
The view from the window

author:Sumi Shizukawa

When I was a child, I was looking out the window in a world full of changes. The sound of ticking rain is like the music of nature, beating the young heartstrings; The howling wind, as if a mysterious messenger, brings unknown fantasies. And in this wind and rain, the figure of my parents running around and working hard for life has become the initial concern in my heart. At that time, the world outside the window was a harbor of home, and although there was wind and rain, it was full of warmth.

The view from the window

When you read a book, the scenery outside the window changes with the seasons. Spring turns to autumn, flowers bloom and fall, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the playground, and the whiteness of the first snow covers the corners of the campus. The footsteps of the morning exercise are neat and powerful, breaking the tranquility of the early morning and awakening the vitality of the day. At that time, the world outside the window was a stage for growth, full of hopes and dreams.

The view from the window

After work, the window is a scene of the bustling city. The tall buildings, like silent giants, have witnessed the changes of the times; People in a hurry, shuttling through the streets and alleys, rushing for life. Brainwashed billboards shimmer with colorful lights, trying to attract people's attention. At this time, the world outside the window is a real battlefield, fierce competition and pressure.

The view from the window

However, in a daydream, the window is a different scene. The breeze brings a hint of coolness, and the shadows of the trees sway, like a graceful dance. The wind blows through the flowing words, like ripples on the calm sea, wave after wave, rushing to the embankment. Outside this dreamy window, the soul gets a moment of peace and comfort, and the thoughts drift with it.

The view from the window

From the warmth of childhood, to the longing when studying, to the reality after work, the scenery outside the window is constantly changing, like a picture of life slowly unfolding. Each experience has left a unique mark on the world outside the window. Perhaps, we can't stay in the beautiful dream forever, but those former landscapes, those warmth, hope and tranquility will always be cherished in the bottom of our hearts and become our strength to move forward.

The view from the window

No matter how the world changes outside the window, we must maintain a keen heart, feel the beauty of life, and face challenges bravely. Because, the scenery outside the window is a portrayal of our life and a witness of our growth.