
Popularizing the law to build a strong defense line for youth, and the mock court in Longhua District entered the campus
Zhang Weiwei, chief reporter of Shenzhen Business Daily and reading and innovation client, correspondent Ou Xiaoling, Zheng Jiachun Text/Figures

In order to further strengthen the rule of law education on campus, enhance the awareness of the rule of law and legal literacy of young people, and guide young people to buckle the first button in life, recently, the Longhua Street Judicial Office of Longhua District, Shenzhen and the Women's Federation successfully held a unique moot court activity in Longhua District Liuyi Middle School. This moot court is based on a case of school bullying, and students become "judges" to "decide cases".

Popularizing the law to build a strong defense line for youth, and the mock court in Longhua District entered the campus

Before the start of the moot court activity, the Longhua Street Judicial Office presented books such as the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, the Brush Script of Comprehensive Rule of Law, and the Book of Villains of the Civil Code to help young people learn to understand the legal knowledge closely related to their own rights and interests, and further enhance the awareness of the rule of law among teachers and students on campus.

Popularizing the law to build a strong defense line for youth, and the mock court in Longhua District entered the campus

"Court is now open!" With the solemn knocking of the gavel of the "presiding judge", the "trial" of a case of "school bullying" kicked off, and the students who participated in the activity performed their duties and played the roles of presiding judge, judge, clerk, plaintiff, defendant, and entrusted agent ad litem, completely simulating pre-trial preparation, court investigation, court debate, and verdict announcement. The whole process of the trial was interlocking, solemn and orderly, and the students' wonderful performances restored the "trial process" to the greatest extent.

Popularizing the law to build a strong defense line for youth, and the mock court in Longhua District entered the campus

"As a young student, you must know the law and understand the law, and when you are bullied, you must know how to use the law to protect yourself." After the moot court, Liang Binxin, prosecutor of the Longhua District People's Procuratorate, commented on the moot court activity, and used vivid cases to teach the students not to be the perpetrators of campus bullying, to avoid becoming victims of campus bullying, and to learn to be protectors of righteousness and ingenuity.

In this moot court activity, the students intuitively felt the solemnity of the law and deeply realized the importance of abiding by the law through the immersive experience of the mock court trial. This activity stimulated the students' interest in learning legal knowledge and enhanced their awareness of the rule of law. The person in charge of the school said that in the future, students and parents will be organized to participate more in moot court activities, so that rule of law education will become an important part of the home-school culture.

"Next, we will continue to increase the publicity of the rule of law, continue to carry out the rule of law into campus activities, and further enhance the awareness of young people to respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law, so that the seeds of the rule of law can take root and sprout in the hearts of children." The relevant person in charge of the Longhua Street Judicial Office said.