
Neighborhood Watch Achieves a Harmonious Home

author:Contemporary Guangxi
Neighborhood Watch Achieves a Harmonious Home

The members of the Panlong Community Morning Training Station practiced Tai Chi in the small community square. Shi Tin / photo

"What is happiness, you asked me the other day? I want to whisper to you that happiness is a song. On the morning ......of June 13, in the cultural and sports activity room of the Party and Mass Service Center of Panlong Community, Liangqing District, Nanning City, 73-year-old Qin Mosong, a resident of the Gelao ethnic group, and the people of all ethnic groups of the Community Harbor Art Troupe sang the song "Happiness" with national characteristics.

The Harbor Art Troupe brings together more than 70 elderly members of Han, Zhuang, Gelao and other ethnic groups in the community. Qin Mosong's wife, 75-year-old He Jirong, is also the "literary backbone" of the Harbor Art Troupe - the deputy director. At the front of the activity room, He Jirong waved his arms vigorously to command, and with the accompaniment of electronic organs, erhu, flutes and other musical instruments, the members of the troupe sang classic songs such as "Singing the Motherland", "Mountain Songs Are Like Spring River Water" and "Zhuomala".

Qin Mosong and He Jirong, from Luocheng Gelao Autonomous County, Hechi City, were literature and art lovers when they were young. After moving to the Panlong community in 2018, they got to know several neighbors who love singing, and usually gather under the big trees in the community to practice singing when they have time.

"At that time, we did not have a fixed place for singing, and the wind and sun would also affect the progress of the song, and sometimes we would be complained by the owners. Qin Mosong said, "The members of our art troupe come from different regions and nationalities, and they get together because of singing, and everyone is familiar with each other because of singing. ”

In December 2023, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Panlong community, musician Zhao Yu and He Jirong and other community residents played and sang "Happiness Hello" for the General Secretary. As a Manchu living in Guangxi, Zhao Yu is keen to find inspiration in ethnic music, and in recent years, he has collected more than 1,600 original songs from all over Guangxi. Two years ago, he was inspired by the Tanbanpo Mountain Song in Nama Town, Liangqing District, and created "Happiness Bang Bang Lo".

This community "star single" became a must-sing song for the troupe's weekly practice. During March 3 in Guangxi this year, the Gangwan Art Troupe sang this song again when it participated in the March 3rd celebration organized by Liangqing District.

"The community has a singing corner, there is a choir, and the atmosphere is great. There were people of different nationalities in the choir, but as soon as we started singing, our hearts came together. In Zhao Yu's eyes, the Panlong community has built a good communication "bridge" for people of all ethnic groups.

Panlong Community is a multi-ethnic community with 15 ethnic groups, including Han, Zhuang, Miao, Yao, and Gelao. The community has built a home for ethnic groups in the Party and Mass Service Center, including an ethnic culture exhibition area, a calligraphy and painting room, an ethnic classroom, and a legal and policy publicity area, aiming to create a spiritual home that promotes exchanges among people of all ethnic groups.

"We have fixed public welfare services every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and there are also 'Pandian Weekend Family Day' activities on weekends, such as legal consultation, psychological counseling, parent-child early education, fitness, calligraphy, vocal music, and dance." Xu Yujun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Panlong Community, introduced.

Neighborhood Watch Achieves a Harmonious Home

Liu Caishi (middle), a teacher of calligraphy in Panlong Community, instructs community residents to practice calligraphy. Shi Tin / photo

In addition to setting up public welfare courses, the Panlong community organizes people of all ethnic groups to sing songs, make five-color glutinous rice, dance incense dragons, and eat long table banquets in traditional festivals such as March 3, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival in Guangxi, so as to build a talent display platform for residents and enhance their feelings in participating in characteristic folk activities.

On April 8 this year, at the "Tide Rises on March 3, Neighborhood Family" inter-embedded exchange activity of Panlong Community, cultural performances, folk food long table banquets and March three ethnic specialties and cultural products market were displayed. The residents who participated in the event brought their own specialty dishes, such as five-color glutinous rice, dustpan feast, and beef hooves around the river to fill the long table of dozens of meters, put on national costumes, sing and dance, and ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

For He Jirong, this year's Dragon Boat Festival theme activity of "'Zong' under the national sentiment, neighbors and families" carried out by enterprises in the joint jurisdiction of Panlong Community is of great significance. Early in the morning of June 7, He Jirong and the "Old Friends Gang" of the community came to the canteen of China Railway Transportation Investment Group to gather, select high-quality zongzi leaves and glutinous rice, match rich fillings, and wrap zongzi with heart. When the rice dumplings were cooked and cooked, community volunteers delivered these hot rice dumplings to the homes of the elderly and children living alone, conveying the warmth and care of the festival.

