
Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

author:Hailiang Group
Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

Fate and choice

The fate of our children and Hailiang was sown in 2015. By chance, I accompanied a friend to visit his daughter. Stepping into the school gate, I couldn't help but marvel at the fact that this school is so big and beautiful, no less than the century-old famous university I saw when I traveled before. The spaciousness, brightness and beauty as far as the eye can see constitute my first impression of Hailiang.

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

The fate with Hailiang really landed in 2020, when my child began to choose a high school school. One day I was talking to my friends about my child's high school school, and they suggested that I go to Zhuji Hailiang, and I heard that it was very good. Five years ago, the deep impression of Hailiang immediately appeared in front of my eyes, thinking that my child would probably be very happy if he could study in such a school, so I immediately asked Hailiang's teacher Xu to ask about the registration. Teacher Xu received us and made a medium and long-term plan for the children, including courses, further education and other aspects. Through this planning, I understand how important a child's three years of high school are to his life, and how important it is for us as parents to help our children choose a more suitable and easier path! So after half a month of careful consideration, my child and I resolutely chose Hailiang.

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

Nervous and determined

When our children first came to Hailiang Foreign Language Middle School, we as parents were a little uneasy. In terms of life, the child has never lived independently outside the home, can he handle food and clothing by himself? In terms of making friends, away from classmates and friends in primary and junior high school, can children get along well with new classmates? In terms of learning, in the face of a new curriculum, a new language, and a new system, can children adapt well? In terms of management, all electronic items such as mobile phones are handed over for safekeeping, can children who are addicted to games and the Internet hold on?

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!
Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

▲ Kou who is serious about learning

But after half a year of understanding, it turned out that our worries were unnecessary. The child's homeroom teacher manages our children's learning time, learning thoughts, and learning habits in an orderly manner, and the children have no complaints every time they come home, and some are more eager for knowledge, nervous about their own learning, and looking forward to the future. So I really feel that I have chosen the right one, I am relieved, and I am down-to-earth!

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!
Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

Thanksgiving and best wishes

Time flies, my child has graduated, and I really have mixed feelings in my heart. Thanks to Mr. Chai, the head teacher, for treating students like parents and children in the past three years, giving him all-round care and training. It can be said that in the past three years, Mr. Chai's dedication to children has been greater than that of us as parents.

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

With so many high schools in the world, we are very fortunate to have met such a responsible, intelligent and respectable teacher, who has laid a solid foundation for our children's crucial three-year high school learning stage. I would also like to thank us for our generous help out of pocket when we were a little embarrassed to pay our tuition. I believe that every child in the class she has taught in the past three years, every child has a touching story with this respectable teacher, and has established a deep friendship with the teacher in these three years, I believe that this friendship can accompany them for a lifetime, and it is warm every time I think about it.

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

Ms. Chai teaches with kindness, treats people with courtesy, and protects her students with her heart. As a teacher of Hailiang, Mr. Chai has gone through the past three years to prove that she is the representative of Hailiang's teachers, not how good Mr. Chai is, but Mr. Chai has confirmed with her excellence that every teacher in Hailiang is as good as Mr. Chai. We firmly believe that more students will choose Hailiang in the future, and we wish Hailiang a long and long life.

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

Finally, I wish Hailiang Education to cultivate more international students from all walks of life, and may this education bring the light of hope to every child, and this light will illuminate their whole life; May this education nourish the hearts of children for a long time, so that they can spread their wings and fly high.

Bask in the light here and meet the people here, so lucky!

▲ Kou's parents took a group photo with the class teacher