
After the rain and the sunny weather, the fragrance of Huizhou tea is sent to the guests!

author:Anhui Business Daily
After the rain and the sunny weather, the fragrance of Huizhou tea is sent to the guests!

Editor's note

Since June 18, many places in Huangshan City have been hit by heavy rainstorms and local heavy rains. In the past few days, this reporter has gone to the flood-stricken areas and witnessed the bravery, warmth, responsibility, tenacity and tolerance shown by many ordinary local residents in the face of disasters.

Compared with many vigorous and touching deeds, what they did was extremely ordinary, or even a little unremarkable. But it is precisely these "ordinary actions" that let us touch the most real temperature on the front line of flood control and disaster relief. It is the words and deeds of these "neighbors" that converge into a grand song of united efforts to protect their homeland.

Mortals are extraordinary, and their ambitions are praised.

We hope to use such a set of mortal stories to pay tribute to strong and optimistic people and the strength of unity and struggle.

Click on the topic below:

"Mortal Song on the Front Line of Flood Fighting"


When the water flooded into the tea factory, it was only up to Ho Chi Minh and his father to block the entrances and exits, after a night of chaos, Ho Chi Minh "rescued" most of the finished tea, and after the flood receded, Ho Chi Minh devoted himself to the work of dredging and obstacle removal, and the tea was still in hope

After the rain and the sunny weather, the fragrance of Huizhou tea is sent to the guests!


On June 27, Ho Chi Minh drove a forklift to clean the road in the village. At this time, more than a week has passed since the flash flood in the early morning of the 20th.

From June 19 to 27 at 14 o'clock, the total rainfall in the Huangshan area averaged 582 mm in less than 9 days. Converted into storage capacity, it is close to one-quarter of the Xin'an River or 2 Taiping Lakes or 200 Hangzhou West Lakes.

Ho Chi Minh runs a tea factory, the tea factory is located in Xiaoxi Village, Shaolian Township, She County, a few hundred meters ahead is Qingxi Village, the tea factory is backed by Guixi, and the location of the tea factory in the village is relatively high.

Ho Chi Minh used to be a soldier and a village secretary, but later decided to come out and start his own business, contracted the land in the village to set up a tea factory, purchased tea from the surrounding tea farmers to process tea, and the prepared tea was exported overseas.

Ho Chi Minh's new tea is worth about 3 million yuan, and it was originally planned to wait for all the new tea to be finished and then shipped to a foreign trade company for packaging, but now we can only wait for the rain to pass. He probably lost about 10,000 catties of tea in this flood.


"Chisel" out of the drain

"My father is over 70 years old, and he has never seen such a big amount of water, and there have been cases of water flooding the road before, but it is not as big as this time." Ho Chi Minh said.

In the early morning of June 20, Ho Chi Minh stayed awake all night, and out of concern for the safety of the tea factory, he chose to stay overnight in the tea factory, getting up several times to check the height of the river to ensure the safety of the tea factory.

At two o'clock in the morning, Ho Chi Minh got up to check the water level, "It doesn't look particularly big, and it doesn't feel like there's a problem." "However, by three or four o'clock in the morning, the sound of the rain was no longer a slight tick, but became like a waterfall pouring down from a mountain. At around 5:10, when Ho Chi Minh's father arrived at the tea factory, the flood water had already flooded the tea factory. Ho Chi Minh quickly brought sacks full of sawdust pellets and worked side by side with his father to carry one sack after another to the entrances and exits to keep out the raging floods.

This is Ho Chi Minh's strategy for dealing with floods, and once the flood is over, these sawdust particles will play an important role at a critical time, "The sawdust particles will swell when they meet the water, creating a temporary dam." However, the water rose much faster than expected, reaching a maximum depth of about 30 centimeters in the tea factory, and it was clear that blocking the door alone would not solve the problem.

Ho Chi Minh's father hurriedly used an electric drill to cut a drainage outlet into the wall below the low-lying sink, taking advantage of the natural drop in the terrain to provide a channel for floodwater to flow out, thereby reducing the problem of water accumulation in the tea factory.

Ho Chi Minh could not have imagined that without this timely chiseled drainage, the water level of the tea factory would continue to rise, and all the finished tea could have been destroyed.


Preparing for a rainy dayAs early as a year ago, Ho Chi Minh had a plan to take precautions.

Ho Chi Minh recalled that the July 2020 floods, "when the water was very big, but only a little bit of damming" was built in Xiaoxi village.

In March last year, Ho Chi Minh raised the levee by more than two meters in fear of the impact of rising river water on the tea factory.

As you can see from the river, a concrete dam with a height of about 2 meters has been added to the original stone dam. The raised dam stretches from the tea factory to the chrysanthemum warehouse next door and is about a hundred meters long. In addition, above the drainage canal next to the road on the other side of the tea factory, Ho Chi Minh also added cement to its fence.

Through timely self-rescue measures and careful advance preparation, Ho Chi Minh has successfully reduced a large number of economic losses. "When the weather clears, I will re-deliver the tea to the guests." Ho Chi Minh said.

After the rain and the sunny weather, the fragrance of Huizhou tea is sent to the guests!

Anhui Business Daily Financial Media Reporter Zhang Jian Xu Hongbo Review: Ma Xiangyu Editor: Li Xiang Proofreader: Zhang Jianping