
Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

author:Shijiazhuang High-tech Zone released
Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion
Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

Interpretation of the National Sanitary City Standards

Health education and health promotion

Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion
Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

Standard text

(6) The health education network within the jurisdiction is complete, using the health science expert database, resource library, newspapers, television, the Internet and other major media to widely carry out health education and health promotion activities, improve the level of health literacy of residents, and advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Vigorously popularize the knowledge and methods of traditional Chinese medicine health care. All major media outlets have health education columns. Electronic screens and public service advertisements set up in public places such as stations, airports, ports, squares, and parks shall have health education content.

Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

[Standard Interpretation]

20. All localities should establish and complete a health education work network with professional health education institutions as the core, medical and health institutions as the backbone, and communities, schools, organs, enterprises, and public institutions as the foundation. It is necessary to strengthen health education and the training of professional personnel, establish a system for disseminating core information on health knowledge and skills, and make use of the database of health science popularization experts, resource databases, newspapers, television, the Internet and other major media to widely carry out activities to advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, popularize health science knowledge, and provide the public with scientific and accurate health information.

21. Professional health education establishments should strengthen operational guidance and personnel training for health promotion and education efforts at the grassroots level and at all levels and in all types of units, formulate and publish core information on health education, develop and produce health communication materials, periodically organize and carry out monitoring of residents' health literacy, and summarize and promote typical experiences.

22. All types of medical and health institutions should give full play to their professional advantages to carry out health promotion and health education. Basic-level medical and health institutions should carry out individualized health education services for patients, develop characteristic health science materials, and regularly hold targeted health knowledge lectures for patients. Medical staff master the knowledge of health science suitable for their posts, and take the initiative to provide health guidance in the process of diagnosis and treatment. Gradually establish incentive and restraint mechanisms to encourage medical and health institutions and medical personnel to carry out health promotion and education, and mobilize the enthusiasm of medical personnel to participate in health promotion and education.

23. Schools should use a variety of forms to carry out health education, popularize health knowledge, scientific fitness knowledge, and first-aid knowledge and skills, increase students' awareness of active disease prevention, cultivate students' good hygiene habits and healthy behavioral habits, and reduce and improve students' myopia, obesity, and other adverse health conditions. Strengthen the construction of school health education teachers, and make health education an important part of the pre-service education and post-service training of school health professional and technical personnel, full-time (part-time) health care teachers, health education teachers, and physical education teachers.

24. Government organs, enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations should carry out health promotion and health education, raise the health awareness of cadres and employees, and advocate a healthy lifestyle. Improve the sanitary environment of government organs, enterprises and institutions, and improve physical exercise facilities. Hold health knowledge lectures, carry out fitness and competition activities in line with the characteristics of the unit, and regularly organize physical examinations for employees.

25. Communities should be targeted at families, extensively carrying out health education and health science popularization activities, raising family members' awareness of health, and advocating healthy family lifestyles. Mobilize the enthusiasm of all kinds of social organizations and individuals, give play to the role of volunteers, and pay attention to cultivating and developing bottom-up health promotion forces rooted in the people.

26. Promote and popularize the knowledge of Chinese medicine health care and easy-to-master Chinese medicine health care techniques and methods.

27. Establish mechanisms for the release and dissemination of all-media health science knowledge, with major media such as radio stations, television stations, newspapers, and websites having fixed health education columns, combining creation and health, health literacy improvement, epidemic prevention and control, hot health issues, and so forth, to produce and broadcast health public interest programs, and carry out highly targeted health communication activities. Strengthen guidance and regulation of the content of health education in the media, and correctly guide public opinion and the public to respond to health risk factors in a scientific and rational manner. Experts should be organized to clarify and correct false information that spreads widely and poses great harm to public health.

28. Stations, airports, ports, squares, parks, and other important public places where people are concentrated are to carry out targeted health education and publicity activities on the basis of the characteristics of the concentration and mobility of the people they serve, and in accordance with the overall arrangements for health education in their jurisdictions, using methods such as electronic screens, billboards, publicity display boards, and television terminals.

29. The health literacy level of urban (county) residents ≥ 23% or continue to improve.

Standard text

(7) Actively carry out the construction of healthy cells such as healthy counties, healthy towns and villages, healthy communities, healthy enterprises, healthy institutions, healthy schools, health promotion hospitals, and healthy families within the jurisdiction. We will build health trails and health theme parks, and promote chronic disease prevention and control measures such as "three reductions and three health".

Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

[Standard Interpretation]

30. Accelerate the advancement of the establishment of healthy counties and districts, healthy townships, healthy cells, and so forth, do a good job of mobilization and deployment, organization and implementation, effectiveness evaluation, and summary and promotion, to increase the capacity and level of the entire society's participation in health governance, and actively create an environment conducive to the people's healthy production, living, work, and study.

