
My female colleague and I were misunderstood while researching in the mall, but we were blessed by misfortune and hugged the beauty

author:Wu Ping's emotional music


On that day, my female colleague Wei Xia and I were doing market research in the mall. We are all very happy because it is going well and the harvest is very good. Wei Xia happily took my arm and walked forward with me talking and laughing.

Suddenly, a boy stopped in front of us and said to me with a sneer: "Dude, it's quite romantic for two people to go to the mall." ”

Before I could react, I was punched in the face. The punch made my eyes glaze out, and I immediately felt a stream of liquid run down my nose......

Unexpectedly, I was innocently beaten this time, but I achieved a good relationship and brought me and my beautiful colleague together......

My name is Huang Fei and I am 30 years old. At the beginning of this year, I jumped from the original company to the current Huasheng Trading Company and became a salesman in the sales department.

I graduated from marketing, and have several years of work experience, but also accumulated some network resources, coupled with the company's good working environment and effective incentive mechanism, I am like a fish in water in Huasheng, quickly gained a firm foothold, and the sales performance impressed my colleagues. Half a year later, I was promoted to the leader of the first group.

The two partners in our group were very friendly to me. Especially that Wei Xia, who was extremely enthusiastic about me. Usually the "brother" is long and the "brother" is short, and it is called very kindly. Whenever I won a big order, she would say with envy and admiration, "Brother, how did you do it?" Teach the girl. ”

Wei Xia is a very beautiful girl, with fair skin and big and bright eyes. When you smile, two sweet dimples will appear on your face, which is very cute.

Working with beautiful women every day, I feel very good.

My female colleague and I were misunderstood while researching in the mall, but we were blessed by misfortune and hugged the beauty

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

Once, Wei Xia went to Nanjing to negotiate a contract renewal with one of her clients, but as a result, a disagreement arose over the revision of the terms of the contract, and the negotiations reached an impasse.

This customer is very important to Wei Xia. If she wins this list, her task for the first half of the year will be completed; If it's yellow, it's under a lot of pressure. So Wei Xia was very anxious and called me for help.

This list is also very important for our group. After receiving a call from Wei Xia, I rushed to Nanjing as quickly as possible. After repeated negotiations with the customer, the customer saw our sincerity and no longer insisted on individual terms, and we also made appropriate concessions within the scope allowed by the company. As a result, the contract was finally renewed.

Walking out of the door of the customer's company, Wei Xia ignored so many passers-by, hugged me tightly with excitement, and said, "Brother, you are really the savior of my sister." ”

Passers-by stopped and looked at us curiously. I hurriedly said to Wei Xia, "Sister, don't ......"

Wei Xia looked at the eyes of passers-by and knew that she had lost her temper, her face was red to the root of her ears, and she immediately let go of her hand.

In the evening, when we were eating at the hotel restaurant, in order to celebrate the success of winning this list, Wei Xia proposed to drink some red wine. I couldn't spoil her, so I started talking to her over a drink.

I first talked about this trip to Nanjing, then talked about the work of the sales department, talked about life and ideals, and then talked about life.

Wei Xia asked me, "Brother, you are a handsome guy, your girlfriend must be very beautiful." Don't hide it in the gold house, bring it to the company one day and let us see. ”

I smiled and said, "I don't have anything to hide." I've been running around all day, and I haven't even bothered to fall in love. ”

When Wei Xia heard this, she asked me in surprise, "Really?" ”

I said, "Of course it's true." I'm going to ask the girl to introduce me to someone. ”

Wei Xia said, "Yes." If you have any requirements, tell the sister, the sister has two little sisters, but they are beautiful. ”

I said, "I don't have anything to ask for, as long as it's about the same as my sister." ”

When Wei Xia heard this, her face flushed slightly. After a while, he said to me, "Okay, sister knows." ”

I asked Wei Xia, "Sister, don't talk about me, what about you?" There must be a famous flower owner. ”

When Wei Xia heard this, a melancholy look appeared on her face, and she said, "My mother introduced me to Zhao Lei, the son of the vice president of her company, not long ago, and we met twice. He liked me very much, but I didn't like him. Later, he asked me out a few times, but I ignored him. ”

I said, "Zhao Lei's family must be very rich." ”

Wei Xia said: "My mother just fell in love with his family's wealth, and said that his family has several houses, and I will have a better life after marrying him." So I was repeatedly persuaded to accept Zhao Lei. ”

I said, "Sister, your mother has a point, and she is also good for you." ”

Wei Xia said, "Brother, why do you say that." How can I marry someone I don't like because of a house or money! ”

I asked her, "And what kind of person do you like?" ”

Wei Xia glanced at me, then lowered her head and said, "I'...... I like guys like my brother who are handsome, capable, and love girls. ”

As soon as I heard it, I understood that this girl really liked me. Although I like her very much, but her mother wants her to marry Zhao Lei, and Zhao Lei likes her very much, how can I win people's love!

