
Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar

author:Green Qingpu
Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar
Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the inspection of Shanghai, combined with the study and education of party discipline, the Qingpu District Women's Federation launched the "Women to the Party to Celebrate July 1st" city-wide relay theme activity. On the morning of July 1, in Vanke Sky City, the District Women's Federation carefully set up an "elite" style display bazaar, attracting many citizens to participate.

Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar

At the "elite" style display bazaar, the District Women's Federation showed the style of the national and municipal 38 red flag bearers with the theme of "paying tribute to every her". Wang Juli, the national 38 Red Flag bearer, led the medical team of the Qingpu Branch of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University to provide free medical services for the general public.

Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar

Wang Juli said that through the platform built by the District Women's Federation, high-quality medical care resources will be transferred to the community to provide more convenient services for residents. "In fact, we have been holding these activities all the time, and we welcome more suggestions from the public to let us carry out richer and more meaningful activities."

Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar

Su Huimin, an advanced model of rural revitalization in Shanghai, brought special agricultural products such as live mushroom gift boxes and Ganoderma lucidum spore powder. She introduced the product types and cultivation process in detail, and she hoped to deepen the understory economy in rural revitalization, combine agriculture, culture and tourism, and do some cross-border integration, so as to revitalize rural resources. "For example, factory planting, combined with labor education, popular science display, and rural agricultural tourism to create a pastoral complex."

Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar

Ji Yinghua, a citizen, said that the content of the bazaar was rich and colorful, and it was very convenient to experience the card service of Qingpu Library. There were also trinkets available for purchase at the event, adding to her joie de vivre.

Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar

Through this "Women's Celebration of July 1st" activity, the national and municipal 38 red flag bearers and advanced women from all walks of life gathered together to interpret the responsibility and demeanor of women in the new era with practical actions and products and services, and to transmit positive energy to the society.

Reporter: Wei Fulong (Chief)

Photographer: Wei Fulong (Chief)

Editor: Hu Xiaofan

Editor in charge: Zhang Qiang

Final review: Zhao Lan

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar
Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar
Women celebrate July 1st to the party, and the "elites" gather in the big bazaar