
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead

author:Yunnan Armed Police
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead

A generation has a generation's long march, and a generation has a generation's mission. On the eve of the "1 July" party founding day, a mobile detachment of the Yunnan Armed Police Corps organized officers and soldiers to visit the Kedu Red Army Long March Memorial Hall. By reviewing the oath of joining the party, visiting the former site of the Red Army's garrison, listening to the red story, etc., we will remember the noble spirit of our ancestors who dedicated themselves to the country and the people, and jointly recall the eventful years of the Red Army's Long March.

Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution and ......" In the square outside the memorial hall, all party members lined up in front of the bright red party flag, raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath, reliving the enthusiasm when joining the party, revisiting the mission and responsibility of party members, and strengthening the ideals and beliefs of the military camp.

Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead

Subsequently, under the guidance of the staff of the memorial hall, they successively visited the former site of the Long March station of the Central Red Army Headquarters, the war room of the General Staff Headquarters, the rest room of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Liu Bocheng and other revolutionaries of the older generation and the relics of the martyrs.

Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead

"The Red 25th Army, known as the 'Division of Hundred Generals', is an important unit of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, which was established in October 1931......" In front of a display board in the exhibition hall, with the patient explanation of the staff, the leader of the detachment said with confidence: "The predecessor of our detachment came from this unit, and the officers and men of the Red 25th Army used their blood and lives to compose a magnificent heroic hymn and set a glorious example for us. Now that the baton of the times has been passed to us, we must inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Long March of our revolutionary ancestors, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. ”

Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead
Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead

Feeling the smoke of war, you know that peace is not easy to come by. After the visit, the officers and men of the detachment said one after another that as revolutionary soldiers in the new era, they should inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of their revolutionary ancestors, draw strength from them, take the long march of the new era, have the courage to overcome difficulties, dare to take responsibility, stabilize their minds and work in their careers, and make due contributions to the comprehensive construction of a strong mobile detachment. (Author: Wang Xingfu, Dong Shuai)

Look at the red base and draw the strength to forge ahead

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Planning: Wang Zhiping Producer: Dong Zhaoxin Editor-in-Chief: Li Yong Reviewer: Liu Zhenggang Editor: Sun Jiekang Issue: 2552 Submission Email: [email protected]