
Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

author:Alex's Glory Lesson

On July 2, the Honor of Kings experience server version was updated, and the strength of the seven heroes was adjusted.

Liu Bang, Pei Baohu, Cai Wenji, and Chang'e, who are popular in the new season, have been weakened, while Sun Shangxiang, Yuanliu's Son Mage, and Yi Xing have been strengthened.

First, Liu Bang weakened

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

Liu Bang rose to full strength after the rework in the S36 season, and this time lowered his enhanced basic attack distance by 100 yards, and his long-range consumption ability and lane strength decreased slightly.

The powerful point of the new version of Liu Bang is that it has both the ability to protect people + cut C + lead line, the ultimate 2.2 second teleportation can provide high shield and blood regeneration, and the ultimate manual teleportation landing set of explosive is extremely high.

At present, Liu Bang's confrontation lane and support both have T0 level strength, and the skill AP bonus and ultimate cooldown time have not changed, so the status of the version of T0 is still stable.

Second, Chang'e is weakened

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

Chang'e's ultimate bullet has been increased by 10 points of base damage, but when the ultimate release bullet is released, it cannot use normal attacks (0.1AP bonus), and can only use skills and enhanced basic attacks.

The official service Chang'e can use 3A3A3A combo to pull up the damage, that is, according to the ultimate→ release the basic attack→ press the ultimate→ loosen the basic attack, especially the jungler Chang'e has a red BUFF basic attack that can slow down and stick to the enemy.

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

After the change of the experience server, as shown in the picture above, before the ultimate bullet flew out and hit the enemy, the normal attack button was directly disabled, weakening Chang'e's burst and sticky ability when there was a red buff.

3. Sun Shangxiang enhanced

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

Sun Shangxiang's second skill damage has been increased by 10 points, that is, the damage of the second skill at full level has been increased by 50 points, and the damage of the second skill has been shortened by 0.5 seconds at the first level, and the strength at the full level remains unchanged, and the strength in the early stage has been slightly increased.

Fourth, Pei Baohu weakened

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

The movement speed bonus of Pei Baohu's switching form has been changed from 30% to 15-30%, that is, the movement speed bonus before level 15 has been reduced, and the speed of running maps and the ability to chase and pull in the early and middle stages have been weakened.

Fifth, Cai Wenji is weakened

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

Cai Wenji's passive movement speed bonus has been changed from 70% to 35%-70%, and the cooldown time of the second skill has been changed from 9 seconds to 10-8 seconds, focusing on weakening Cai Wenji's own survivability in the early and middle stages.

Sixth, the star enhancement

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

After the revision of Yixing in the new season, the control range of the second skill has become larger, and the cost is that the second skill hand has become shorter + the control has a significant delay, which has reduced the success rate of the previous fast 22 consecutive moves a lot.

This time, the casting distance of Yi Xing's second skill has been increased by 50 yards, and it will be much more comfortable whether it is in line or in a group, and if it is implemented, it will have a chance to return to the T1 echelon.

7. The mage of the son of Yuanliu is enhanced

Experience server 7.2 update: 7 heroes adjusted, Liu Bang Pei captured the tiger weakened, and Yixing Sun Shangxiang was enhanced

The passive enhanced basic attack has increased the base damage and 0.1 ap bonus by 150-300 points, canceled the 1.0AD bonus, and increased the strong general damage of the mage of the son of the Yuan Stream.

New Ultimate Effect: Automatically continuously unleash a strengthened basic attack on the target hit, and the range of the target to break free from the beam has been increased from 950 → 1050 yards, that is, the maximum attack distance after the ultimate is connected to the enemy has been increased by 100 yards.

The above is all the content of the experience server update on July 2nd, if you want to know more about Honor of Kings, please remember to pay attention!