
Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

author:White sand media

On the afternoon of July 1, the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee and the Youth League and County Committee jointly launched the Party Day activity with the theme of "Recalling the Red History and Continuing the Red Blood", and He Ling, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, participated in the activity as an ordinary party member. (Youth League and County Committee)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On July 1, the Party Branch of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, together with the Party Branch of the County Party Committee, the Party Branch of the Working Committee of the County Party Committee and the Party Branch of the Party School of the County Party Committee, carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st". (Organization Department of the County Party Committee)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On July 1, Han Yu, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, went to Qifang Town to carry out the promotion of the "Baisha Hengshui Experimental Middle School Project" by holding a symposium and on-site inspection. (County People's Congress Office)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On the afternoon of July 1, Qingsong Township held the 8th meeting of the 2024 Rural Revitalization Strategy Brigade. Chen Yijian, deputy head of the county government and captain of the Qingsong Township Rural Revitalization Strategy Brigade, attended the meeting. (Qingsong Township)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On July 1, Yuanmen Township carried out the theme party day activity of "re-taking the road of uprising and gathering patriotism" and celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. (Yuanmen Township)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On July 1, all party members of the party branch of retired cadres and workers of Nankai Township went to the Qionghai Red Women's Army Memorial Park to carry out the "July 1st" theme party day activities. (Nankai Township)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On the afternoon of July 1, the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee carried out the "Baisha 'Green Bookmark and Protecting New Seedlings' Scholarly Civilization Practice Activity on Campus" in Hainan Baisha Siyuan Experimental School. (Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On July 1, the Party Branch of the County Civil Affairs Bureau and the Party Branch of Retired Cadres and Workers carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st". (County Civil Affairs Bureau)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On July 1, Baisha Public Security carried out a series of activities to welcome the "July 1st" such as flag-raising ceremony, special party class, theme party day, and visits and condolences. (Baisha Public Security)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

On July 1, the county cultural center held the 2024 Li Nationality Bone Ware Production Skills Training Course in the Nankai Village Committee of Nankai Township. (Prefectural Cultural Center)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

White Sands Weather Forecast

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

◎Source: Baisharong Media Center Comprehensive

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)
Pak Sha Daily Work Update (2 July 2024)

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