
Cultivating the habit of reading is the key to widening the gap between children!

author:Children's Reading Club

Reading has a profound impact on a child's development. However, with the intensification of social involution, schools and parents are increasingly emphasizing test-taking and generalized education, hoping that children can improve their test scores as soon as possible and stand out in a certain field, but ignore the cultivation of reading habits. But in fact, reading is the key that can really widen the gap between children!

Reading affects children's cognitive gaps. Children with good reading habits are able to accumulate a variety of knowledge through reading books. This knowledge not only includes subject knowledge, such as science, history, literature, etc., but also covers a wide range of social knowledge and common sense of life. On the other hand, those children who do not like to read mainly rely on classroom and life experience to obtain information, and their knowledge is narrow and in-depth. Over time, this gap in knowledge accumulation will become more and more obvious, which will directly affect children's academic performance and future development.

Cultivating the habit of reading is the key to widening the gap between children!

Reading also affects children's ability gaps. Children who love to read are usually outstanding in writing, speaking, and communication. Not only are they able to use more complex language structures, but they are also able to express themselves more clearly and accurately. Children who do not read tend to have poor language expression and limited thinking. Children who read regularly tend to be more rigorous in their thinking and more creative and critical in their problem-solving. Children who do not read tend to have a simple way of thinking and lack the ability to analyze problems in depth. As they grow older, this gap in ability will gradually appear, affecting their academic performance and ability to innovate.

Reading also has an important impact on a child's personality development. Reading can cultivate sentiments, cultivate children's aesthetic ability and values, and help them form a healthy and positive outlook on life in the process of growing up. Children who love to read are usually more emotionally rich and have a more sound character. Children who do not read may lack deep insight and coping skills when faced with social and life problems. This gap in personality development often affects their social skills and interpersonal relationships......

Therefore, even in this fast-paced era of intensified involution, developing good reading habits is still a key step in cultivating children! Good reading habits can benefit children for life! Summer vacation is here, and children can temporarily take a break from the busy school studies, and this is a good time to help children develop reading habits! Hurry up and prepare your child for summer reading!

Cultivating the habit of reading is the key to widening the gap between children!

When children are still in the early education stage, they can read "Children's Pictorial", "Kindergarten", "Baby Pictorial", "Global Juvenile Geography Children's Edition", "Little Congzai Children's Edition", ...... The child is in elementary school, "Curiosity", "Singularity Science", "Global Juvenile Geography", "Exploring History", ...... are all high-quality popular science that primary school students love to watch; There are also interesting books suitable for junior high school students, such as "Asking the Sky", "Everything", "Naturalist", "Scientist Boy", ...... It is very helpful for the improvement of children's thinking skills! High school students are indispensable for extracurricular reading, "Juvenile New Knowledge", "Reader", "Beautiful Boy", "Juvenile University", ...... It can help high school students reduce the pressure of preparing for exams!

Presumably, many parents are looking forward to the summer vacation to let their children improve their grades, and the summer vacation can also prepare some reading related to subject learning for their children! For example, the Chinese "Sunshine Youth Daily", "Children's Literature", "Yilin Small Chinese Studies", "Good Parents' Interest Language", "Yilin Composition Materials", ...... "Dr. Ha's Interest in Mathematics", "Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students", "Little Genius", "Easy Mathematics" related to mathematics...... There are also English "English Street", "English Corner", "21st Century English Newspaper", and "China Youth English Newspaper...... Different from the rigidity of the exercises and the boring of the textbooks, these readings are entertaining and fun, mainly to stimulate children's interest and enthusiasm in the subject, so that children can master the subject thinking in happiness and improve their grades!

This summer vacation is in a hurry, and the children who have started school have made great progress, far surpassing their peers! If you want to know more about high-quality youth summer reading, go to the magazine shop to take a look~ The magazine shop summer special promotion is super cost-effective, not only the whole magazine is 50% off, but also a large reading allowance and coupons are given for free, which are less than 5% off! Subscribe now for Summer Reading Super Value! Don't miss it~

Cultivating the habit of reading is the key to widening the gap between children!