
How to plan for junior college students who want to counterattack by studying in Japan!

author:Orange senpai in Japan

Studying in Japan is not easy, and it is not necessary to go to Japan to turn the tables against the wind! And for junior college students, it is even more difficult to turn the tables by studying in Japan when they have already lost a game first! Senior sister today helped you list the various ways for junior college students to study in Japan, and you will decide how to choose after reading it~

How to plan for junior college students who want to counterattack by studying in Japan!

Method 1: Retake the undergraduate exam (technical secondary school, junior college is acceptable)

Starting from an undergraduate degree, it doesn't seem like a time-saving and labor-saving way, but for students who are not satisfied with their original major, or want to wash away their first degree, this method is the best choice! Nirvana can be completed without restrictions on the choice of schools and majors.

Basic process: Apply for a language school in Japan (1-2 years), take the → examination for international students (once in June and 1 in November), apply for → (July to October in summer, December to February in winter), take the university entrance examination → take the university entrance examination→ enter the university in April (4 years)

The disadvantage of repeating undergraduate studies is that it is time-consuming, and it takes 1-2 years of language school + 4 years of university, a total of 5-6 years.

How to plan for junior college students who want to counterattack by studying in Japan!

A language school suitable for university admissions

UNITAS Japanese Language School, Sanmine Japanese Language School, Kyoshin Language School, Waseda Cultural Center, Human Academy Japanese Language School, Tokyo International Culture College, Sendagaya Japanese Language School.

Method 2: Transfer students (full-time junior college)

"Transfer" is equivalent to the "transfer" in China, and it is transferred to the sophomore/junior year of undergraduate. However, there are only a limited number of schools and majors to choose from, so you must understand the information of the school in advance, and don't work hard to find that the major you want to study is not enrolled, and you can't find a place to cry.

Basic process: Apply for a language school in China (1-2 years), →take the placement exam→ transfer to the junior or even sophomore year (2-3 years) in China

The downside of the inclusion is that it is too difficult to get into a good university! If there are students who really want to be able to be transferred, it is best not to expect too much from well-known universities or national and public universities, and private middle and lower schools will be better.

Can be transferred to the university

Teikyo Heisei University, Kurashiki University of Arts and Sciences, Nagasaki International University, To-A University, Ikueikan University, Peiyang University, Nagasaki University of Science, Pacific Rim University, Heian Women's Gakuin University (female students only), Josai International University

How to plan for junior college students who want to counterattack by studying in Japan!

Method 3: Bachelor's degree (full-time junior college)

As the name suggests, it is a college degree from the domestic unified recruitment, skipping the bachelor's degree, and directly going to the master's degree (Japanese monk). This plan will be more time-saving and labor-saving, generally you need to apply for the qualification review first, you need to prepare the research plan, college diploma and transcript in advance, and then you can take the monk exam with the undergraduate student after passing the examination.

Basic process: Apply for a language school in Japan (1-2 years→ pre-academic examination→ take the master's exam→ and enter graduate school (2 years)

The disadvantage of a master's degree is that a college degree and a bachelor's degree have to compete in these limited enrollment places, which will be a loss! There are also a limited number of universities that can accept post-secondary students.

It can be promoted to a master's school

Sakidama University, Ibaraki University, Rikkyo University, Dongyo University, Hokkaido University of Education, Utsu University, Nara Women's University, Isaki University, Fukuto University of Education, Wakayama University, Kagawa University, Hirosaki University, Nara University of Education, Yokoko City University, Toku University, Otaru University of Commerce, University of the Ryukyus, etc.

How to plan for junior college students who want to counterattack by studying in Japan!

Method 4: Vocational school (technical secondary school, junior college is acceptable)

Vocational schools are very popular in Japan, and more and more Chinese students choose to study in vocational schools, which is a good choice for students who want to find a job as soon as possible and learn a skill. Majors such as animation, design, cooking, acupuncture and massage are mostly technical.

Basic process: Apply for a language school in Japan (1-2 years) → Japanese N2 or higher→ apply for a vocational school→ and enter a vocational school (2 years)

The disadvantage of vocational schools is that most of the school's academic qualifications are not recognized in China, and if you plan to return to your home country for development, their role is limited.

Recommended majors by vocational schools

CG animation, comics, animation production, design, photography, dubbing, public relations planning, music, games, tourism, aviation, IT, information processing, data analysis, automobiles, architecture, robotics, surveying, nursing care, nursing care, social welfare, medical welfare, mental health welfare, nursing, rehabilitation science, dentistry, osteopathy, acupuncture, clinical examination, etc

How to plan for junior college students who want to counterattack by studying in Japan!

Method 5: Direct employment (full-time junior college)

If you don't have any plans to go on to higher education, you can go directly to Japan to find a job. Japanese companies do not have a high threshold for academic qualifications, and for international students, as long as the education is full-time or higher, they can work directly in Japan.

Basic process: Apply for a language school in Japan (1-2 years) → Japanese language N2 or higher→ find a job → find a job

The disadvantage of direct employment is that the job content is as close as possible to the major studied in junior college, and it is relatively difficult to find a job without a Japanese degree.

How to plan for junior college students who want to counterattack by studying in Japan!

A language school suitable for employment

Human Academy Japanese Language School, Silver Star Japanese Language School, Global Japanese Language School, ARC Japanese Language School, Akamonkai Japanese Language School, Ohara Japanese Language School, Tokyo UJS Japanese Language, Aoyama International Education College, ISI Japanese Language School, Tsubasa Gakuen.

Of course, there is no absolute good or bad solution for the above solutions, and none of them is simple! If you really want to study in Japan, it is best to plan in detail, college students can counterattack, but it is by no means easy, only if you are willing to pay, can you be reborn if you have other questions about college students studying abroad, you can talk about it in detail in the background~ You can also spend 1 minute to do a small assessment~ The senior sister will make an exclusive plan for the babies to study in Japan according to the answer~

1. What is your current academic qualifications?

A: High school students B: Undergraduate C: Three school students D: junior college E: Others

2. What is the level of Japanese?

A:零基础 B:N5/N4 C:N3 D:N2 EN1

3. When is the graduation date?

A: Graduated B: 2024 C: 2025 D: Other

4. What area do you want to visit?

A: Tokyo B: Non-Tokyo

5. Budget for studying in Japan (year)

A:10w以下 B:10-15w C:15w以上


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