
The People's Armed Forces Department of Yunyan District organized and carried out party day activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

author:Learn the Legion
The People's Armed Forces Department of Yunyan District organized and carried out party day activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the great spirit of party building, guide all party members to forge political loyalty, strengthen responsibility, and continuously promote the study and education of party discipline, on July 1, the People's Armed Forces Department of Yunyan District, Guiyang City, organized all party members to carry out the party day activities with the theme of "July 1st", boost everyone's entrepreneurial spirit, and contribute to the national defense mobilization and reserve force construction in the new era with practical actions.

The People's Armed Forces Department of Yunyan District organized and carried out party day activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations of party members......" Facing the bright red party flag, the party members raised their right hands, clenched their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party.

"Our party is a Marxist political party organized by revolutionary ideals and iron discipline, strict discipline is the party's glorious tradition and unique advantage, the newly revised "CPC Disciplinary Regulations" a total of 3 parts, 11 chapters and 158 articles, is based on the "CPC Constitution" formulated intra-party ......regulations, "Colonel Ren Zongzhi, Minister of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, with the theme of "discipline education in the history of the party", combined with the interpretation of the newly revised "CPC Disciplinary Regulations", for all party members to give a far-reaching party discipline study and education special party class.

Subsequently, the ministry focused on studying the spirit of Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, and all party groups carried out study and discussion with the theme of "studying the spirit of Chairman Xi's important speech, profoundly understanding the major strategy of political army building, and being President Xi's loyal soldier", and effectively studied and implemented the spirit of the meeting to promote the implementation of the work.

The People's Armed Forces Department of Yunyan District organized and carried out party day activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

This theme party day activity is not only a party spirit education, but also a spiritual baptism. Through this activity, not only enhanced the sense of honor, responsibility and mission of all party members, but also made them deeply aware of their "identity and responsibility" as party members and their original mission.

Author | Long Jingzi, Li Zhi, Luo Hong

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