
"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

author:Memories of the fall of 1975
"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

"I Wish People Were Long" is a biographical TV series that restores Teresa Teng's real life.

Because "The Story of Rose" is on the air at the same time, and this "I Wish People Were Long" was actually filmed as early as 2018, and it was somehow suppressed for several years.

Even if it is released this year, there is zero publicity and zero promotion, which is simply low-key.

But after all, Teresa Teng has a magical influence in the Chinese music scene, and the audience of her songs, from the elderly to the young people, will never forget her sweet singing, and regret her early death in her prime.

Therefore, even if "I Wish People Were Long" was broadcast so low-key and untimely, people who followed the drama were still interested.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Although the heroine Chen Yanxi's reputation and popularity have been quite controversial over the years, when it comes to playing Teresa Teng, there is really no more suitable person than her.

First of all, she is a native Taiwanese actor and has a singer background, so it is easier to empathize with Teresa Teng's growth experience and singing career.

Secondly, Chen Yanxi's image is also a round-faced and cute beauty, although the similarity with Teresa Teng is not high, it is not too dramatic, much stronger than her role in "Little Dragon Girl" in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Then Chen Yanxi's acting skills are still online, and at first I felt out of harmony because of Teresa Teng's filter, and when I slowly look at it, I will feel that she and the role have become one.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

The most unflattering role in "I Wish People Were Long" is actually Teresa Teng's best friend Duan Ning, played by Lu Yi, who has starred in He Xiulian in "Ordinary World".

How distressing she is in the drama "Ordinary World", how annoying she is in this drama.

In the play, as Teresa Teng's only little hair and best friend, she is not only selfish and cautious, but also jealous, unable to distinguish between good and good people, and has a love brain, although it has no impact on Teresa Teng's career, but it provides a lot of trouble for Teresa Teng's emotions.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

How did Duan Ning develop such a character?

An innate sense of superiority

Teresa Teng was the fourth child in the family when she was born, and she already had three older brothers.

Fortunately, Teresa Teng is a girl, and she has been rare by her parents when she comes out, so she has to grow up safely in this family.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

And Duan Ning is different, her mother Zhou Min is from a beautiful family in Shanghai, and even the other women in the military village who fled are different from other women who came by fishing boat, and "coming by plane" has become Zhou Min's capital in the future.

Duan Ning's father, Duan Litian, had Zhou Min, his arrogant wife, to supervise and help him operate, and his position in the army rose especially fast, which made Duan Zhai the most magnificent and longest-sleeved person in the military village.

Duan Ning is the only daughter of Duan Litian and Zhou Min, she is the same age as Teresa Teng, but she is not surrounded by love like Teresa Teng and raised in the free-range, but she is placed high hopes by her mother to be built into a scholar with everyone's beautiful temperament.

Duan Ning, who grew up in such an environment, naturally has a sense of superiority.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

The gap between the sudden changes in the family

Duan Ning's sense of superiority did not last long, Duan Ning's father Duan Litian actually got along with a hair salon girl, after the hair salon sister conceived a child for him, Duan Litian ruthlessly abandoned his wife and daughter, and swept his wife Zhou Min and daughter Duan Ning out of the house.

Zhou Min and Duan Ning were taken care of by the neighbors of the military village, so they had to settle down in Teresa Teng's old home.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Because Duan Ning grew up in her mother Zhou Min's words and deeds who constantly compared her with other children, so suffering from such family changes, Zhou Min, an adult, can still constantly adjust his mentality, accept it calmly, and start from scratch.

Duan Ning, a minor, is not as brave and strong as her mother, she hates her father, who has always loved her, and ignores herself, and her mother doesn't know how to fight for her rights and tired herself to endure hardships with her.

Since the reality is so unbearable and unsatisfactory to her heart, Duan Ning tried to find emotional comfort outside, and at this time, her best friend Teresa Teng had already made a name for herself in the local area with her singing, which made her mentally unbalanced.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

The people she likes don't like her

Almost all the suspicions between Duan Ning and Teresa Teng came from Zhou Taisheng.

Duan Ning always thought that she met Zhou Taisheng first, and Teresa Teng intercepted her Hu with her singing advantage.

In fact, Teresa Teng is so innocent and innocent in this matter, first of all, Teresa Teng has only one thing in mind at this time, that is, singing, singing locally to become famous, and then radiating to the whole province, Southeast Asia, and even the world.

So she is not interested in competing for Zhou Taisheng.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

But Zhou Taisheng fell in love with Teresa Teng at first sight, and when he said goodbye, he fell into the quagmire of feelings and couldn't extricate himself, so he did a lot of sincere things to Teresa Teng, but Teresa Teng was not moved and moved.

Duan Ning obviously knew that the person Zhou Taisheng really loved was Teresa Teng, but not only did she not accept her fate, but she also invested a wave of resentment on Teresa Teng.

and threatened Teresa Teng to quit with their best friend's affection.

The key is that even if Teresa Teng withdrew, Zhou Taisheng didn't like her, and her wishful thinking could only be in vain.

Because of Duan Ning's unbalanced and paranoid mentality, she went further and further on the road of misunderstanding and disgusting Teresa Teng.

But why is it good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning?

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Duan Ning's irreplaceable

In "I Wish People Were Long", Teresa Teng's real girlfriend is only Duan Ning.

Before Zhou Taisheng appeared, Teresa Teng and Duan Ning's relationship was still very sincere and touching.

They grew up together since childhood, have similar personalities, and are inseparable.

She can share your little secrets, you can experience her little things, she knows every trouble, she applauds every success, and encourages every failure.

