
The tide has changed! Cold air has arrived! Most of the south is high temperature and spinning! Mohe is probably going to be ridiculously hot

author:The next heaven is the people

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The tide has changed! Cold air has arrived! Most of the south is high temperature and spinning! Mohe is probably going to be ridiculously hot

△List of temperature forecasts for major cities (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

Beijing Express, July 2, People's Voice In the blink of an eye, the "summer solstice" of the traditional 24 solar terms has arrived. This week's (July 1-July 7) national weather stage, in the opinion of experts, there will be big changes in general; During the period from July 3 to 4, with the obvious westward extension and northward lifting of the subtropical high, the distribution of rain and heat shifted greatly. At the same time, the southern part of the Yangtze River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River changed from rainy to sunny and hot; In Huanghuai, North China and other places, there is a trend of decreasing high temperature and increasing rainfall. In addition, due to the eastward shift of the continental warm ridge, the high temperature in Xinjiang decreases, but the northern part of Heilongjiang increases.

The tide has changed! Cold air has arrived! Most of the south is high temperature and spinning! Mohe is probably going to be ridiculously hot

△ National High Temperature List (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

Experts said that monitoring data showed that in today's (2nd) national high temperature list, Xinjiang Shanshan and Ruoqiang ranked in the top two, surpassing the previous "regular" Turpan. The reason for this is that cold air has affected Xinjiang from west to east today, resulting in higher temperatures at meteorological observation stations located in the east and south. In addition, Xujiahui Station, which represents the standard weather observation station in Shanghai, ushered in the first high temperature of this year (2024).

The tide has changed! Cold air has arrived! Most of the south is high temperature and spinning! Mohe is probably going to be ridiculously hot

△ Maximum temperature forecast (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

According to experts, according to the analysis of the latest meteorological data, in the future, under the control of the subtropical high pressure in Jiangnan, South China and other places, high temperature and sultry weather will prevail. Among them, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Fuzhou all reported high temperatures for 7 consecutive days. In addition, Hefei reported a high temperature for 6 consecutive days from the 4th to the 9th. Guangzhou reported high temperatures for 5 consecutive days from the 5th to the 9th. At the same time, Nanchang, Changsha, Wuhan, and Chongqing will also have high temperatures.

The tide has changed! Cold air has arrived! Most of the south is high temperature and spinning! Mohe is probably going to be ridiculously hot

△ Maximum temperature forecast (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

Experts believe that the south is not only hot during the day, but from the minimum temperature forecast, Wuhan reported 30 °C-31 °C from the 6th to the 9th; poster at 29°C on the 5th-9th; Nanchang reported 29 °C-30 °C from the 7th to the 9th. Such a degree of stuffiness is generally seen during the "Great Heat" solar term. However, it is the northern part of Heilongjiang that will be even hotter in the future.

The tide has changed! Cold air has arrived! Most of the south is high temperature and spinning! Mohe is probably going to be ridiculously hot

△ Maximum temperature forecast (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

It is worth noting that industry insiders emphasized that it is not difficult to find that it is not difficult to find that in the future, under the control of the continental warm high pressure ridge, there may be a high temperature of more than 35 °C in the Mohe area, or even an impact of 40 °C. Since the warm ridge of high pressure itself carries a warm air mass, coupled with sufficient sunlight; As mentioned above, there are more than 16 hours of sunlight a day at this time, so it will cause rare high temperatures. (Editor-in-charge/Xiangyu)

*Editor's Note:

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