31. The establishment of healthy counties and townships is to effectively control health risk factors, reduce common health hazards in their jurisdictions, increase the health literacy and health level of the public, and promote the coordinated development of county, township, and township governance and human health through measures such as improving health policies, building a healthy environment, building a healthy society, optimizing health services, and advocating a health culture.

32. The construction of healthy villages, healthy communities, healthy enterprises, healthy institutions, healthy schools, health-promoting hospitals, and healthy families is an important part of the construction of healthy cells. Through measures such as building a healthy environment, optimizing health services, and advocating a healthy culture, we can effectively control health risk factors, reduce health hazards, improve people's health literacy and health level, and realize the coordinated development of environment and human health.

33. Strengthen the construction of health trails, health theme parks, and so forth, to provide the public with convenient and accessible venues for activities. (1) Healthy trails refer to walking trails that are suitable for public places such as communities, units, and parks with a certain length, which can be used by the public to carry out fitness activities in the form of brisk walking, and to acquire health-related knowledge and skills. (2) Health theme park refers to a park suitable for disseminating health knowledge to the public, promoting public physical activity, and improving health literacy and acquiring health skills.

34. Targeting key populations and key venues, promote chronic disease prevention and control measures such as "three reductions and three health". The salt, oil and sugar reduction actions are mainly aimed at catering workers, children and adolescents, and home chefs, the Healthy Mouth Action is mainly aimed at children, adolescents and the elderly, the Healthy Weight Action is mainly aimed at occupational groups, children and adolescents, and the Healthy Bone Action is mainly aimed at young and middle-aged people and the elderly. It is necessary to disseminate core information, improve the public's understanding of the relationship between a diet with less salt, less oil and less sugar and health, help the masses master oral health knowledge and health care skills, advocate the concept of scientific exercise, maintaining energy balance, and maintaining a healthy weight, and enhance the masses' vigilance and self-management ability against osteoporosis.

Standard text

(8) Coordinate the construction of national fitness venues and facilities, build a higher level of public service system for national fitness, and meet the people's needs for regular physical exercise. Widely carry out national fitness activities, enhance the awareness of the general public to actively participate in physical exercise, and advocate residents to maintain a healthy weight. Organs, enterprises and institutions shall implement the system of workplace inter-work operations.

Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

[Standard Interpretation]

35. Establish a multi-level network of fitness facilities and 15-minute fitness circles in urban communities, with a per capita sports area of not less than 2.2 square meters. The per capita floor area of the newly built residential area shall not be less than 0. 1 square meter or outdoor per capita land area of not less than 0.3 square meters of standard public fitness facilities. Public sports facilities are open to the public free of charge or at a low cost.

36. Each community and administrative village shall set up one or more national fitness venues and facilities that can meet the needs of all types of people such as teenagers and the elderly, and can be used free of charge, including ball game venues, fitness trails, outdoor fitness equipment, sports parks, national fitness centers, public sports venues, and so forth. The proportion of communities with national fitness facilities reaches 100%.

37. Widely carry out national fitness activities, persist in combining online and offline, and developing both traditional and emerging events, and carry out a variety of national fitness events that the masses like to see. Combined with the actual local situation, carry out theme activities such as community games and national fitness days to guide residents to improve their awareness of physical activity and cultivate exercise habits. Understand and master the knowledge of national fitness, integrate fitness activities into daily life, master sports skills, be less static and more active, reduce sedentary time, and maintain a healthy weight.

38.More than 38.5 per cent of urban residents regularly participate in physical exercise. A person who regularly participates in physical activity is defined as a person who participates in physical activity more than 3 times a week, with a duration of 30 minutes or more, and a moderate or higher intensity of physical activity.

39. The state implements a technical hierarchy system for social physical education instructors, and the titles of social physical education instructors are divided from low to high: Level 3 Social Physical Education Instructors, Level 2 Social Physical Education Instructors, Level 1 Social Physical Education Instructors, and National Social Physical Education Instructors. Encourage and guide social physical education instructors to provide scientific fitness guidance services for the masses in fitness venues and other places, improve fitness results, and prevent sports injuries. The number of social sports instructors at all levels per 1,000 population shall not be less than 2. 16 people.

40. State organs, enterprises, public institutions, and so forth implement systems for workplace operations. Give full play to the role of industry sports associations, trade unions of organs, enterprises and institutions, and staff sports associations, extensively establish staff sports clubs and system fitness teams, carry out sports fitness and competition activities that are in line with the characteristics of the unit and what employees like to see, and form a good social trend of consciously exercising, taking the initiative to exercise, and pursuing health.

