
The Russian commando team suddenly drilled out of the tunnel and hit hard behind the Ukrainian stronghold, and the US and NATO early warning planes were unaware

author:Armament in depth


Zelensky's attitude towards peace talks has taken a 180-degree turn, and behind this is a turning point in the game between the United States and Russia. After Russia took control of the initiative on the battlefield, it began to adopt various flexible tactics on the battlefield to seize one stronghold after another. The Russian army's superiority in weapons and ammunition is becoming more and more obvious, and it is also in a favorable situation in the international situation. Although the United States and the West are still nominally supporting Ukraine, there are already great differences within them. It can be seen from the situation of the French and American elections that the people of the United States and Western countries are tired of aid to Ukraine. In the next step, it will also be difficult for the United States, France and other Western countries to continue to support Ukraine.

The Russian commando team suddenly drilled out of the tunnel and hit hard behind the Ukrainian stronghold, and the US and NATO early warning planes were unaware


The Russian commandos began to adopt tunnel assault tactics, lightning raids on important strongholds of the Ukrainian army, and the US and NATO early warning aircraft were unaware in advance, and the Ukrainian army was caught off guard by direct hit. Having taken control of the battlefield, Russia has taken the initiative in leading the flexibility of combat operations. Russia has begun to constantly formulate operational strategies in accordance with the battlefield environment and characteristics, so as to achieve the greatest combat benefits with the minimum input. While the Russian army is fiercely suppressing frontal firepower, it continues to adopt a roundabout strategy and directly attack the rear of the Ukrainian army. The Russian commandos and others have completed the feat of chasing the Ukrainian army's butt many times, and the Ukrainian army that killed them couldn't react at all. For the surprise attack strategy of the Russian army, the Ukrainian army also does not have many good methods.

The Russian commandos began to take advantage of the battlefield control and use construction machinery and other equipment to continuously dig tunnels on the battlefield and flexibly implement tunnel assault tactics. According to reports, the members of the assault detachment of the "veteran" detachment of the "Central" cluster of troops of Russia secretly built a tunnel more than 3 kilometers long along the Severodonetsk Canal. This tunnel directly entered the rear of the important stronghold of the Ukrainian army, the core firepower point and the important fortress. The Russian commandos used this tunnel to transport combat materials, transfer soldiers, and prepare for a sudden assault while reconnaissance and obtaining intelligence information of the Ukrainian army. The tunnel leads directly to the rear of the reinforced stronghold of the Ukrainian army, which has long-term fire points and underground bunkers, and has the conditions for a surprise attack on the Ukrainian army.

The Russian commando team suddenly drilled out of the tunnel and hit hard behind the Ukrainian stronghold, and the US and NATO early warning planes were unaware

Russian commandos are usually in small groups of 3 to 5 people, a squad of about 15 people, and a squadron of about 60 people. Russian commandos usually take a flexible grouping, with a combination of veterans and recruits, engineers, demolitionists, infantry, artillery and other soldiers. Russian commandos usually use the most elite individual equipment as well as special equipment used in raids. In the process of raiding, the Russian commando team usually receives special reconnaissance means such as satellites to ensure that the timing of the raid is the most favorable. The surprise attack of the Russian commandos will also be coordinated by the fire suppression of the front-line troops, and will also be supported by the confusion operations of other troops. Overall, the Russian army's plan for the operation of the raid was very thorough.

According to reports, the Russian army used various deceptive tactics during the raid of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a large stronghold in the east of Kirovo in Donbass, resulting in the Ukrainian army being ignorant of the Russian army's raid operations. When the Ukrainian army was still relying on the fortresses and firing points of large strongholds to resist the attack of the Russian army in the front, the figure of the Russian commando suddenly appeared in the rear. The Russian commandos drilled out of the tunnel without any reaction from the Ukrainian army, and then began to fire fiercely from the most vulnerable places in the rear of the Ukrainian army.

