
Adhere to the guidance of party building and build a strong line of defense for disaster prevention and mitigation

author:Association for Science and Technology Channel

Science & Technology

In order to show the demeanor of the capital's scientific and technological workers and tell the stories of scientific and technological workers, with the theme of "Party Building Red Leading Science and Technology Blue", an essay collection activity was carried out for organizations at all levels of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology system and the capital's scientific and technological workers. This is a tribute to the scientific and technological workers who have been silently dedicated in all walks of life.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized "improving the scientific and technological innovation system and accelerating the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy", and the party building working group of the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association actively implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, carried forward the spirit of scientists, implemented innovation-driven development, accurately made climate predictions, and helped the capital to prevent and reduce disasters.

Innovate the use of scientific and technological resources to promote the transformation of production, education and research

In 2021, the "Earth System Numerical Simulation Device" (hereinafter referred to as "Huan") was inaugurated in Beijing Huairou Science City, which is the first large-scale scientific device successfully developed in mainland China, providing new tools and new means for the capital and even the whole country to achieve disaster prevention and mitigation.

On the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Building Working Group of the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association organized the "Academician Expert Service Center" science and technology salon sponsored by the Innovation Service Center of the Beijing Association for Science and Technology and undertaken by the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association. The science and technology salon has promoted the cooperation and exchange between the "Huan" large device team and the Beijing Meteorological Bureau, promoted the two sides to discuss technical docking resources, condensed relevant cooperative research topics, guided the establishment of an open mechanism based on data sharing, platform resource sharing, and technical method sharing, and gathered a win-win joint force of promoting upgrading through openness and seeking common progress through sharing, and explored a new path for disaster prevention and mitigation.

Adhere to the guidance of party building and build a strong line of defense for disaster prevention and mitigation

Numerical simulation of the Earth system

In order to further strengthen the practical application of the results of the numerical model of independent research and development and operation, the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association highlighted the party building to lead the business development, resolutely implemented the requirements of innovation-driven development, and promoted the transformation of distinctive and world-class scientific and technological achievements in the capital with an international vision and strategic vision.

In the process of innovative application of "Huan", the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association invited Academician Zeng Qingcun, the highest national science and technology award, honorary member of the American Meteorological Society, and winner of the World Meteorological Organization Award, to give a keynote report on "Some Basic Problems and Parametric Methods of Earth System Model", in which Academician Zeng Qingcun affirmed the improvement and innovation of Earth System Model. The series of activities focused on the real needs and made in-depth explorations on the use of scientific and technological devices to improve the accuracy of climate prediction.

Carry forward the spirit of scientists and safeguard the interests of the people

In order to further promote the spirit of scientists in the new era and unite and lead the majority of disaster prevention and mitigation scientific and technological workers to listen to the party and follow the party, in October 2022, the Party Building Working Group of the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association and the Party Branch of the International Climate and Environmental Science Center of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly held a theme publicity activity of "Telling the Story of Scientists and Promoting the Spirit of Scientists".

Adhere to the guidance of party building and build a strong line of defense for disaster prevention and mitigation

Footage of the online meeting of the theme presentation event

Serving the people is the purpose of the party, and disaster prevention and mitigation is directly related to the safety of people's lives and property, and accurate forecasting and prediction are required. The Beijing Disaster Reduction Association actively cultivates pioneers in intelligent weather forecasting, relying on scientific research institutes such as Peking University and national scientific research projects, providing rich platform resources for young lifting talents, and cultivating three young lifting talents participated in the first National Intelligent Climate Prediction Competition in 2022.

Serve the functions of the capital and ensure major political activities

At the beginning of 2021, in the process of preparing for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association led the military meteorological and climatological experts to make rolling judgments half a year in advance, and accurately forecast the weather changes on July 1, laying a solid foundation for the decision-makers to start celebrating the conference one hour in advance.

During the preparation and holding of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, members of the Beijing Disaster Reduction Association bravely undertook the mission of climate prediction for the Winter Olympics and carried out climate prediction and assessment in the Beijing and Yanqing competition areas in advance. On the one hand, for three consecutive years, the "cross-seasonal-season-month-extension" multi-period climate trend and the progressive prediction of important weather processes in key periods have been carried out from summer and winter, and the snowfall and wind processes during the "Meet in Beijing" series of winter sports events and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics have been accurately predicted. On the other hand, we strengthened the decision-making services for climate risk assessment, and successfully completed the analysis of meteorological conditions and high-impact weather risks in the core competition areas and ceremonial activities, providing key support for the overall deployment of extreme weather risk prevention.

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Recommender | Beijing Association for Disaster Risk Reduction

Author | Xiaoxiao Zhang, Beijing Climate Center

Editorial typography | Sun Han

Audit | One Han Liuduo Xiao Xiao Su Su Zhenzhen

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Adhere to the guidance of party building and build a strong line of defense for disaster prevention and mitigation

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