
The road rehabilitation has been completed, and it is convenient for the elderly to eat

author:Smart Qingdao

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, June 21 Previously, some netizens left a message on the "Direct 12345" platform of the Guanhai News client, reflecting that the road in front of the canteen in Ruihaijingyuan Community, Shibei District, was seriously damaged, and it was inconvenient for the elderly to enter and exit.

Recently, when the reporter visited Ruihaijingyuan Community, he saw that there is an open space in front of the comprehensive elderly care service center of Hudao Street, Shibei District, near the southwest gate of the community, and the ground is mainly ground tiles, but there are nearly 20 square meters of wooden plank road installed in the middle of the vacant space, and the wooden plank road is laid neatly, the surface is smooth, and it is very comfortable to walk. The reporter noticed that a road cone was placed on the east side of the wooden plank road. A staff member told reporters that the wooden boardwalk was installed about a month ago, and the road cone was placed to remind residents not to park their vehicles here and prevent the road surface from being crushed again.

A resident passing by said: "After the opening of the restaurant for the elderly, it is convenient for the elderly in the community to come and eat. But the road at the entrance was badly damaged, and the elderly were prone to fall when walking, so everyone was worried. Now, the newly laid wooden plank road is beautiful and safe, and the elderly no longer have to worry about entering and exiting. ”

It is reported that the restaurant is generally open at 11 noon from Monday to Saturday, and residents can register in the work group in advance if they have dining needs.

The road rehabilitation has been completed, and it is convenient for the elderly to eat
The road rehabilitation has been completed, and it is convenient for the elderly to eat
The road rehabilitation has been completed, and it is convenient for the elderly to eat