
Station B and Xiaohongshu collapsed and rushed to the hot search, and Alibaba Cloud responded to →


According to the news of IT Home on July 2, there was a service problem on the Bilibili (Bilibili) platform this morning, and the video comment area and the user (UP master) homepage could not be loaded, which was #B站崩了#冲上热搜, causing heated discussions.

Station B and Xiaohongshu collapsed and rushed to the hot search, and Alibaba Cloud responded to →

In the IT home test, the -500 error code will be displayed when visiting the user homepage of station B, and the video comment area will always display "loading". In addition, the user's viewing history, favorites, and other content cannot be displayed, and it is expected that this error will involve the user's related system services.

Station B and Xiaohongshu collapsed and rushed to the hot search, and Alibaba Cloud responded to →

In this regard, Bailu Video got a reply after consulting the customer service staff of Station B: I am very sorry for the inconvenience, and it has been submitted to the technical staff for review and troubleshooting, and it will be repaired as soon as possible, and it will be tried again when it is a little later.

Subsequently, many netizens also reported that #Xiaohongshu collapsed#, and they couldn't refresh the recommended content.

Station B and Xiaohongshu collapsed and rushed to the hot search, and Alibaba Cloud responded to →
Station B and Xiaohongshu collapsed and rushed to the hot search, and Alibaba Cloud responded to →

According to the feedback from Alibaba Cloud Customer Service Center, at 10:04 Beijing time on July 2, 2024, Alibaba Cloud Monitoring found that the network access to N in the Shanghai region was abnormal, and Alibaba Cloud engineers are urgently dealing with it.

Station B and Xiaohongshu collapsed and rushed to the hot search, and Alibaba Cloud responded to →

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