So, I said to Wei Xia: "Sister, in fact, marriage is to live together, and firewood, rice, oil and salt are the most important." Zhao Lei is much better than me in this regard. ”

When Wei Xia heard this, she raised her head and asked me with tears in her eyes: "Brother, you don't like girls?" ”

I hurriedly said, "No! My sister is loved by everyone, why wouldn't my brother like it? It's just that your mother likes Zhao Lei, and you can't disrespect her opinion. ”

Wei Xia said: "Thank you, brother, my sister knows." ”

After returning from Nanjing, my relationship with Wei Xia underwent subtle changes. She looked at me with a different emotion.

My female colleague and I were misunderstood while researching in the mall, but we were blessed by misfortune and hugged the beauty

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

That day, Wei Xia and I were doing market research in the mall. We are all very happy because it is going well and the harvest is very good. Wei Xia happily took my arm and walked forward with me talking and laughing.

Suddenly, a boy stopped in front of us, his eyes were full of anger, and he said, "It's so romantic for two people to go to the mall." ”

Wei Xia looked surprised and said, "Zhao Lei, what nonsense are you talking about, we are doing market research." ”

Zhao Lei said: "Research? Do you need to go hand in hand for research? No wonder they ignored me recently, it turned out that they had a new love. ”

Wei Xia said: "Zhao Lei, I only met with you twice, and I didn't give you any promises, and you have no right to interfere in my affairs." ”

I hurriedly stepped forward and explained, "Brother, don't get me wrong. We're really doing market research. With that, I showed him the research form.

Zhao Lei grabbed the form, crumpled it into a ball, threw it on the ground, and said loudly: "The surname is Huang, you dare to rob Lao Tzu's girlfriend, Lao Tzu can't spare you today." ”

As he spoke, a punch hit me in the face. I distinctly felt a stream of fluid coming out of my nostrils. I was innocently beaten, how can I give up? So, Zhao Lei and I scuffled together.

The mall called the police, and when the police came, they took us to the police station. We made separate notes.

After learning about the situation, the police determined that Zhao Lei was picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and he was to be detained for 10 days. Unless I issue a letter of understanding.

Wei Xia's parents and Zhao Lei's parents both came to the police station. Zhao Lei's parents apologized to me and begged me to issue a letter of understanding. I was beaten for no reason, how could I easily forgive him! I refused.

Zhao Lei's mother had no choice but to go to Wei Xia and Wei Xia's mother.

After a while, Wei Xia's mother came over to me and said, "Xiao Huang, Xiao Zhao is a reckless man, don't be like him, just forgive him." ”

Wei Xia's mother spoke, how could I refuse. I hurriedly said, "Auntie, I listen to you." So, I issued a letter of understanding.

When I went to work the next day, Wei Xia said to me: "Brother, you were injured yesterday, and my sister invited you to drink coffee after work to compensate you well." There's good news for you. ”

I said, "Girl, please spare me." I don't want to be punched by Zhao Lei anymore. ”

Wei Xia said: "No, don't worry." ”

After getting off work in the evening, Wei Xia and I went to the Blue Sky Cafe.

After we sat down, I hurriedly asked Wei Xia and said, "Sister, what's the good news, tell me quickly." ”

Wei Xia said: "Brother, last night, my mother completely rejected Vice President Zhao. Now, I have nothing to do with Zhao Lei. ”

I said, "Really? That's great. ”

Wei Xia said to me again: "Brother, last night, my family held a commendation meeting.

I was puzzled and asked, "Commendation meeting?" Who's honored? ”

Wei Xia smiled and said, "Of course you commended you." My parents praised you for being handsome, personable, generous, and polite. ”

"What else?" I asked.

Wei Xia glanced at me, lowered her head, and said shyly, "Brother, they all support me in dating you." Let me bring you back for dinner over the weekend. ”

I couldn't believe it and said, "Really? ”

Wei Xia said: "Of course it's true. Brother, let's be together. ”

Wei Xia said, and snuggled in my arms.

Happiness came too suddenly. I couldn't help but hold Wei Xia tightly in my arms, and kissed her vigorously despite the other guests in the café.

My female colleague and I were misunderstood while researching in the mall, but we were blessed by misfortune and hugged the beauty

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

Wei Xia and I hugged each other, immersed in the happiness and sweetness of love.

On the National Day of that year, Wei Xia and I got married. The next year, she gave birth to a big fat boy for me.

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Disclaimer: Wu Ping's original work, reproduced without permission, is prohibited. Please respect the author's labor and his own face!

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