
The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the investigation of the floating population

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

In order to further improve the management of the floating population, timely and accurately grasp the dynamics of the floating population and rental housing, and effectively ensure the service management level of the floating population, the staff of the Long March Street Railway Community Organization carried out a comprehensive investigation and registration of the floating population in the jurisdiction.

The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the investigation of the floating population
The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the investigation of the floating population

During the investigation process, the staff conscientiously verified the floating population with household registration in the non-jurisdictional area, and registered the information of the floating population in the register. The grid staff registers the information of outsiders in each rental house in detail, and uses the police terminal system to check the floating personnel in the jurisdiction one by one, verify the identity information, and ensure the accuracy of the information of the floating population in the jurisdiction. At the same time, the grid staff also publicized anti-fraud knowledge to residents, explained the precautions for using fire, electricity and gas, and reminded everyone to park electric vehicles correctly, not to occupy fire escapes and illegal flying wire charging. And conduct a comprehensive and detailed inspection of whether the wires of the rental house are connected privately, whether the electrical wiring is used under load, and whether there are potential safety hazards. In response to the problems found in the inspection, the residents were ordered to rectify in time to ensure that the potential safety hazards of the rental house were effectively eliminated.

The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the investigation of the floating population

Through this screening and registration of the floating population, the safety awareness of the masses has been further enhanced, the management of the floating population in the jurisdiction has been strengthened, and the new dynamics of the floating population in the jurisdiction have been grasped in a timely manner, which has laid the foundation for the stability of community security and the better development of various services in the future. In the next step, we will continue to pay attention to and make continuous improvements, so that the floating population can also find a sense of belonging in the community with more intimate services and effective management, and jointly build a happy community! (Editor: Niu Liya Review: Liu Jihong)


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