
Today's tweet: It turns out that this is not a slap in the face, but a realistic and ethical drama to family affection!

author:A little fox who travels through time

Sometimes it really takes wisdom to get along with people, there is a colleague that everyone hates, all kinds of opportunism, all kinds of non-cooperation, if you break out a war with her directly, well, she has a very small heart, and will sneak all kinds of fishing, and what you want will be very slow and slow, but goose, you and her attitude is relaxed, although what to do is also slow, but not deliberately, and will do a lot.

So sometimes, it's really helpless and helpless!

A month later, the tips of the school bully's ears were slightly red, and he was disgusted: "This stupid guy is not good at chasing people, and he is annoyed to death." ”

Two months later, the extremely arrogant school bully followed behind Su Yu with red eyes, shaking his tail like a clingy big dog and bowing his head and kissing his fingertips, and asked pitifully: "Can you ...... Longer installation? ”

"After pretending to be AI, I caught the paranoid school grass" tea is not drunk

Today's tweet: It turns out that this is not a slap in the face, but a realistic and ethical drama to family affection!

Lu Yu has a secret: he has liked the "one-meter-nine total attack scumbag face school grass" that the college next door knocks on the code for a long time.

This secret Lu Yu originally wanted to hide in his heart forever, until one day he had to do a telemarketing in order to help his friend.

Lu Yu recognized the voice belonging to Sheng Yao halfway.

With a GPA of 4.5+, he got stuck when he read words for the first time.

“…… Push the link to your phone later, you can see it, to, ......"

On the other end of the phone, the man's voice was lazy and playful: "So...... Do you want to add WeChat? ”

Lu Yu, who was at a loss, brainstormed, and began to install AI in a flash of inspiration.

In a very mechanical tone, he repeated the sentence just now: "Push the link to your phone later, can you see it?" ”

Without waiting for Sheng Yao to speak, Lu Yu hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Sheng Yao looked at the number with the note "LuY" and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lu Yu never thought that he was really in love, with Sheng Yao.

He always thought that it was the other party that he had been unrequited and finally caught up.

Until one day, he accidentally broke into the locked room of Sheng Yao's house.

It was filled with his photographs, tapes of his junior high school radio station, and even every game he had presided over had been engraved into a CD, marked with serial numbers and times.

Lu Yu suddenly felt like a stupid prey that had fallen into a trap.

Turning back in a panic, the prey crashed into the trapper's arms.

A deep voice with a sigh rang in my ears.

"Ah, it's been discovered......"

Sheng Yao put his arms around him, half of his face hidden in the shadows, and his pupils shimmered.

"But if you want to run now, it might be a little late."

"Fake Young Master Beta is a Heartthrob" burns love and cooks wine

Today's tweet: It turns out that this is not a slap in the face, but a realistic and ethical drama to family affection!

Su Yu dressed as the cannon fodder fake young master beta in a certain interstellar ABO campus text.

The original owner was beautiful but extremely stupid, and soon after the start of school, he held a rose and tried to give it to the delicate and lovely little O, and regarded Pei Qingyue, the school bully who passed by and took a look, as an imaginary rival, and scolded casually: "Look at what, and then watch Lao Tzu hammer your dog's head." ”

What kind of person is Pei Qingyue! X big tyrant, the most arrogant and vengeful existence, Pei Qingyue, who was provoked, immediately raised his fist and almost hammered the original owner's dog head.

A second before Su Yu walked through, the original owner was holding a rose in his left hand, and pointed to a handsome guy passing by with his right hand, and said fiercely: "Look at it!" Look at Lao Tzu again to ......"

Pei Qingyue stopped, his eyes were like knives, he looked at him gloomily, and said coldly: "What do you want?" ”

At this juncture, Su Yu wore it, he didn't want his head to be opened, and he was about to give it to the beautiful and delicate rose, so he turned a corner in mid-air and sent it to Pei Qingyue's arms, and said in his head: "Lao Tzu wants to ...... Roses will be sent to you! Father...... Love you! ”

Pei Qingyue: "??? ”

After that day, all the students in the school knew that Su Yu liked Pei Qingyue, and he liked it to death or alive.

Pei Qingyue also thinks so.

Until one day when he was picked up from school, he heard Su Yu talking to a friend, his expression was indifferent, and his tone was careless: "How can I like him!" That's all pretended. ”

Pei Qingyue: "......"


Tapping Vision:

Pei Qingyue has a strong background and a superior family background, and he is an arrogant and domineering school bully.

In the first week of being confessed by the silly-looking Beta, he dismissed it: "Get out of here." ”

A month later, the tips of the school bully's ears were slightly red, and he was disgusted: "This stupid guy is not good at chasing people, and he is annoyed to death." ”

Two months later, the extremely arrogant school bully followed behind Su Yu with red eyes, shaking his tail like a clingy big dog and bowing his head and kissing his fingertips, and asked pitifully: "Can you ...... Longer installation? ”

Ray: [There are fewer ABO plots in this article, so few that they are almost negligible, and there are mainly later episodes. The setting of love. Those who don't know ABOs can also watch it without barriers. 】

Small Theatre:

Su Yu felt that he was on a thief ship, and this Alpha seemed to be even worse than he imagined.

