
Appreciation| People, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, immortals and Buddhas

author:Aesthetic attention to fine arts

This painting of three stars, namely Fu, Lu and Shou, is a common theme in Qing Dynasty paintings. His paintings do have the style of Chen Hongshou and have the charm of strange and ancient shows.

Appreciation| People, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, immortals and Buddhas

Painted by Qing Dynasty painter Jiang Lian, "Three Stars" is a painting full of verve and poetry in ink and light color on paper. With fresh and refined brushstrokes, this painting skillfully captures the mystery and agility of Samsung, showing the artist's profound artistic attainments and unique aesthetic vision.

The three stars in the painting shine brightly, like the brightest stars in the night sky, shining with a charming light. Jiang Lian uses elegant ink tones to depict Samsung as both mysterious and poetic. The ink color is appropriate, and the brushstrokes are delicate, making the image of Samsung come to life, as if it were on paper.

Appreciation| People, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, immortals and Buddhas

In terms of composition, Jiang Lian skillfully placed Samsung in the center of the picture to form a strong visual focus. At the same time, through the smudging of ink and the flow of lines, an ethereal and far-reaching sense of space is created, making people feel as if they are in the vast universe and feel the endless mystery and solemnity.

The use of color in this painting is also superb. Jiang Lian uses elegant ink as the main color, and skillfully integrates the elegant color, so that the picture not only loses the charm of ink painting, but also adds a bit of color richness. This just right color matching not only conforms to the overall style of the picture, but also makes Samsung's image more vivid and vivid.

Appreciation| People, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, immortals and Buddhas

The whole painting not only shows Jiang Lian's superb painting skills, but also conveys a kind of awe and yearning for the nature of the universe. It makes people feel the vastness and mystery of the universe, and also stimulates people's yearning and pursuit of a better life. Samsung Tuqing is undoubtedly an art treasure worth cherishing, which will always shine with bright light and illuminate people's artistic road.

"Three Stars" is a light ink and color on paper, which can be called a bright pearl in the art of Qing Dynasty painting. This painting was painted by Jiang Lian, an outstanding painter in Zhongshan, Guangdong, whose year of birth and death is unknown, but whose artistic attainments are enough to leave a name in history. Jiang Lian has won the essence of Chen Hongshou in figure painting, and his use of lines, compared with Chen Hongshou, is more ancient and concise, smooth and flexible, as if every line is telling an ancient and vivid story.

Appreciation| People, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, immortals and Buddhas

The three stars depicted in this picture, namely Fu, Lu and Shou, are highly respected auspicious gods in traditional culture. The lucky star symbolizes happiness and good luck, the Lu star represents prosperity and success, and the birthday star symbolizes longevity and health. The images of these three immortals were extremely common in Qing Dynasty paintings, and they were not only excellent subjects for painters to show their skills, but also spiritual sustenance for people to place good wishes.

Appreciation| People, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, immortals and Buddhas

In this "Three-Star Picture", Jiang Lian portrays the images of the three immortals of Fu, Lu and Shou vividly with exquisite skills. Their faces are kind and their postures are elegant, as if they are immortals who have come out of mythology. The lines in the picture are smooth and powerful, and the light ink color makes the whole picture appear fresh and elegant, full of simple and agile charm.

Appreciation| People, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, immortals and Buddhas

This painting not only inherits Chen Hongshou's style, but also shows Jiang Lian's personal artistic characteristics in the details. It is not only a beautiful work of art, but also a long scroll of history that carries a profound cultural heritage, allowing us to appreciate the beauty while also feeling the profundity of traditional culture.

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