay attention to, these pieces of silk should be made firmly, you can't see anything when you put it, the coil is quite heavy, and it depends on the unevenness of the bamboo board and the silk, and whether these flat poles are made well or not, you have to figure it out yourself. I will do it, most people will do it, but the style is not good, look at it easily, and I don't know how to do it when I get it in my hand. Fu Yemao is most concerned about the installation and production of the upper lip of the faucet, now that he is older, the main work has to be done by the apprentices, but when it comes to installation, he still has to come over to take the handle, check and check, the faucet model is completed, the internal installation of electric lights, and then wrapped in gauze outside, you can decorate, first paste the scale peak, and then paste the belly flower, gold edge, the dragon body on both sides of the wrinkled flowers, and finally paste the dragon scales, with the boiled zongzi pounded into a gelatinous shape, you can paste the dragon scales, in order to be rich in color, each small piece of dragon scales is composed of three layers, sticking dragon scales is very particular, the index finger and thumb are lightly pinched and folded in half, and each angle of horizontal and vertical should be symmetrical, so that it looks good. There are many processes to make the faucet, which is very cumbersome, and it takes a lot of time and energy. The heavenly officials on the dragon head are blessed, and the two immortals are combined, a pair of carp, a pair of phoenixes, one can not be missing, and finally the excess part of the pattern is cut off, and then pasted on cardboard and dried. There are six pairs of dragon gills, and each border is decorated with a ribbon. In the mouth is the five blessings of longevity, the five bats are called five blessings of longevity, the phoenix is shaken when it moves, the dragon ball can be sprayed, and the dragon is the wind and rain. The faucet is the pious belief of the villagers, entrusting everyone's good wishes, in the previous years, the production of the faucet in Xitou Village is spontaneous by the villagers, no pay, and the rice has to go home to eat, but because they like it, so the villagers have to compete for it without pay. This is my own happiness, I am really happy with myself, there is no salary, I am happy if I am tied, everyone is honored in terms of honor, you are well tied to this lamp, everyone feels like this. Apprentice Fu Jianlin said: "Now it means that I am making dragon lanterns every day, if they suddenly don't come to call themselves, then they must be in a bad mood, like myself, when I am wronged, then I will definitely say that I have done something, you don't want me to do it, I will try my best to tell them, what I did not do well, you don't want me to do it." Fu Quan Baoyan: "Everyone likes what you want us to do, we will do it, they say come and come, give us the dragon lantern, and go by themselves, just like that, if you like to go, you will go, and if you like to make it, you will make it." Apprentice Fu Naicheng said: "When my father was still there, Long Lantern was also involved, my father was mainly based on Gao Zhao, I am very fond of my own hobby, this kind of thing is still quite my own appetite, Master Ye Mao is also very patient to explain to us, I have just talked about it, his requirements are quite strict, I also like to be demanding, to make fine, well-made, beautiful." Fu Zhangxing said: "Everyone participated, because they loved him, as soon as we saw that we were tied up, everyone came to tie it themselves, even women, women don't do anything, just make this parquet (sticky dragon scales), this dragon scale was put together piece by piece." "The dragon lantern production on the river, Xitou Village is the main force, now there are a total of 6 masters who do the faucet, we work together, a faucet will take more than a month to complete, Fu Yemao has been tied to the faucet for decades, and the special situation has also been encountered, there is a year on the eve of the Lantern Festival, when the electric light has not been used, the candle in the faucet has overturned, and the head is up, the faucet made by hard work is burned, seeing that there is no way to make the Lantern Festival the next day, what to do, we hurriedly re-peel the sheath, tie the faucet, so that until dawn, overnight rushed to make a new one, But whoever is a leader, the villagers have such a spirit of hard work.

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