
The flag climbs high and does not stop

author:Old iron love
The flag climbs high and does not stop

w-2483# Original creator: Iron Tenth Division, Wang Changjiang, Zhang Dongming, Railway Soldiers, Comrades-in-Arms Network 2024-07-03

The year 2024 marks the 72nd anniversary of the sacrifice of the hero Yang Liandi, and the 73rd anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers fighting in Korea. On the occasion of Army Day, we miss the heroes of the railway soldiers even more; Today, when the construction of the motherland is changing with each passing day, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, we cherish the heroes and martyrs and the construction models even more, and cherish the hard-won happy life even more.

Seventy-two years ago, Comrade Yang Liandi, who was born in hard work, became a railway employee with the railway soldiers after the liberation of Tianjin, and was turned into a glorious member of the railway soldiers because of his hard-working and skilled bridge building skills.

The flag climbs high and does not stop

(Mr. Yang Changlin, the eldest son of the martyr Yang Liandi, presented the team flag to the person in charge of the "Yang Liandi Team")

In September 1949, after climbing the 45-meter-high bridge pier with his bare hands during the repair of the No. 8 bridge of the Longhai Railway, he overcame difficulties and completed the repair task excellently. He was awarded the honorary title of "Ascending Hero", and attended the first National Heroic Model Conference, and was cordially received by the party and state leaders. In November 1950, he participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea with the Chinese People's Volunteers. After entering the DPRK, Yang Liandi and his company were successively ordered to participate in and complete the emergency repair tasks of the Boiling River Bridge, the Longjin River Bridge, the Bailingchuan Bridge, and the Qingchuan River Bridge. After entering the DPRK, he undertook the important task of repairing the railway bridges and railway lines that were blown up by the US imperialists at any time to ensure the smooth flow of military supplies.

Suddenly the enemy situation was immediately put into emergency repair, and each time he was able to complete the arduous task ahead of schedule, and was commended many times by the Railway Corps of the Volunteer Army. In September 1951, Yang Liandi returned to China and went to Shenyang to attend the first heroic model congress of the railway corps of the Volunteer Army. At the meeting, Yang Liandi was elected to the presidium and was appointed to attend the National Railway Model Labor Representative Conference held in Beijing and the grand ceremony of the National Day in October. In March 1952, Yang Liandi gave up the opportunity to stay in China and resolutely went to North Korea again. On May 15, he was unfortunately shot and died while rushing to repair the Qingchuan River Railway Bridge, and was posthumously recognized by the headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteers as a "first-class hero", recorded special merits, and named his company "Yang Liandi Company"; The Democratic People's Republic of Korea posthumously awarded him the title of "Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" and awarded him the Order of the National Flag of the First Class and the Gold Star Medal; The former Railway Corps named the No. 8 bridge of the Longhai Railway located in Sanmenxia as "Yangliandi Bridge" and established Yangliandi Station.


Why is the battle flag so picturesque? The blood of heroes stained her red; Why is spring always there? The life of a hero blossoms. Over the past 72 years, inspired by the "spirit of climbing", it has inspired generation after generation of builders who have dedicated themselves to the motherland. Up to now, there are a total of 112 people who have served as company commanders, instructors or captains, and secretaries of the "Yang Liandi Company" (after the reform of the railway soldiers' subordinate institutions, it was named "Yang Liandi Team"). They took over the banner of heroes in the name of "Yang Liandi", passed on the torch of "ascending spirit" and forged ahead, and in the work of building railways in places where the motherland needed them, the stories of selflessness and fearlessness still shook the world and wept ghosts and gods.

In September 1964, the construction of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway was fully started. The first regiment of the first division of the railway corps, "Yang Liandi Company", undertook the construction of the No. 5 Mimalong Daqi of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway, which is located between the two mountains of Mimalong in Lufeng County, Yunnan Province. With a total length of 227.42 meters, the bridge is one of the most difficult to lay tracks at the southern end. Among them, the No. 3 pier is 56 meters high, which is 11 meters higher than the No. 8 bridge of the Longhai Railway that Yang Liandi ascended that year.

After the on-site investigation, Lu Jixiu, the commander of the "Yang Liandi Company", and Zhou Jiashun, the instructor, divided the whole bridge project into four operation areas, and implemented the "three guarantees" (quality, quantity, and safety) and "four determinations" (fixed personnel, fixed types of work, fixed projects, and fixed time). It is necessary to make detailed disclosure of tasks and technologies, so that the tasks are assigned to the class, and the indicators and methods are implemented to the individual. After the plan was discussed and approved by the party branch, a three-combination group was set up with the participation of cadres, technicians and soldiers. The whole company immediately threw itself into the tense construction battlefield.

