
The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

author:Study in Australia

相隔2年,U.S. News & World Report(后简称USNews)于终于更新了2024-2025年度全球最佳院校排名。

As one of the world's university rankings on a par with QS, USNews has a total of 2,250 universities from 104 countries around the world.

However, as a ranking in North America, the ranking results of USNews are very different from the QS2025 released not long ago......

The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews


Ranking methodology and results

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The results of the QS rankings in recent years have been controversial, and we have also detailed them in previous articles,

The key reason for this phenomenon is that QS has adjusted the ranking indicators and weights.

However, unlike QS, the indicators and weights of the USNews ranking have not been significantly adjusted:

The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

Based on this ranking methodology, USNews has produced the top 200 universities in the world for 2024-2025 as follows:

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For reasons of space, only the Top100 list is displayed


Performance of countries

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When QS2025 was released in early June, we found that in this year's QS rankings, only 3 of the 25 universities in the top 100 in the United States have risen in the rankings, 2 have remained unchanged, and the rest have all declined.

But in USNews, it's a different story:

In the USNews 24-25 ranking, 41 universities in the United States are in the Top 100, 21 universities are in the Top 101-200, and the proportion of universities in the Top 100/200 is 41% and 31% respectively, far more than any other country/region.

The UK's performance in USNews is not only lower than that of the US, but also that of Europe and Greater China:

The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

Let's take a look at the "gap between the QSTop100 rankings and the USNews rankings" in each country/region:



The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

Unexpectedly, the USNews rankings of most UK universities have dropped significantly compared with QS, with the difference between LSE, Warwick and Durham even exceeding 100;

In addition, Nanan and Leeds also fell out of the top 100 in USNews, but this does not prevent the two institutions from becoming more and more popular in the art study abroad circle in recent years.

The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

The first is Nan'an, which merged with Winchester College of Art, a famous British art school in 1996, and after years of integration of advantageous resources, the school has now led the UK in many art fields.

Today, Winchester College at the University of Southampton has three major departments: Art and Media Technology, Design, Fashion and Textiles.

It offers 7 undergraduate majors, including: Graphic Design, Fine Arts, Creative Computing, Game Design Art, Fashion Design, Textile Design, and Fashion Marketing Management.

Among them, the textile design major not only has a long history of development, but also has close ties with related industries, and all kinds of super expensive dyes and various high-end equipment are available for students to use 24 hours a day!

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The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews
The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews
The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

The University of Leeds has been ranked in the top 100 in QS, and its School of Humanities, Arts and Culture is also ranked 9th in the UK in the QS 2024 Subject Rankings:

The college consists of art, design, media, music, history and other departments, including more than 20 art and design majors.

One of the most well-known and highly competitive is the media profession. Ranked 3rd in the UK in the media subject rankings, the university also deeply integrates traditional media with digital media, encouraging students to explore the future development direction of the industry.

In addition, graphic communication design is also one of the ace majors at the University of Leeds, and students in this major can choose modules to focus on according to their interests, such as typography, information design, digital media, photography, etc.



The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

It is also expected that the United States has helped many institutions that are not ranked well in QS to regain the right to speak: more than half of the institutions have improved their rankings significantly!

However, among the universities that "QS/USNews are in the top 100 at the same time", three colleges and universities, Carme, Brown, and Purdue, were expelled from the Top 100 by USNews.

In particular, it is embarrassing that Carme and Brown are not in the top 100, after all, these two universities are not only among the best in the United States in terms of overall strength, but also offer extremely attractive professional programs in the field of art.

The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

It is impossible to mention Kamei without mentioning Kamei's Human-Computer Interaction Design (HCI):

As the world's first university to offer a human-computer interaction program, Carnegie Mellon University's interaction design has a history of nearly 30 years and has maintained a recognized ranking of the world's No. 1 for many years.

Including Apple, Microsoft, Google and other technology giants, all of which are Commé's partners.

A number of famous enterprises are undoubtedly the best teaching resources of Carme, and students majoring in human-computer interaction can get in touch with advanced interactive projects in the learning process, which also forms a cycle, so that Carmei can always maintain the first position in the world.

The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

Brown University is one of the eight Ivy League schools, and because it is located in the same city as the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), the "Harvard of design" in the United States,

因此两校还开展了“BROWN | RISD Dual Degree Program”双学位项目,

Students in the program can not only enjoy the learning resources of two top universities at the same time, but also invite professors from Harvard, Yale and other prestigious universities to give lectures.

Students not only have the opportunity to participate in many practices, but also obtain double degree certificates from two universities when they graduate, which can be said to be a "fragrant" major; The only problem is the extreme difficulty of applying.

Therefore, if you want to have the opportunity to enter a top major at the graduate level in the future, you need to start planning your future education path from the college entrance examination or even earlier.



The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

Although China has a large number of institutions in the USNews list this year, the overall ranking is still on a downward trend compared to QS;

Especially among the universities in Hong Kong, Hong Kong technology has even fallen out of the top 100; On the contrary, the long-neglected HKUST is not only infinitely close to HKUST in the QS rankings, but also significantly surpasses HKUST in USNews.

The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

As the most comprehensive institution in Hong Kong for art and design majors, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has always been the first choice for art students to study in Hong Kong.

HKU offers a wide range of art and design majors, especially in industrial design, interaction design, visual communication, interior design, entertainment design and other majors.

In particular, the interaction design major of the university was officially renamed Intelligent Systems Design in 2021, adding new elements such as intelligent technology, system theory, and innovative design on the basis of interaction.

In the 2024 application season, HKU has added a number of new majors, including 4 new majors related to art and design:

HK PolyU

  • MA Sustainable Fashion and Innovation

    Sustainable fashion and innovation

  • MSc Carbon Neutral Cities and Urban Sustainability

    Carbon Neutral Cities & Sustainability

  • MSc Intelligent Construction

    Smart Construction

  • MSc Smart Manufacturing

    Smart manufacturing

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The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews
The people who scolded the QS wild list waited for USNews

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