Standard text

(9) Carry out in-depth tobacco control publicity activities, prohibit the publication of tobacco advertisements in the mass media or public places, public transportation, and outdoor within the jurisdiction, and regulate tobacco promotion, sponsorship, and other acts in accordance with law. Comprehensively promote the construction of smoke-free environments such as smoke-free party and government organs, smoke-free medical and health institutions, smoke-free schools, and smoke-free families, and achieve remarkable results, actively promote tobacco control legislation and law enforcement, and gradually realize a complete ban on smoking in indoor public places, workplaces, and public transportation.

Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

[Standard Interpretation]

41. Governments at all levels should attach great importance to tobacco control publicity work, and make full use of traditional and new media to carry out publicity on the dangers of tobacco (including traditional cigarettes and new tobacco products such as traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes, the same below) and tobacco control skills in light of the progress of national and local tobacco control legislation, so as to enhance the public's awareness of the dangers of tobacco and improve the public's ability to protect themselves from the dangers of secondhand smoke and thirdhand smoke. Health education professional institutions, schools, hospitals, communities, institutions, enterprises and institutions should make tobacco control a key part of their daily health education activities.

42. Tobacco advertising of any kind is prohibited in the jurisdiction. (1) Tobacco advertising refers to any form of commercial promotion and promotion activities, the purpose of which or the likely effect is to directly or indirectly promote tobacco products or promote tobacco use. (2) It is forbidden to publish tobacco advertisements in the mass media or in public places, public transportation, and outdoors. It is forbidden to use the Internet to advertise tobacco. It is forbidden to send any form of tobacco advertising to minors. It is forbidden to use advertisements for other goods or services or public service advertisements to promote the names, trademarks, packaging, decoration, and similar content of tobacco products. Notices such as relocation, name change, or recruitment issued by tobacco product producers or sellers must not contain the name, trademark, packaging, decoration, or similar content of tobacco products.

43. Promote the comprehensive establishment of smoke-free party and government organs, and encourage enterprises, public institutions, and other venues to carry out the construction of a smoke-free environment. Leading cadres at all levels should play an exemplary and leading role in tobacco control work, refrain from smoking in places where smoking is prohibited, and refrain from smoking, respecting smoking, or discouraging smoking among participants in official activities. The proportion of smoke-free party and government institutions ≥ 90%.

44. Actively carry out the establishment of smoke-free medical and health institutions, and medical personnel should actively disseminate health knowledge and skills in the course of diagnosis and treatment, and persuade and help patients quit smoking. Do not smoke during working hours, do not smoke in hospital rooms, and do not smoke in work clothes. The proportion of smoke-free medical and health institutions ≥ 90%.

45. Actively carry out the construction of smoke-free schools, and teachers should set an example for students in tobacco control, not smoking in schools, and not smoking in front of students. Smoking is prohibited within 100 meters of the school, and it is forbidden to sell tobacco to minors. The proportion of smoke-free schools ≥ 90%.

46. Actively carry out the construction of smoke-free families, and widely publicize the protection of family members from the harm of tobacco. Smoking rates are less than 20% in people over the age of 15.

47. Actively promote tobacco control legislation, promulgate comprehensive tobacco control laws and regulations, and gradually realize a complete ban on smoking in indoor public places, workplaces, and public transportation (counties have issued normative documents or are covered by comprehensive tobacco control laws and regulations at the municipal level). (1) Indoor places refer to all spaces with a roof shelter and a total enclosed area of more than 50% around them, regardless of what kind of materials are used in the roof, fence or wall, and whether the structure is permanent or temporary, such areas are defined as "indoor places". (2) Public places include all places accessible to the public or for collective use, regardless of their ownership or right of access. (3) Workplace means any place used by a worker in or during his or her employment. Including: workplaces, such as offices, conference rooms, laboratories, etc.; Ancillary or associated places used during work, such as corridors, elevators, stairwells, lobbies, joint facilities, cafes, restrooms, lounges, restaurants, vehicles, etc. (4) Public transportation refers to all kinds of buses, taxis, trains, boats, airplanes, cable cars and other means of transportation in operation engaged in passenger transportation.

48. Post conspicuous no-smoking signs and reminders in all indoor public places, workplaces and main entrances in the jurisdiction and public transportation. The non-smoking signs should be posted correctly and standardly (including the graphics and words of "no smoking", the telephone number for supervision and reporting, the warning words for health hazards, and the payment of the department, etc.).

Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion
Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion


Interpretation of National Sanitary City Standards | Health education and health promotion

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