At that time, the construction conditions were poor, there were few construction machinery, and the drilling of the foundation pit was all manual construction operations. At the climax of a concrete construction, the 60-meter-high bobblehead suddenly stopped turning. It had just rained, and the lever was slippery and slippery. 60 meters high, what can I do?

"I'll do it!" The warrior Hu Xingjie climbed up with a heroic and fearless spirit. Slide down and up again. Failed again and again, started again and again, and finally climbed to the top. It turned out that the pulley was stuck with a wire rope. He climbed on the pole, with no place for his feet and no place for his hands to grasp, which was full of difficulties and dangers. The comrades below pinched a handful of sweat for him, only to see Hu Xingjie tightly clamping the lever with his legs, fighting bravely and fearlessly for more than an hour like Yang Liandi when he blew up the bridge pier on the No. 8 bridge, and finally eliminated the fault, repaired the pulley, and used the heroic "climbing" action to compose a song of victory!

After the troubleshooting, the concrete pouring speed was increased from 25 cubic meters per shift to 45 cubic meters, the number of workers was reduced from 70 to 32, and the mold erection speed was increased from 3 days to 16 hours. The soldiers of the first company of the ascending hero Yang Lian learned from heroes and became heroes, and created a new climbing record on the Chengdu-Kunming railway line.

In January 1966, the construction of the Mimaron Bridge No. 5 was completed ahead of schedule, ensuring that the southern end of the track was laid on schedule. During the construction period, there were no major casualties, and the company was commended by the railway corps command and the party committee of the division. According to historical records, in addition to the company commander Lu Jixiu and instructor Zhou Jiashun, there were also deputy company commander Zhang Changcai and deputy instructor Ran Xingfu. Later, it was adjusted to company commander Zhang Changcai, instructor Huang Can, deputy company commanders Wang Quanfu and Qian Xingkuan, and deputy instructor Ran Xingfu.

After that, the team went to Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province to build the Zhubu Village Bridge of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway.

On July 1, 1970, the world-famous Chengdu-Kunming Railway was officially opened to traffic. It has a total length of 1083.32 kilometers, flying over the Dadu River, passing through the Daliang and Xiaoliang Mountains, and crossing the Jinsha River, like a giant dragon winding between the thousands of rivers and mountains of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces that the Red Army's Long March passed.

The 300,000 construction army (180,000 railway soldiers and 160,000 engineering bureaus of the Ministry of Railways) fought hard for six years, and 2,500 officers and soldiers died in the battle, including 1,200 railway soldiers. Their names are forever engraved on the land of the motherland and the mountains and rivers forever, and they used their lives to create one of the three major miracles of mankind in the 70s of the 20th century (the opening of China's Chengdu-Kunming railway, the Soviet Union's artificial satellite into the sky, and the American spacecraft landing project).


With the reform of the social development system, on December 31, 1983, the original First Division and the First Regiment of the First Railway Division were changed to the First Engineering Co., Ltd. of the 11th Bureau of China Railway Group, and the "Yang Liandi Company" of the original First Company was restructured into the "Yang Liandi Team" of the First Engineering Co., Ltd., and 20,000 officers and soldiers were transferred from the army to work.

In August 1998, China Railway 11th Bureau of a company won the bid to undertake the construction of Sanmenxia City, Henan Province Lianhuo (or Luosan) Expressway Xugou Bridge Project, the total length of the bridge is only 493.14 meters, the main hole is equal section catenary box-shaped unhinged arch, the cross-section is a three-chamber box, the net span diameter is up to 220 meters, the arch axis coefficient M=1.543, the net vector height f0=40m, the sagittal span ratio f0/L0=1/5.5, the arch building is 13-17.5m, ranking first among similar bridges in Asia. The bridge building technology of concrete box arch bridge with bracket adopted by it is also a precedent in the history of similar bridge construction in China. Experts recognize that its completion has accumulated relatively mature theory and valuable practical experience for the construction of brackets for long-span bridges in the mainland.

Before the construction of the bridge, Yang Liandi's team formulated a plan for excellence and "set a military order to create the Luban Award". They have set up a leading group for scientific and technological research, decomposing the goal of excellence layer by layer to each class, and implementing the process to everyone. Due to the high technical content and complex construction technology, the Ministry of Railways, which was still in charge of the 11th Bureau Group of China Railway at that time, also included the technical research of the bridge in the 1999 railway science and technology research and development plan, and provided support from human, material and financial resources. In order to solve a series of problems such as the design method, support assembly and unloading technology of long-span arch bridge support, the construction technology of cast-in-situ large-span reinforced concrete upper arch ring on the support and the linear control technology of long-span arch bridge.

