
Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?

author:98 runs
Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?

The game between exercise volume and exercise intensity is the training concept implemented in marathon sports training. Especially for mass runners who want to run well, it is difficult to achieve the highest goal if the monthly running volume and training intensity are too low.

Of course, the continuous increase in exercise load will inevitably bring the risk of injury, which is also an inevitable thing. Even the world's top professional athletes, with the best sports rehabilitation doctors, face a variety of injuries at different stages of their careers.

Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?
Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?

Therefore, we must not only be optimistic and rational about the occurrence of sports injuries. At the same time, try to prevent sports injuries before, during, and after training. For example, pay attention to warm-up before running, stretching after running, and emphasize the principle of step-by-step training.

When talking about the "injury" experience, Zhu Xiaolin, the women's marathon world champion, said: "When I usually train, I always want to be lazy, and when I am really injured, I see that my teammates are practicing very enthusiastically, and I can't run, and my heart is really tormented."

Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?

When talking about the cause of the "injury", Dr. Hou Xihe, the doctor of the Chinese wrestling team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the founder of Ruixi Health, said:

Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?

Dr. Hou also emphasized,

Therefore, we should not only pay attention to training, but also pay attention to the physical adjustment after high-intensity cycle training. After all, in high-intensity training mode, the mental and physical consumption of athletes is huge.

Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?

Finally, Dr. Hou also talked about the famous saying of professional sports teams: "An athlete who is not lazy is not a good athlete". It mainly emphasizes that it is difficult for coaches to grasp the physical fatigue of athletes 100% during heavy exercise load training.

Summer Training (7) | What do you think when you're "hurt"?