
Which colleges can you go to with a score of 280 to 300 What colleges are worth choosing in 2024

author:The world of small candies

  Colleges with a score of 280 to 300 are: Liaoning Vocational College of Architecture, Baoshan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiangxi Vocational College of Applied Technology, Liaoning Rail Transit Vocational College, Anhui Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College, Shaanxi Energy Vocational and Technical College, Guangzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology and Trade, Jiangxi Construction Vocational and Technical College, Shazhou Vocational College of Vocational Engineering, Tianmen Vocational College, etc.

Which colleges can you go to with a score of 280 to 300 What colleges are worth choosing in 2024

  What are the colleges and universities that have a chance to apply for a score of 280 to 300?

  Beijing Vocational and Technical College of Industry

  High-quality teaching resources: Beijing Vocational and Technical College of Industry mainly focuses on engineering majors, with excellent teachers and perfect facilities and equipment.

  Strategically located: Located in the capital Beijing, students can get access to more industry information and career opportunities.

  Graduate employment prospects: As a higher vocational college in the capital, the employment rate and quality of graduates are generally high.

  Tianjin Vocational University

  High teaching quality: The college is a higher vocational college in Tianjin, with high teaching quality and service awareness.

  Fast response to market demand: The professional setting is closely integrated with market demand, providing graduates with broad employment prospects.

  Strong comprehensive strength: It has outstanding performance in many professional fields and has cultivated a large number of practical talents.

  Hebei Industrial Vocational and Technical College

  Provincial key support: Hebei Province's key support of colleges and universities has a relatively complete range of disciplines and strong faculty.

  Strong academic atmosphere: It has a good academic atmosphere and scientific research strength, which is suitable for students who have the ambition to further their studies.

  Modern facilities and equipment: The campus facilities and equipment are modern to provide students with a good learning and living environment.

  Shanxi Vocational College of Engineering

  Engineering has obvious advantages: higher vocational colleges with engineering as the main subject, and the professional setting is closely combined with market demand.

  Excellent teaching team: with excellent teachers, the teaching quality is guaranteed.

  High employment rate: The employment rate of graduates is high, and the school has cooperative relations with many enterprises to provide protection for students' employment.

  Inner Mongolia Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College

  Distinctive professional characteristics: mainly mechanical and electrical majors, with modern training equipment and excellent teacher team.

  Market demand docking: The professional setting is closely linked to the market demand, and the employment prospects of graduates are broad.

  Strong comprehensive strength: The school has strong scientific research and teaching capabilities to provide students with comprehensive education.

  Jiangsu City Vocational College

  Low admission threshold: The minimum score for admission in 2021 is 223, which is suitable for candidates with lower scores.

  Public Institutions: It is a full-time public ordinary institution of higher learning approved by the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and filed by the Ministry of Education.

  Comprehensive quality education: pay attention to the comprehensive quality education of students, and cultivate comprehensive talents to meet the needs of society.

  Wuxi Vocational and Technical College

  International cooperation: It has cooperated with educational institutions in many countries to build overseas branch campuses or language centers.

  Rich teaching resources: It has two campuses, covering an area of more than 850 acres, with a total value of 228 million yuan in teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment, and a library collection of 1.3 million books.

  High-quality career guidance: The school provides students with high-quality career guidance and services to help students enter the workplace smoothly.

  Dalian Vocational and Technical College

  Demonstration colleges: It is a national exemplary higher vocational college, and its education quality has been widely recognized.

  Moderate admission score: The minimum score for admission in 2021 is 291, which is suitable for candidates in this score range.

  Obvious employment advantages: the school has established cooperative relations with a number of enterprises, and the employment channels for graduates are unimpeded.

  Tangshan Vocational and Technical College

  Strong comprehensive strength: It is a national high-quality specialized higher vocational college and a demonstration higher vocational college in Hebei Province.

  Admission threshold friendly: The minimum score for admission in 2021 is 264, which is suitable for candidates with relatively low scores.

  Good employment prospects: The school focuses on practical teaching, and the graduates it produces are well received by employers.

  Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science and Technology

  Characteristic majors: Focusing on agriculture and animal husbandry related majors, it is a national exemplary (backbone) higher vocational college.

  Low Admission Score: The minimum admission score in 2021 is 237, which is ideal for candidates with low scores.

  Strong school-running strength: The school has perfect teaching facilities and rich educational resources to provide students with high-quality educational services.

serial number Name of the school location
1 Tongchuan Vocational and Technical College Shaanxi
2 Gansu Industrial Vocational and Technical College Gansu
3 Shandong Aluminum Vocational College Shandong
4 Guangdong Vocational and Technical College of Agriculture and Commerce Guangdong
5 Tianjin Petroleum Vocational and Technical College Tianjin
6 Shangluo Vocational and Technical College Shaanxi
7 Anshan Vocational and Technical College Liaoning
8 Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College Jiangxi
9 Guangxi Vocational and Technical College of Finance Guangxi
10 Hegang Normal College Heilongjiang
11 Liaoning Vocational College of Architecture Liaoning
12 Baoshan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Yunnan
13 Jiangxi Vocational College of Applied Technology Jiangxi
14 Liaoning Rail Transit Vocational College Liaoning
15 Anhui Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College Anhui
16 Shaanxi Energy Vocational and Technical College Shaanxi
17 Guangzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology Trade Guangdong
18 Jiangxi Construction Vocational and Technical College Jiangxi
19 Shazhou Vocational Engineering College Jiangsu
20 Tianmen Vocational College Hubei
21 Zhangzhou Vocational and Technical College Fujian
22 Tianjin Vocational College of Land Resources and Housing Tianjin
23 Anhui Automobile Vocational and Technical College Anhui
24 Guangdong Vocational College of Food and Drugs Guangdong
25 Huainan United University Anhui

  280 to 300 points have a chance to apply to the junior college

  Chongqing Aerospace Vocational and Technical College

  Chongqing Aerospace Vocational and Technical College is a public full-time general higher vocational college sponsored by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and supervised by Chongqing Municipal Education Commission.

  Tianjin Vocational University

  Tianjin Vocational University, located in Tianjin, is a public full-time ordinary college of higher learning in Tianjin, selected as a high-level vocational school and professional construction plan with Chinese characteristics, and is a national demonstration junior college and a pilot unit of modern apprenticeship.

  Shijiazhuang Vocational College of Industry and Commerce

  Shijiazhuang Vocational College of Industry and Commerce is a full-time general higher vocational college approved by the Hebei Provincial Government and recorded by the Ministry of Education.

  Shenzhen Polytechnic

  Shenzhen Polytechnic is a full-time junior college at the junior college level organized by the people of Shenzhen Province. It was selected as the first batch of national demonstration higher vocational colleges, the second batch of national demonstration universities for deepening the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education, and the first batch of high-level vocational schools and professional construction plans with Chinese characteristics (Class A) of the Ministry of Education.