At that time, Longxin Bridge, who was the head of the general engineering office of the bridge construction and the general manager of any company, felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. He firmly believes that he can only succeed, not fail. After surviving sleepless nights and consulting a large number of materials, he led the engineers and technicians to come up with a set of plans one after another, and selected the best of the best. Experts and professors from relevant colleges and universities were also invited to hold on-site meetings to review and demonstrate, and finally obtained a reliable theoretical basis and determined a scientific construction plan.

In the construction process of Xugou Bridge, seven new processes and technologies pioneered in China have been integrated: first, the overall support calculation and analysis model has been established, and the composite support system technology of beams and rods has been assembled. The military standard equipment, universal rods, bowl buckle brackets, etc. that make up the whole support are taken as calculation models, and the whole construction process is considered, and the SASMiG program is used to dynamically analyze the results of the support, so as to ensure the safety and normal operation of the construction support. the second is the construction technology of large-span main arch reinforced concrete layered cast-in-situ, formed section by section, and arch foot closed; The third is the large-span main arch without preload cast-in-place linear control technology.

Based on the loading test data of the ground and the vault section, combined with the construction technology of segmentation, layering, reserved post-pouring joints and arch foot closing, the accurate calculation model and dynamic analysis technology are used to give the construction control elevation at one time, which solves the problem that the bracket needs to be preloaded section by section in the construction of the long-span arch bridge with support. Fourth, multi-point unloading control technology for long-span supports. Using the adjustable support of the bowl buckle bracket, multi-point batch and batch unloading are adopted, and the unloading points reach 5600, so that the bracket and the main arch ring are stressed more reasonably in the process of system conversion, and the safety of the bracket and the main arch ring is ensured. Fifth, the stress monitoring technology in a timely manner ensures the safety of the construction process. The use of embedded and pasted strain gauges, steel string strain gauges, temperature sensors, etc., the use of automatic data acquisition equipment and processing system, the stress of the bracket and the main arch ring under each working condition is monitored in a timely manner, so as to ensure the safety of the bracket and the main arch ring during the construction process; Sixth, the construction of columns and beams on the arch, symmetrical cycle operation construction technology. Seventh, the use of computer software for mechanical analysis, as well as network plan control technology.

Scientific and rigorous, dare to try, formed a set of military equipment to assemble the bracket to construct a long-span arch bridge construction method, but also held up a beautiful scenery of the Central Plains. In 2003, the Xugou Bridge project passed the acceptance at all levels and got its wish. Won the highest national honor "Luban Prize".


From 2015 to the present, Comrade Li Shengjun, who has been appointed as the secretary and captain of the "Yang Liandi Team", has the spirit of Shandong "Liangshan Heroes", and has always maintained the red gene of "Yang Liandi Company" in his blood, and has always continued the red tradition of "Yang Liandi Company" and "Ascending Spirit", he led the team to participate in major projects such as the Central Plains Hubei Xiangyu Railway, Hubei Danjiang Hydropower Station Dam Reinforcement and Rescue, Shandong Yanshi Railway, as well as the construction of national key projects such as the Yujiang Cable-stayed Bridge, the Three Gorges Resettlement Project, and the Wuhan Light Rail. From the mountain township of Nanyue to the land of Fujian, from the hot land of Jingchu to the Loess Plateau, they have left the footprints of this team's struggle to ascend more than passing on the torch.

"Hold the flag in your hand, truly do a good job as the flag-bearer, vanguard and practitioner of the spirit of ascending in the new era, and pass on the flame of 'ascending' forever." Li Shengjun once said emotionally to his teammates. Looking back on history, during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the company fought on the Bailingchuan Bridge and the Qingchuanjiang Bridge and held on to it. In peacetime, the backbone was dispatched to support the construction of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge and the Sanshenggong Yellow River Bridge, and conquered the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Built the Chengdu-Kunming Railway, and undertook the construction of the highest bridge on the whole line - Mimaron Bridge; The Xiangyu Railway was built, and the troops carried the materials on their shoulders, and the railway crossed the Wudang Mountain.

Today's Yang Liandi team still carries forward this character in key and difficult projects, and strives to be a leader in innovation and development. In the construction of the Nanyu Railway in Guangxi, they undertook the construction of the first high-speed railway steel-concrete cable-stayed bridge with a design speed of 350km/h in China. Relying on the "Ascending Craftsman" Innovation and Impact Studio, they have successively completed 12 technological innovations, declared 6 patent achievements, and transformed 8 technological achievements, directly saving 30 million yuan in costs and creating benefits of 50 million yuan. Among them, four bridge construction technologies, including prefabricated deep-water rock-socketed double-wall steel cofferdam construction technology and shallow overburden high-strength rock layer deep-water foundation construction technology, have filled the domestic gap.