The person who used to panic when he shed a little tear now made him cry again and again, his eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse.

He touched the bite marks on the back of his neck that were bitten to different depths, and trembled his legs to escape: "Don't bite, beta can't keep pheromones." ”

"Then mark it once in the morning, noon and evening." Alpha grabbed the escaper back and stepped forward, his sharp canine teeth piercing the back of his slender and delicate neck again, causing him to dye his own pheromones inside and out.

Su Yu cried and complained: "Pei Qingyue, are you a dog?" ”

"Well, I'm a dog, your dog."

"My Alpha is a Fairy King (Interstellar)" Haruka's Neptune

Today's tweet: It turns out that this is not a slap in the face, but a realistic and ethical drama to family affection!

Twilight Yunzhao is a little prince of a primary galactic civilization, an omega with a spiritual power of 2S, and it is extremely rare to look at the entire universe.

As the hope of the Blue Star, in order to protect him, the empire chooses to conceal it.

However, when he was about to become an adult, an all-star military academy battle competition exposed his physique, and even alarmed the upper civilization of the dependent, and the crown prince of the country ordered him to be accepted as a concubine.

With the help of five top alpha brothers, Twilight Cloud Zhao successfully escaped from marriage with the help of five top alpha brothers, but unfortunately encountered a wormhole on the way and was sucked into an unmarked ancient civilization ruins.

There, even the lowest-grade mutated plants and animals are S-class, making it difficult for fragile omegas to survive at all.

To make matters worse, his fever is here, and he desperately needs a tool man, Alpha.

Suddenly, a Ling Xiao sword light fell from the sky, twisting and shattering the surrounding beasts.

I saw that the dusty white boots appeared in front of Du Zhaoyun's eyes, and two words fell, "Furnace Ding? ”

Twilight Yunzhao raised his head, the person in front of him was arrogant and arrogant, with a temperament, like a god, but the aura exuded was a life-saving medicine!

Without hesitation, he hugged it, revealing the fragile back of his neck, and muttered, "Quick, bite me...... Just take a bite, please ......"

The rose retracted its spikes, revealing its seductive, delicate stamens.

The ruthlessness of the immortals is broken.


Years later, Twilight returned to Blue Star, so strong that he directly subverted Omega's perception of weakness and softness, and his brothers and sisters couldn't beat him together!

But the other half he brought back was neither strong nor able to drive a mecha, like an antique vase, he was either playing the piano and reading books all day long, or looking at the sky in a daze, which was so leisurely that it was worrying.

Helplessly, Twilight Cloud Zhao was determined to recognize this person, so he could only pinch his nose and admit it.

Until one day, the battleships and mechs surrounded the Blue Star, and when the upper civilization empire was about to capture the fleeing crown princess, it was split open by a dawn sword light......

"Brother Fusu" immortal Chiba

Today's tweet: It turns out that this is not a slap in the face, but a realistic and ethical drama to family affection!

The good news, Hu Hai, the unlearned, unreasonable, and hateful son Hu Hai, has fallen off the cliff!

Bad news, Hu Hai, the son who climbed up from the bottom of the cliff, is even more unlearned, unreasonable, and has learned to cry and chirp to his brother!

Hu Hai wore a book, I thought I had entered a cool novel, his father was the king of a country, and he was the most favored little prince, with a red root and a peak of group favors!

Until one day, he found out that he also had a gentle and elegant brother, whose big names were Fu and Su......

Qin Shi Huang's eldest son, Fusu!!

Question: Do you know who killed Fusu?

Hu Hai: ......???

Hu Hai: It turns out that this is not a slap in the face, but a realistic and ethical drama of family affection!


Childe Huhai Wish List:

1. Get along with your brother in harmony, brother and brother

2. Be heaven and earth, and create everyone equally

3. Oh roar, rotten! When the time is ripe, pat your ass and leave, who does this Qin II love, anyway, I don't deserve!

Hu Hai: "Brother, you are the best and best brother, we have to be good brothers~"

Fusu (Rebirth): "......"

Hu Hai: !!

Hu Hai: Can anyone tell me why my brother has the label of "rebirth" on his head?!

#哥哥哥哥! ##哥哥是天底下最好的哥哥##哥哥对亥儿天下第一好! ##哥哥要一直对亥儿这么好哦~##亥儿别闹了, obediently use morning food ##快看, the little boy is brainwashing the eldest son again! ##撒娇有用的话, what are you going to do again! #

Crossing Huhai VS Reborn Fusu


[The theme of this article is worn by the book, overhead]

[Non-historical drama text, pseudo-elegant]

[The characters and plots in the book are private and have nothing to do with history, please do not bring them in]