
Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

author:Jingzhou women
Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation
Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation
Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

In order to deepen the participation of women's federations in grassroots social governance, the executive committees of women's federations at all levels in Jingzhou City conscientiously performed their duties and responsibilities, took the initiative to go to the grassroots level, visited women and families, and truly brought into play the advantages and role of the "federation" in the nerve endings of grassroots governance. Let's walk into the executive committee of the Women's Federation and listen to their stories of performing their duties.

Zhu Xiaohong

Executive Committee Member of Tonghuiqiao Community Women's Federation, Xicheng Street, Jingzhou District

Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

"Sister Xiaohong is a person who helps the poor and the poor, does not want to reciprocate, and treats the affairs of the community as a housework." This is how community residents describe Comrade Zhu Xiaohong.

Zhu Xiaohong, who has 33 years of party experience, was an employee of the Jingzhou State Taxation Bureau before retirement, and was elected as the executive committee member of the Tonghuiqiao Community Women's Federation in 2021 when the Community Women's Federation was re-elected. Since serving as a member of the Executive Committee of the Women's Federation, Zhu Xiaohong has set up the "Yuanhong Meng" hand-made volunteer service team to recruit women to learn hand-knitting, and the products are sold through public welfare and online, and part of the proceeds are withdrawn into the Tencent Public Welfare Fund, which is dedicated to helping the needy groups in the community. In the past two years, the "Yuanhong Dream" handmade volunteer service team has attracted nearly 100 members and helped nearly 150 people in difficulty such as left-behind children and families in need. Zhu Xiaohong's advanced deeds have been reported by China Volunteer magazine, Hubei Daily and other media, which has effectively driven the new trend of community volunteer service and added new momentum to grassroots governance.

Liu Xiaohong

Executive Committee Member of the Women's Federation of Manan Village, Mashan Town, Jingzhou District

Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

Liu Xiaohong is a village doctor, while trying to do her job well, she uses her spare time to actively carry out health care knowledge publicity activities, advocate healthy sports and lifestyles, help women in the village establish a scientific concept of preventing "two cancers", gynecological diseases, and menopausal health care, and be a "caring person" for women and sisters. In addition, we regularly measure blood pressure and blood sugar and draw blood for patients with chronic diseases in the village, provide medication guidance, and popularize parenting knowledge for mothers.

When talking about her work plan, Liu Xiaohong always said with confidence: "I will continue to strengthen the study of business knowledge, improve professional quality, and give full play to the role of the executive committee of the Women's Federation to serve the health of the women in Manan Village." ”

Zheng Qiong

Executive Committee Member of the Women's Federation of Xicheng Street Democratic Community, Jingzhou District

Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

Zheng Qiong is a member of the executive committee of the Women's Federation and a member of the community grid.

"Come and see, our room is leaking, and there is no one to live in, and I have quarreled with the upstairs several times over this matter." As soon as Zheng Qiong went to work, she received a call from Aunt Li, a resident, and immediately rushed to the scene to understand the situation, and found that it was due to the waterproof aging of the upstairs that caused the water leakage, Zheng Qiong talked with the two residents respectively to resolve the conflict, and after the problem was solved, Aunt Li said excitedly: "Thank you so much, the problem that has plagued you for many days has finally been solved." Since the beginning of this year, Zheng Qiong has effectively mediated a total of 16 conflicts and disputes through visits and investigations. As a member of the executive committee of the Women's Federation, Zheng Qiong often visits the needy groups, chats with them to understand the living conditions of the masses, and promotes anti-drug, anti-fraud, anti-domestic violence and other knowledge online and offline, anytime and anywhere, so as to resolve the contradictions and hidden dangers in the bud in a timely manner.

Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

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Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

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Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation
Executive Committee Visit| Let's listen to the story of the executive committee of the Women's Federation

We grow together with millions of women and children in Jingzhou!

Editor: Zhang Lin

Review: Su Xiaoyun Gao Rongrong

Source of this article: Jingzhou Women's Federation

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