In August 1985, due to heavy rain for several days, the dam of Danjiangkou Reservoir was in danger of bursting, and the company rushed into the rescue and fought on the dam for three days and nights to ensure that the dam survived the flood safely, and made a collective first-class contribution. In July 2011, heavy rain fell in Jiangxi, and the flood caused damage to the roadbed of the Ji'an section of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway. During the construction of the Hefu Railway, Yang Liandi's team donated 30,000 yuan to Meilin Town Primary School in Wuyuan County, and donated school supplies, such as schoolbags and books......

During the construction of the Yinxi Railway in Shaanxi, they organized employees to carry out tree planting and greening activities on the loess with the theme of ecological environment construction, planting more than 200 trees in total, planting grass and greening area of 30 acres, adding "green clothes" to the high-speed rail construction site. In addition, they regularly clean the road section of the construction vehicles, sprinkle water and dust suppression in the surrounding area of the construction, ensure the safe and civilized construction of the site, and win high praise from the owner, the local government and the people.

During the new crown pneumonia epidemic in early 2020, Wang Ruqi, the deputy captain of their team, took the initiative to sink into the community in Xiangyang to participate in epidemic prevention volunteer activities, responsible for the distribution of daily necessities and body temperature registration of 158 people in 48 households. With practical actions, they have established a civilized image of Yang Liandi's team in the new era.

Nowadays, in the construction of the Nanyu Railway, the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and the Wuyi High-speed Railway in Hubei, in the construction of difficult bridges, they are holding high the banner of "ascending", making every effort to build a bridge construction brand with "excellent quality, standardized management, outstanding professionalism and remarkable achievements", innovating 75 technology and construction methods in bridge construction, and winning 44 scientific and technological progress awards. In 2021, Yang Liandi's team was successively rated as the winning team of the national "Ankang Cup" labor competition and the "Top Ten Models" of China Railway Construction.


"I swear: inherit the legacy of the martyrs, carry forward the fine tradition, highlight the demeanor of the iron army, practice the spirit of climbing, keep in mind the mission, and dare to take on the ......" On October 18, 2020, more than 80 cadres and employees of the first company of China Railway 11th Bureau, the unit where Yang Liandi, a famous "climbing hero", was located, held a grand ceremony at the construction site of Nanyu Railway in Nanning, Guangxi, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Yang Liandi's war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. At the flag presentation ceremony held on the 18th, for the first time, Mr. Yang Changlin received the Yang Liandi team flag, which is composed of four elements: "high-speed train", "Gao Dun", "Yang Liandi's character image" and "Yang Liandi's team".

China Railway 11th Bureau has maintained the status of the vanguard of China Railway Construction and has become a leading enterprise in China Railway Construction. The first company also ranks in the first phalanx of China Railway Construction Engineering Corporation. Nowadays, the control project of the whole line of the Nanyu Railway undertaken by Yang Liandi's team - Liujing Yujiang Bridge is the first high-speed railway steel box girder concrete part cable-stayed bridge with a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour in China, with complex structural design, difficult construction technology and high precision control requirements.

"70 years ago, my father Yang Liandi followed such a heroic team and threw himself into the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea without hesitation, and worked with his comrades to build a 'steel transportation line that cannot be broken and bombed'. 70 years of changes, 70 years is enough time to change, and now I can still come to my father's unit to commemorate the 70th anniversary of this team's war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and witness the inheritance and succession of the 'ascending' banner, my heart is full of glory and excitement. Mr. Yang Changlin, the eldest son of Yang Liandi, who was invited to the scene, said emotionally.

Ke Jun, the captain of Yang Liandi's team at the time, was very excited. He said that as the company to which the martyr Yang Liandi belonged during his lifetime, on the one hand, the team will take the inheritance and promotion of the spirit of climbing as a sacred mission by building an honor room, compiling books, and regularly carrying out team history education. On the other hand, in the process of building the Liujing Yujiang Bridge of the Nanyu Railway, the spirit of climbing will be combined with the spirit of innovation and craftsmanship, the construction concept of quality first will be practiced, and the construction standardization, standardization and intelligent management will be fully implemented, so that the high-speed railway affected by the epidemic will be successfully completed and opened to traffic for the benefit of the people of Guangxi.