The Russian commando team suddenly drilled out of the tunnel and hit hard behind the Ukrainian stronghold, and the US and NATO early warning planes were unaware

The Russian army opened fire and hit fiercely behind the stronghold of the Ukrainian army, and the Ukrainian army basically had no resistance, which can be said to be completely stunned. In the face of a sudden attack, the Ukrainian army simply did not know how to respond. For the raid of the Russian commando team digging tunnels, the US and British early warning planes have been monitoring the corresponding area, but they are unaware. It can be said that the layout of the Russian army is too thorough, and even the monitoring of the United States and NATO has been deceived.


The Ukrainian army collapsed in the surprise attack of the Russian army, scattered in all directions, some were captured and some fled, and the large stronghold was easily taken by the Russian army. The Russian army's tunnel attack tactics were too sudden, and the soldiers of the Ukrainian army holding their strongholds did not receive any news before, and when the Russian commandos began to fire fiercely in the rear, the Ukrainian troops were all stunned. The Ukrainian army basically gave up resistance and chose to flee in all directions. The Russian army captured some of the soldiers, while many of the Ukrainian soldiers fled. Basically, the Russian army did not spend much ammunition and did not pay much for casualties, and managed to take this stronghold and win a hearty victory. The press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense released a message saying that the Russian army very easily captured a large stronghold of the Ukrainian army.

The Russian commando team suddenly drilled out of the tunnel and hit hard behind the Ukrainian stronghold, and the US and NATO early warning planes were unaware

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian army also defeated the attacks of the 23rd, 47th Mechanized Brigade, 95th Assault Brigade, 59th Motorized Rifle Brigade and 2nd Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, killing 370 Ukrainian troops and destroying 8 vehicles, 4 howitzers, 2 anti-tank guns and 1 counter-battery radar station in the battle. Against the backdrop of a passive battlefield situation and the possibility of a fundamental defeat at any time, Zelensky changed his previous tough posture of refusing to negotiate with Russia and began to accept roundabout negotiations. After France's far-right parties took the lead in the first round of the National Assembly election, the United States and Europe and other countries issued warnings, in fact, the most nervous is Ukraine, because such a situation means that Ukraine may be abandoned at any time.


The general trend is no longer on the side of Ukraine, and the situation will only become more and more difficult in the future. Judging by the current situation, it is clear that the general trend is no longer on the side of Ukraine. TASS reported on June 30 that the head of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces and First Deputy Minister of Defense Pavel Muraveyko said that Belarus would be ready to use non-strategic nuclear weapons if its sovereignty and independence were threatened. Belarus's threat to use nuclear weapons is more of a warning to Ukraine, and of course the possibility of Belarus actually using nuclear weapons is very small.

The Russian commando team suddenly drilled out of the tunnel and hit hard behind the Ukrainian stronghold, and the US and NATO early warning planes were unaware

Russia is starting to receive more and more support, while Ukraine is getting less and less support, and if this situation continues, Ukraine will only have a harder next step. Zelensky absolutely cannot accept defeat, because once he fails, he is likely to become a scapegoat and become a prisoner, and may even die without a place to be buried. However, Zelensky has fewer and fewer chips to win, and it can even be said that he is losing one chip after another. The Russian commandos directly used the tunnel to raid the rear of the Ukrainian army's stronghold, which shows that the Ukrainian army has really lost its control of the battlefield.


The side that is more tactically flexible is usually the one who takes the initiative. Ukraine's most glorious moment was the great counteroffensive represented by the Kharkiv counteroffensive, but that will never happen again. The Russian army can now use aviation to bomb the positions of the Ukrainian army at will, and it can use commandos to launch surprise attacks on the Ukrainian army, and the Ukrainian army has no way to reverse the situation at all except for suffering defeat after defeat. The attack of the Ukrainian army against the Russian army or the Russian mainland will cause trouble for the Russian army, but it will not reverse the situation at all.

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