
National Science and Technology Award | Shouxian Valley puts a "Chinese core" on edible medicinal mushrooms

author:Tech Financial Times

The edible and medicinal mushroom industry is the fifth largest planting industry in mainland China, and it is the "big country" to ensure national food security and promote rural revitalization. However, for a long time, most of the edible and medicinal mushrooms in the mainland, including Ganoderma lucidum, were imported from Japan and South Korea, and there were no independent seedlings. The project of "Key Technology Innovation and Application of the Whole Industrial Chain of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms" jointly completed by Zhejiang Shouxian Valley Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Jilin Agricultural University has systematically tackled key problems in the whole industrial chain of breeding, cultivation and processing of edible and medicinal mushrooms in mainland China, strengthened the "Chinese strain chip" from scratch, promoted the conservation and innovation of fungus germplasm resources, and solved the "stuck neck" problem of edible and medicinal mushrooms relying on imports.

Recently, the project of "Key Technology Innovation and Application of the Whole Industry Chain of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms" won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

National Science and Technology Award | Shouxian Valley puts a "Chinese core" on edible medicinal mushrooms

"After long-term and continuous research, the project team has achieved independent and controllable control in key links such as breeding and cultivation of edible and medicinal mushrooms, so that edible and medicinal mushrooms have a 'Chinese core'." What makes the project stand out from other outstanding science and technology projects? Dr. Li Zhenhao, vice chairman of Shouxian Valley, explained the reason.

  Li Zhenhao said that the project has created a fungus conservation technology system of "one district, one museum and five libraries", and built an internationally leading edible and medicinal mushroom germplasm resource bank with the largest annual storage volume in the country, providing a Chinese solution for the conservation of fungi resources in the world. They also created precision breeding technology and created 42 new varieties; The theory of "wood rot and Juncao decay" was proposed, and 124 million tons of agricultural waste were efficiently utilized, and the planting area of black fungus increased by 1,000 times by the implementation of "southern mushroom moving north and northern ear expanding south". Breakthrough in the high-quality utilization technology of the whole plant, the edible rate of edible fungi has exceeded from 70% to 100%.

  The results of the project series have been promoted in 28 provinces and 45 demonstration bases across the country, with a cumulative output value of 402.397 billion yuan and an output value of 117.778 billion yuan in the past three years.

  As one of the main completion units, Shouxian Valley undertakes the core work of key technology innovation and application of the whole Ganoderma lucidum industry chain.

National Science and Technology Award | Shouxian Valley puts a "Chinese core" on edible medicinal mushrooms
National Science and Technology Award | Shouxian Valley puts a "Chinese core" on edible medicinal mushrooms

  In 2010, Shouxian Valley and Academician Li Yu's team jointly established the Biological Breeding Innovation Center, and began to jointly tackle key problems in the collection and creation of edible and medicinal mushroom germplasm resources such as Ganoderma lucidum, the breeding of new varieties, and the new model of ecological cycle cultivation.

  "Different from edible fungi based on evaluation criteria such as yield, stress resistance, and commerciality, Ganoderma lucidum, as a medicinal mushroom, should be further evaluated from the aspects of efficacy substances and biological activity in addition to the above-mentioned phenotypic indicators." Li Zhenhao said. In this regard, Shouxian Valley and Jilin Agricultural University jointly developed a high-throughput digital phenotyping instrument for Ganoderma lucidum, created an efficient breeding technology of "phenotype + genotype + functional components + activity evaluation", realized the multi-dimensional systematic evaluation of new germplasm in agronomic traits, genetic information, physical and chemical properties, functional components and biological activity, and successfully bred excellent new varieties of Ganoderma lucidum series of Xianzhi series, and used these varieties in the company's Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma lucidum spore powder products, effectively promoting the industrial transformation of excellent varieties to high-quality products.

  After years of hard work, Shouxian Valley has built the world's largest Ganoderma lucidum germplasm resource bank and digital germplasm resource bank, with more than 10,000 Ganoderma lucidum germplasms in the database, including wild germplasm collected from all over the world, as well as germplasm efficiently created through aerospace breeding, hybrid breeding, mutagenesis breeding and other methods.

National Science and Technology Award | Shouxian Valley puts a "Chinese core" on edible medicinal mushrooms

  These achievements are not accidental, but the inevitable result of Shouxian Valley's long-term adherence to the development strategy of "scientific research and enterprise".

  As early as the 90s of the last century, Li Mingyan, chairman of Shouxian Valley, was selected by the State Science and Technology Commission to study in Japan as the "leader of the National Spark Plan". Since then, through decades of efforts, Shouxian Valley has successively cultivated "Xian Hu No. 1" and "Xian Hu No. 2", of which the polysaccharide content of "Xian Hu No. 2" has increased to 58.7%, which is known as "super rice in Dendrobium officinale" by the outside world.

  "Science and technology is productivity, which not only improves production efficiency, but also promotes the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure and provides strong support for economic growth. As scientific and technological workers, we should shoulder the heavy responsibility entrusted by the times, carry forward the spirit of dedication, and enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Li Zhenhao said.

Correspondent: Yu Wei, Reporter: Yang Liushu

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