After Teresa Teng sang full-time, Vanity Fair was mixed, and it was not a place to make friends, except for her mother, Teresa Teng's most trusted woman was only Duan Ning.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Although the two are getting farther and farther apart as their life trajectories no longer overlap, if you rank the people in Teresa Teng's heart, in addition to her family, she has to rank Duan Ning next.

For example, her boyfriend Zhou Taisheng, who she trusted so much, chose to break up with her because of her father's sudden stroke, and the way of breaking up was cruel and lame and chose to verbally demean her, making her misunderstand him.

Duan Ning obviously knew why Zhou Taisheng gave up Teresa Teng, but out of selfishness, even in the face of her best friend Teresa Teng's pain and self-denial, she still chose to remain silent.

Even so, Teresa Teng can only share this pain with Duan Ning, after all, only Duan Ning knows the whole story; After all, as long as someone shares it, the pain will always be halved, right?

Therefore, no matter how outsiders judge Duan Ning's "scum" and "poison", Teresa Teng still needs Duan Ning's best friend by her side.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Duan Ning was both straightforward and obvious

Duan Ning's most criticized thing is that she always likes to let Teresa Teng carry the black pot for her.

Duan Ning made a pen pal Qingfeng in middle school, and in order to avoid being discovered by Zhou's mother, who disciplined her very strictly, Duan Ning left her mailing address to Teresa Teng, who sang on the radio.

Zhou's mother received a call from the school teacher, who said that Duan Ning had recently made a lot of friends, and his academic performance had plummeted.

Zhou's mother naturally thought that Teresa Teng had brought her daughter badly, and when she went to look for it, she found that Duan Ning was accompanying Teresa Teng to meet the owner of a song hall, Zhou Min was furious on the spot, stopped the two and ran to Deng's house to ask the teacher.

Teresa Teng didn't want to betray Duan Ning in person, but Duan Ning was forced by the pressure of her parents to choose not to make a noise and let Teresa Teng take the blame for her.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

And she did this kind of thing several times later.

Later, although Teresa Teng was also angry, she was often deceived by Duan Ningsheng's tearful bitter drama performances, so she had to compromise and forgive her again and again.

However, Duan Ning's badness is all pediatric: willful, selfish and irresponsible, and it will not cause any substantial harm to Teresa Teng.

In addition, Duan Ning also knew that standing behind Teresa Teng was Deng Father and Deng Mother, who trusted her very much, unlike herself who was pinned on high hopes and always reprimanded. So she would rather apologize to Teresa Teng afterwards than face her mother's questioning and accusations.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

In the world, not everyone is fortunate to meet good companions and friends who can be considerate, tolerant and achieve themselves.

Thinking about it from another angle, if Duan Ning is bad to the bones, with her close relationship with Teresa Teng, her injury is undoubtedly the most lethal, she can slander with words, making the celebrity Teresa Teng speechless; She can also make small moves secretly, and she can most accurately attack Teresa Teng's weakness.

Therefore, Duan Ning can only be regarded as "flawed in the details, and there is no loss in the big sections", and she can still distinguish the importance in the face of major rights and wrongs.

And as long as Zhou Taisheng is not involved, Duan Ning is happy to see Teresa Teng's career develop no matter how good her career is, and how rich and excellent her favorite object is.

Therefore, Teresa Teng maintained the maximum endurance and the most lasting tolerance for her.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Duan Ning accepted Zhou Taisheng

Duan Ning's most resentment of Teresa Teng is that Teresa Teng agreed to be friends with Zhou Taisheng, and inserted such a lever between her and Zhou Taisheng.

No matter how Zhou Taisheng later explained to her that "it was Duan Ning who he met after he saw Teresa Teng first", she refused to believe it.

Duan Ning's love for Zhou Taisheng has become her obsession and demonic obstacle, and she has no reason and no self-esteem.

It is said that Zhou Taisheng is the most suitable person for Teresa Teng, if Teresa Teng's marriage partner is Zhou Taisheng, Teresa Teng may not die young.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

But is that really the case?

Compared with Wang Zhongwen, who got along later, Zhou Taisheng is indeed the person who supports Teresa Teng's singing career the most, but when he encounters resistance from his family, what did Zhou Taisheng do?

first said goodbye without warning, disappeared for a few months, and then finally appeared without any explanation, but chose a verbal attack when Teresa Teng begged him for a reason, which made Teresa Teng doubt herself to the point of almost depression.

Then another five years of parting ways, each of them was fine, and the time was long enough for Teresa Teng to erase the wounds in her heart and forget the existence of this person. But he suddenly appeared for no reason, thinking of recovering this relationship that had been sealed in the dust by silently accompanying him and passing through the water.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Who can understand such love? Who would dare to accept it?

Fortunately, there is a more crazy Duan Ning, who is willing to fight and wait, because she has to take into account Duan Ning's feelings, Teresa Teng avoided being soft-hearted for a while, and was moved or bewitched by Zhou Taisheng.

In the face of Zhou Taisheng, he can also move out Duan Ning as a shield, so that Zhou Taisheng will be worried about his heart. Kill two birds with one stone.

As for whether she can meet her lover in the future, it is always her fate and calamity, anyway, Zhou Taisheng is by no means her good match.

"I Wish People Were Long": Actually, it's good to have a "poisonous girlfriend" like Duan Ning

Sure enough, Zhou Taisheng, who finally married Duan Ning, is still worried about Teresa Teng's happiness when he is middle-aged, but he doesn't want his pillow person Duan Ning to be unhappy, and he still doesn't change his true character as a scumbag.

As for Duan Ning, seeking benevolence and getting benevolence, even if there is no love in his life, he has no regrets.

Although she is not a good girlfriend, it is rare to be consistent in her feelings.