
Let the majority of drivers "hate to the bone" of the TOP8 driving behavior, which one you can't bear?

author:Home of the Auto Encyclopedia

By looking at it, you can see that a lot of people have a big problem with the way they drive, either as a novice or as a person who doesn't care. Often make some dangerous driving behaviors, more of which affects the normal driving of other people, bringing great safety hazards to driving. The following 8 are the driving habits that you can often encounter, which one is the one you can't bear the most?

Let the majority of drivers "hate to the bone" of the TOP8 driving behavior, which one you can't bear?

1. Change lanes at will and do not use the turn signal

Turn signals are used when changing lanes or turning, so that the car behind can find out which direction it is driving so that it can take countermeasures to avoid rear-end collisions. Some drivers change lanes and don't hit the turn signal at all, and it's okay not to hit it, but it can't affect the normal driving of others. Many people just change lanes regardless of whether they have the conditions to change lanes or not, which is basically changing lanes close to their faces. The car behind can only avoid a collision by pressing the brakes hard, and if you are not careful, a rear-end collision will definitely occur.

2. Parking at will

Many people park at random on the side of the road, at small intersections and other places, and get out of the car without looking behind them, and suddenly open the door at a large angle. It affects the rear vehicle very much, and has the greatest impact on people who ride electric vehicles, and there are often battery cars that fall down due to opening the door. Parking at will will cause the road to narrow, and everyone will have to change lanes and be careful to pass here. Even if parking is possible on the side of the road, some people will park very far away, or even stop there diagonally, which will especially affect the passage of other people.

Let the majority of drivers "hate to the bone" of the TOP8 driving behavior, which one you can't bear?

3. Do not slow down at the entrance and exit intersections

It is believed that most riders will pay attention to slowing down when they encounter an intersection or passing through a narrow alley exit when driving a vehicle, pay attention to whether there is a car that will suddenly rush out, or honk a horn before passing to remind other drivers. Many people merge into the main road from the auxiliary road, or make a right turn into the main road, regardless of whether there is a straight car or not, regardless of whether it affects the normal driving of others, and suddenly a direction is inserted. It is extremely dangerous to cause normal vehicles to brake or change lanes urgently. The danger here mainly comes from the misjudgment of the driver behind me, and the normal vehicle on the main road thinks that the other party will wait for me to pass before coming in, so it does not slow down. And the turning vehicle does not matter so much, whether there is danger or not directly coming in. As a result, the brakes are too late and an accident occurs.

Let the majority of drivers "hate to the bone" of the TOP8 driving behavior, which one you can't bear?

4. On the highway, the turtle speed car has been occupying the left lane

Everyone knows that overtaking should be overtaken from the left, and there are very few lanes on the highway, and there are many high-speed with only two lanes. If a slow car occupies the left lane, there is also a slow car in the right lane, which is equivalent to two cars running in parallel. In this way, all the vehicles behind are blocked behind, which greatly affects the traffic efficiency. Even if there are no cars parallel to overtake, all express cars will have to change lanes to the right and overtake from the right, making all vehicles more dangerous.

5. Pressing the line or not walking in the middle of the lane

There are some cars that can't always walk in the middle of the lane, either on the left or on the right, close to the lane markings, and some even ride on the lane lines. And the speed of this kind of vehicle is very slow, always driving slowly. This is equivalent to one vehicle occupying two lanes, which is both efficient and dangerous.

Let the majority of drivers "hate to the bone" of the TOP8 driving behavior, which one you can't bear?

6. Playing with your phone while driving

There are not a few people who play with their mobile phones while driving, some are making calls, some are sending messages, some are adjusting navigation, etc., in short, they are playing with their mobile phones while driving. This will not only make your own driving more dangerous, but also affect others. For example, I was waiting for a red light, and I didn't leave after the green light, so I was looking at my phone. Looking at your phone while driving will inevitably slow down your driving speed and even make your direction unstable. Once there is an emergency, there is a high probability that you can't avoid it.

7. Turn on the high beams indiscriminately

It is very difficult to drive at night, especially by taking some side roads. Because there are so many people turning on the high beams, the biggest impact is on the high beams of the oncoming car. Sometimes you can't see the road ahead clearly when you are irradiated, which is equivalent to driving with your eyes closed, which is extremely dangerous.

8. Forced stoppering

Queuing is a common occurrence, for example, there are traffic jams in the left-turn lane at some intersections, and it may take several signals to pass. And there are smart people who don't line up behind, go from the straight lane all the way to the intersection, waiting for the opportunity to plug into the turning lane. The queue here is all one car after another, and there is no room to change lanes at all, so you can only force yourself to squeeze in. It's both annoying and accident-prone.