To take the road of "ascending" in the new era is to be the "inheritor of the spirit of climbing", to unite people's hearts, boost enthusiasm and stimulate morale with the spirit of climbing, and to combine the spirit of ascending with the spirit of innovation, the spirit of model workers and the spirit of craftsmen, and transform them into a powerful driving force for the industry to serve the country.

In 2009, Yang Liandi was rated as "Model of Railway of the Republic" by the former Ministry of Railways and "Outstanding Person of China Railway Construction" by the Party Committee of China Railway Construction; In 2019, Yang Liandi was awarded the honorary title of "The Most Beautiful Struggler" by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee.

The flag climbs high and does not stop

From "Yang Liandi Company" to "Yang Liandi Team", from "Ascending Hero" to "Model of the Times" and "The Most Beautiful Struggler", although the green military uniform has been replaced by a blue overall, it has always maintained the red gene of "Yang Liandi Company" in its blood, always continued the red tradition of "Yang Liandi Company" and "Ascending Spirit", and always maintained the true character of the company in the semi-military management mode. All the way, all the way to the original intention, all the way to the mission, all the way forward......

On the eve of August 1st, 2022, more than 40 young employee representatives from the leadership team of China Railway 11th Bureau and No. 1 Company gathered on the No. 8 bridge of Yanglian in the Sanmenxia section of Longhai Railway from all directions to face the Yangliandi Martyrs Monument to deeply cherish the heroes of climbing. During the event, at the memorial hall of Yang Liandi's deeds, the secretary of the party committee of the company said: We will uphold the ambition of "ascending" and always keep our original intention in forging ahead to catch up with the exam; will hold high the banner of "climbing" and play a role in overcoming difficulties; It will build a solid "climbing" soul and climb the peak forever in the cultural inheritance. The general manager of the company emphasized: heroes are the most shining coordinates of the nation. Yang Liandi and the spirit of ascending have always been our soul and banner, we must spare no effort, bring forth the new, and spread the heroic story with deep feelings for the family and country. We must work hard to be the first, create first-class, and continue the glory of heroes with a shining corporate brand.

Fortunately, the author was invited to participate in and witness this important event as an "old iron" and a writer. During the event, a company leader mentioned in the introduction of corporate culture construction that the current unit still lacks a film script that deeply portrays the "climbing spirit" and is down-to-earth. The author solemnly said to the leaders of a company and the "Yang Liandi team" that you are the "flag bearer" and I am the "climber". The next step is to create a new film script "Yang Liandi" with high grade as soon as possible. In the enthusiastic atmosphere, my companions and I had a pleasant exchange and practical discussion with the company's leaders and the person in charge of Yang Liandi's team.

Today, China's railways carry the immortal "spirit of climbing", generation after generation of railway builders carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future, indomitable, in the land of China's lofty mountains, rapids and rapids in the mountains and mountains, in the mountains and bridges, across the Yangtze River, over the Yellow River, over the Tianshan Mountains, through the Qinling Mountains, into the Gobi, on the plateau, fighting the scorching heat, fighting the severe cold, stepping all over the north and south of the river, turning to the Great Wall inside and outside, creating one miracle after another.

The flag climbs high and does not stop

(The author shared the results with the chairman of the labor union and the propaganda minister of the company where Yang Liandi's team worked, "The Eternal Yang Liandilian")

Today, we are walking in the journey of the new era, we should always look up to the "heroic heights", take over the original mission of the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red spiritual lineage, condense the momentum of the new era, and climb and climb towards the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

About the Author:

Wang Changjiang: Served in the former 10th Iron Division of the Railway Corps, and once fought on the Qinghai-Tibet line on the plateau. He is a graduate student, a social science expert, and a senior economist. He is the chairman of a central enterprise in Sanmenxia City, a member of the Henan Provincial Writers Association, and a member of the China Electric Power Writers Association. Over the years, he has devoted himself to collecting and researching the deeds and historical materials of the hero Yang Liandi, and has written and published the essay "The Eternal Yang Liandi", the cooperative reportage "Panorama Yang Liandi" and an article "Yang Liandi: From "Ascending Hero" to "The Most Beautiful Struggler"" was published in the "China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily" newspaper on May 27! Recently, he has completed the new compilation of the film script "Yang Liandi" and so on. In the process, I have received many times the comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers before the martyr Yang Liandi, the leaders of the company where the "Yang Liandi Company" is located, the front-line comrades-in-arms, the old comrades-in-arms of the Railway Soldiers Cultural Alliance Group, and the family members of Yang Liandi.

Zhang Dongming, a member of the Sanmenxia Writers Association, a senior writer, is in charge of the news center of a central enterprise in Sanmenxia, and is the partner of the first author.

(Editor: Caiyun Chasing the Moon)