
Liu Qi - a group of poems

author:Friends of the White Waves

Liu Qi (Guangxi)

1. Seven Laws

Liu Qi - a group of poems

Rejoice in the July 1st celebration party

The grace is boundless to benefit all beings, and the wind and clouds have been expressing pride for a hundred years.

Adhere to the purpose of Kyushu color, the same original intention.

Conquer the sea and trace the tide to the supremacy, fly to the sky and the moon and embrace the wisdom.

Open all the way to the best situation, bringing out prosperity and internal and external shocks.

Best wishes to all the candidates

has sharpened his grip and obsessed with riding the wind to knock into the distance.

The waves in the pen are agitated, and the waves in the chest are flying.

There is a top galaxy near the top, and the spirit is boundless and the cloud dream is long.

The wild goose pagoda ascended to the top and tried to triumph for the first time, and Ling Feng touched the top and asked the vastness.

Wind and rain again and again to find a sentence

The wind is sprinkled with majesty, and the dam overflows the river and flows willfully.

Countless dripping and unhappy dew, a few sorrows.

Madness is everywhere, and there is a lot of worry when the disaster comes.

I hope that the sunny day will be bright and righteous, and the weak will stop loving the spring and autumn.

Community cleaner

Bittersweet and sour go to the rain and sunshine, and the dust removal and cleanliness show the city.

The morning breeze sends cool golden glow, and the evening dew cleans the silver and Han love.

The broom is a depiction, and the sweat beads are used to paint poetry.

Hard work to transform beauty into a new look, full of brilliance and universal beings.

Watching the fog whisper

Who throws grace all over the world? It is quasi-cloud comfort.

Wisps of true love are sown, and the silk is elegant and green.

Bingqing hides the spring show in his dream, and Yujie embraces the path in his arms.

Mo Dao is hazy and obscure, colorful and romantic and pampered flowers.

2. Words

Liu Qi - a group of poems

Appeal to the heartfelt and grateful


Heroic and spectacular white waves. The mighty embrace of the sun. The song is crisp, and the stars are cloudy. The clear water is rippling.

Edited by Zhicheng City. Cultivate with heart. Carving, drawing, cutting, and refinement. Fight for it.


The peach and plum are intended to be prosperous. Poetry of the Shade of Succession. Group Leader. Confucianism. Guiding the way to the top.

A model of talent. Quenching Qingfeng. Young branches and young leaves are bathed in the spring breeze. Lush.


The years of the barracks are accompanied by clouds. Youth absorbs essence. How much young, fertile plus. Thrive to no oblique.

Pastoral desert sand. The end of the world. Along the way, the rain and snow boiled camellia. The icing on the cake.

Three, five unique

Liu Qi - a group of poems

Message to college entrance examination students


How hard it is to sharpen, try to sharpen it today

You must be calm at the door, and don't mess with your mind.


Although it is not easy to reach the top, diligence can be used as a ladder.

How magnificent life is, how can you slack off your hooves?


Hold the Qiankun sword, and be arrogant.

Why pray for the blessing of the Buddha, the bamboo floats to the sky.


It's not just Longmen cool, Sun Shan Cui is also beautiful.

There are many ancient things, and it seems to be a sunny day.


Who can rush to the top, can be close to the colorful clouds.

Lingding is vast and the scenery is beautiful.


It is common for the cold window to get its name, and it is common to fail.

The ambition of victory or defeat is there, and there is always sunshine ahead.


Starlight hurried passers-by, and the rainbow was new after the rain.

As long as you don't give up, success and failure will also be achieved.


Skillfully draw grand plans, ambitions to the top.

But there is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is a new way around the corner.


The pen is full of wind and clouds, and the chest waves are trying to carry the boat.

Wave by wave on the other side, the waves wake up in spring and autumn.


The flowers on the branches are amazing, why are you worried about the red?

He is young and beautiful.

Liu Qi - a group of poems

The Dragon Boat Festival is lyrical


Wormwood hangs in front of the door, driving away evil spirits and praying for good luck.

Born in the good times, what a crime is boundless.


Goose drizzle, Shenzhou dumplings passion.

Auspicious dew, gathering magnificent singing.


Luo Bo Jiang Taoxiu, loyal soul Qu Ziqing.

Dexin is very arrogant, and the voice is magnificent.


Wan Zong's heart is unharmed, and the fragrance is floating everywhere.

Thousands of feasts are drunk, and joy is invited.


Bow Zi, Soul Stay, Water Flow.

Later generations often commemorate, ambition to write the spring and autumn.


Mo Dao has a long way to return, and his blood is thick.

Although there is a waiting ahead, how can we be homesick.


The battle bean rang out in the sky, and the dragon boat flew in pursuit of dreams.

The rush adds pleasure and stirs the flowers.

Review: Liu Anguo

Editor: Ni Wenjiang

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