
【Reminder】Registration for the primary and secondary school UGC examination starts on July 5, and these matters should be paid attention to →

author:Voice of Jilin
【Reminder】Registration for the primary and secondary school UGC examination starts on July 5, and these matters should be paid attention to →

According to the Education Examination Agency of the Ministry of Education, the registration for the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination (written examination) in the second half of 2024 will start on July 5.

The written test will be held in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), and the registration announcements of each province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) will be online one after another, and candidates need to complete online registration, personal information filling, examination registration and other matters within the specified date in accordance with the requirements of the registration announcement of the province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), and complete the online payment within the specified time after the qualification review is passed.

The Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education pointed out that the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination requires candidates to participate in the examination in good faith, and confirm the "integrity examination commitment" through the registration system before registration, otherwise they will refuse to apply for the examination. Candidates must carefully read the contents and regulations in the registration announcement of the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination (written examination) in the province (autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government) before registration, fully understand the conditions required for the examination, and register in accordance with the relevant requirements.

【Reminder】Registration for the primary and secondary school UGC examination starts on July 5, and these matters should be paid attention to →

Article source: Reprinted by People's Daily Online-Education Channel

Editor: Wang Haoyi

Review: Hao Zili

Producer: Zhao Min, Zhong Xiao

【Reminder】Registration for the primary and secondary school UGC examination starts on July 5, and these matters should be paid attention to →

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