As a large community with a permanent population of more than 20,000, Panlong Community fully integrates the resources of all parties, sets up a volunteer service team of "Old Friends Gang", absorbs more than 300 volunteers, focuses on enterprise, legal, safety, cultural and other services, drives party members and the masses to participate in volunteer services more than 10,000 times, carries out more than 500 volunteer services, and solves many problems that the masses are anxious about.

Yang Mengning, deputy director of the neighborhood committee, told reporters the story of helping Xiaojing (pseudonym), a resident of the community. Xiaojing is 15 years old, her father has been missing for many years, and her mother suffers from mental illness.

Community volunteers visited and found that Xiaojing's home appliances were dilapidated and the walls were peeling paint, so they contacted the joint construction company to make a donation and arranged for teachers to provide psychological counseling to Xiaojing.

"In the next step, we will cooperate with vocational schools in the jurisdiction to help her and equip her with the skills for employment." Yang Mengning said that the community volunteer service team will work with relevant departments and enterprises to continue to care for and help four children in difficulty, including Xiaojing.

In December 2022, Xiao Tian (pseudonym), a young man from Dongxiang in Xinjiang, partnered with a friend to run a ramen restaurant in Liangqing District. After a friend returns to his hometown in March 2024, Xiao Tian takes over the store alone. Faced with business pressure, his wife and three children rushed from their hometown to Nanning to help, and since there was no property in Nanning, the family of five had to live in a ramen restaurant. And Xiaotian's eldest daughter is facing the problem of not being able to go to school. After learning of the situation, the staff of the Panlong community coordinated with the Liangqing District Education Bureau to finally help Xiaotian's eldest daughter successfully enter a nearby public primary school.

Xu Yujun introduced that in recent years, the Panlong community has signed a co-construction agreement with enterprises in the jurisdiction to regularly carry out service activities such as free health clinics, haircuts, sewing, home appliance maintenance, and environmental sanitation remediation. This year, 18 co-construction activities have been carried out to benefit the people, serving 3,000 people. The community has also collected and resolved more than 800 questions about employment, education, vaccination, and other issues of concern to people of all ethnic groups. "Everything has a result, everything has an echo", Panlong community has done practical and good things to the hearts of residents and enterprises in the jurisdiction.

Reporter's Notes

From the "Pandian Weekend Family Day" to the "Pandian Time National Public Welfare Classroom", from March 3 to the Dragon Boat Festival in Guangxi, the residents of Panlong community gathered "unity" with "folk customs" in activities such as writing couplets, making zongzi, dancing bamboo pole dances, paper-cutting, and singing mountain songs, which promoted the exchange and integration of various ethnic groups.

There are about 27,000 permanent residents and 33,000 floating population, and 15 ethnic minorities such as Han, Zhuang, Miao, Yao and Gelao, accounting for about 30% of the total population.

Since its establishment in 2017, Panlong Community has innovated and practiced the "136" working mechanism in combination with the characteristics of being located in an autonomous region of ethnic minorities, multi-ethnic "inter-embedded" residence, and many enterprises in the jurisdiction, closely focusing on the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and actively promoting the social conditions of the "six communists" of people of all ethnic groups living and learning, co-building and sharing, and working and enjoying together, so that residents can share the fruitful results of ethnic unity and feel the warmth of harmonious coexistence.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected and investigated the Panlong community, he pointed out that Guangxi's construction of a demonstration area for the sense of community of the Chinese nation should start from the grassroots community, and create a strong atmosphere of family affinity among the people of all ethnic groups through solid community construction, effective community services, and rich community activities, so as to make national unity better.

Panlong community is not only a warm home for ethnic integration, but also a vivid footnote to the cause of ethnic unity and progress in Guangxi. As the autonomous region with the largest ethnic minority population, Guangxi has deeply integrated the sense of community of the Chinese nation into its blood. From poverty alleviation to rural revitalization, from urban construction to community services, Guangxi has continuously promoted the exchanges, exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups, promoted the flow and integration of people of all ethnic groups, optimized and improved the inter-embedded social structure and community environment, strengthened exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, and jointly built a harmonious home of mutual assistance and sharing.

Building a multi-ethnic community is an important way to promote the exchange, exchange and integration of people of all ethnic groups. More than 3,000 "ethnic homes" and service centers have been established in various parts of Guangxi to provide a full range of public services for people of all ethnic groups. At present, the construction of various communities in Guangxi is solid and warm, the community services are intimate and effective, and the community activities are rich and colorful. By optimizing and improving the social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live and study together, build and share, and work and enjoy together, the multi-ethnic community promotes exchanges and exchanges among people of different ethnic groups, and promotes the unity of all ethnic groups in ideals, beliefs, emotions and cultures.

In Guangxi, a splendid picture of national unity is slowly unfolding, the sense of community of the Chinese nation is deeply rooted in the land of Bagui, and the flower of prosperity and common progress is blooming in the harmonious homeland of mutual help.