
Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

author:Trail chatter

Lin Shengbin sued the three parties for violating privacy: when the nanny set the fire, he claimed to be on the plane and could not find the flight record? Lin Shengbin excessively used the tragic death of his wife and children 4 to hype, and finally led to the collapse of the personality, he originally lost his wife and children, he was the object of everyone's sympathy, "wife and children in heaven" account attracted countless fans, he took this opportunity to start a children's clothing brand, and made a lot of money, and Lin Shengbin's many behaviors after the incident caused controversy, Lin Shengbin because of the tragic death of his wife and children, received a large amount of compensation, but did not give a penny to his parents-in-law, after he remarried and gave birth to a daughter, the affectionate personality has collapsed.

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

The current wife once appeared in the mourning hall of his wife and children, and then appeared in his live broadcast room, the two of them have publicly given birth to a daughter, and it is rumored on the Internet that there is a son, but this is not confirmed, he took the initiative to post a photo of his daughter, hoping that netizens can bless him and have a new happy life. However, this kind of appearance is completely inconsistent with the "affectionate" image he created before, when he sued the property company for huge compensation in the name of "seeking justice for his wife and children", and then founded the "Tong Zhen Life" brand, opened a direct online store, and personally became an Internet celebrity with live broadcasts, and many netizens became his loyal customers out of sympathy, making him earn a lot of money. Counting tens of millions of profits, plus compensation, his net worth has exceeded 100 million.

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

There are a lot of false propaganda in Lin Shengbin's live broadcast room, there are inferior products in children's clothing, and there have been many feedbacks, and there are no follow-ups, there are already various rumors on the Internet, plus his deceased wife's maiden family, he has not given a penny of compensation for so many years, and he has directly stopped contacting, causing dissatisfaction among netizens. Lin Shengbin once said in an interview that when the nanny arson occurred, he was still on the plane and was flying back to Hangzhou from Guangzhou, so the phone was never turned on, and he did not receive messages from his wife and family. Writer Liu Xinda directly posted that he had no flight records of Lin Shengbin on the day of the crime. As a result, many people on the Internet even began to suspect that Lin Shengbin was related to the arson case, and then the fermentation of public opinion became more and more serious.

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

Even if there is no evidence, many people have suspected him, after Lin Shengbin's reputation was ruined, the family moved to Australia, closed the online store, and no longer updated any news, only 4 of the more than a dozen companies under his name still exist, 3 of which are jointly related to his deceased wife, and they are all out of business. In other words, he has given up all domestic companies, disappeared directly from the Internet after throwing away the industry, and has moved to Australia, but obviously netizens can't let go of this matter. Liu Xinda made public Lin Shengbin's flight records of China Eastern Airlines, and Lin Shengbin sued Liu Xinda, the operating company of Weibo, and China Eastern Airlines in court in the name of violating privacy.

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him claiming to be on the plane? On November 19, 2021, Liu Xinda publicly released the results of the flight query on his account, and in response to Lin Shengbin's remarks on the plane at the time of the crime, he specially called all airlines, and after consulting it, he found that there was no flight record of him at all, and on the day of the crime in 2017, a few days ago, Lin Shengbin had not taken a plane at all, Liu Xinda thought he was lying, and it was difficult to say whether he went to Guangzhou or not. However, personal itinerary information is protected by law, and Liu Xinda's move is obviously in violation of the law, and Liu Xinda's move undoubtedly added fuel to this matter.

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

Most netizens hope that he will be supervised by the public, he was originally an amateur, but because of the arson case of the nanny in Hangzhou, he spoke out on the Internet countless times, using public opinion to speak out for his rights and interests, plus he opened an online store in the later period, constantly promoted the brand on the Internet, and became an anchor with goods, in fact, he is already an Internet celebrity, he is a public figure, he does have a personal right to privacy, and the public currently has a very bad mood towards him, Some netizens think that this case makes people feel creepy, in 7 years, there has been a well, a new wife, a new daughter, and several new companies, a gold-absorbing children's clothing brand, there have been countless people sympathizing with him, these emotions and psychology have gradually turned into traffic and money, pushing him to the hot search again and again.

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

It wasn't until he released the photo of his newborn daughter that it caused a public uproar, not that he would not be allowed to remarry, but that he came out so quickly, after all, it was 4 lives, in the thinking of ordinary people, it was indeed impossible to do it, thinking it was incredible, netizens felt that he remarried and gave birth to a daughter so quickly, and the feeling of being completely separated from the previous affectionate personality, in the psychology of the public, the meaning of the deceased wife and the ex-wife is different, even if you remarry soon after divorce, ordinary people will not say anything, but the other half passed away unexpectedly, and there is always a feeling of longing in my heart, And with the addition of 3 children, this pain will be digested in a few years? Do you still want netizens to congratulate him on giving birth to a daughter?

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

In addition, in addition to the compensation money is not given to the deceased wife's mother's family, even the husband and wife share property, now there is no shadow, the wife and her mother's brother have been in the clothing business for many years, but there is almost no deposit in their name after the case, it is obviously incredible, all the shares of the husband and wife's company are held by the man and the in-law's family, which is also not very reasonable, according to the ordinary idea, always give the deceased wife's family some money, even if it is a small part of the compensation, this is also the descendants of people's immediate relatives, how can one person take it all? In fact, 7 years have passed since this case, and netizens don't seem to understand it.

Lin Shengbin accused the three parties of violating privacy: the flight record could not be found, and the nanny set fire to him on the plane?

What is remarkable is that the reason why he sued the three parties is not related to defamation and rumors, but to infringe on personal privacy. After all, it is a violation of personal privacy, but why didn't he sue for defamation? At that time, he was in the whirlpool of public opinion, Liu Xinda and others had publicly questioned him with his real name, and even tracked his personal actions, and there were a lot of speculations about him on the Internet, almost all of which were negative, in that kind of situation where he was publicly questioned by the enemy, he chose to deal with it silently, and did not even spend money to control the evaluation, which is quite incredible, because these will make him lose his reputation and career, and have direct interests, and even if he wins the lawsuit this time, it will be difficult to reverse his personal reputation, does he just want to get compensation? It stands to reason that he has made so much money, and he doesn't care about this, let's wait for the trial in Shanghai on July 10.

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