
Hong Guangxiang, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Experience in the treatment of asthma

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine
Hong Guangxiang, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Experience in the treatment of asthma
Hong Guangxiang, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Experience in the treatment of asthma

▲Hong Guangxiang, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1938.12-)

Hong Guangxiang, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is a well-known clinician of TCM internal medicine, especially good at the treatment of respiratory diseases. Through years of research on the prevention and treatment of asthma, Hong Guangxiang believes that "the weakness of qi and yang is an important internal cause of asthma attacks, phlegm stasis and lung stasis is the root of asthma attacks, and the external sense of six lewdness is the main cause of asthma attacks", which has played a great guiding role in the clinical treatment of asthma. The experience of Hong Lao in the treatment of asthma is summarized as follows for the benefit of colleagues.

Strengthen the foundation and make up for it

The experience prescription of the cough and asthma solid powder of the master of traditional Chinese medicine, Hong Guangxiang, is composed of raw astragalus, parsnip, atractylodes, Chinese yam, cotyledon, vitex, ghost arrow feather and other medicines. Among them, the first 4 herbs benefit qi and strengthen the surface, strengthen the spleen and lungs, and the last 3 herbs benefit qi and dispel phlegm and stasis.

Hong Guangxiang used this prescription throughout the whole process, and the clinical effect was good, which can enhance respiratory immunity, reduce colds, and control asthma acute attacks.

Allergen testing found that some patients are allergic to dust, house dust, mites, or some foods, flowers and plants, and often induce asthma due to contact with allergens. Some substances can be avoided and some can only be said to be minimized, and after exposure to these substances, patients often experience itchy nose, itchy eyes, itchy throat, red lips, red tongue, eczema or rubella skin, asthma attacks.

Hong Guangxiang believes that such patients are based on the weakness of qi and yang, and the blood is depressed and hot, and the heat is extremely windy, so on the basis of Wenyang Yiqi Guardian Soup, the products that cool the blood and dispel wind and relieve itching can be used to achieve the effect of treating both the symptoms and the root causes. It has been clinically proven that the Beneficial Qi Guard can enhance the respiratory immunity of patients and reduce their sensitivity to allergens.

Experimental studies on Yiqi Huwei decoction have shown that this formula can reduce the airway hyperresponsiveness of asthma guinea pigs and significantly prolong the effect of aerosolization of guinea pig egg protein to induce asthma. It can inhibit the dominant response of Th2 cell subsets and regulate immune homeostasis, and it is believed that its possible mechanism of action is as follows: inhibiting the secretion function of Th2 cells, reducing the level of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-5, and reducing the activation and infiltration of eosinophils; Reduce the ratio of IL-4/IFN and reduce the synthesis of IgE in the body, thereby reducing airway inflammation, reducing airway hyperresponsiveness, reducing asthma symptoms or slowing down asthma attacks, so as to achieve the purpose of prevention and treatment of asthma.

Hong Guangxiang used peony bark, red peony, and comfrey when using blood cooling medicine; The anti-itching medicine is commonly used in Citrus aurantium, Su leaf, double hook vine, tribulus terrestris, Senecio, black plum, cicada clothes, ground skin seed, white fresh skin and other medicines.

The combination of the law and the new "Su Wen" said: "The saints are heterozygous to govern, and each has its own suitability." "It is understandable that diseases with complex pathogenesis require a variety of treatments, and it is also a requirement for doctors to be able to flexibly use multiple treatments. From the pathogenesis of asthma, it can be seen that the onset of asthma is the result of the interaction of internal and external factors, the weakness of qi and yang and phlegm stasis are the basis of the lungs, and the external sense of the six lewdness is the standard, which is the backbone, and the treatment follows the "three causes" legislative prescription. However, the clinical symptoms are ever-changing, and there are priorities for the severity of the specimens, so we must always adhere to the syndrome differentiation and treatment, add or subtract according to the symptoms, and must not be rigid and fixed. Hong Guangxiang believes that the law changes with the symptoms, and the prescription comes from the law, and only by combining the compound method, combining the symptoms, and combining drugs can the symptoms and the root causes be treated. The details are as follows:

1. During the remission period, the common method is to protect with invigorating qi, cleanse phlegm and stasis, and add or subtract the warm yang and invigorating qi guarding decoction and the yang deficiency and fear of cold are obvious, and fenugreek and psoralen are added.

2. In the attack period, it is mostly to dispel evil and dispel cold, cleanse phlegm and stasis, and add or subtract Xiaoqinglong soup and Roaring soup.

3. External wind cold, cold phlegm and heat. With phlegm fever and dry mouth, yellow phlegm, Xiaoqinglong soup and Ma apricot gypsum soup with skullcap, Houttuynia cordata, etc.; The heat weight is added or subtracted by magnolia ephedra soup and shellfish soup.

4. Yang deficiency and cold evil bundle lungs, choose medication according to the degree of yang deficiency. Qi and Yang deficiency lightly use Xiaoqinglong Soup to warm Yang and benefit Qi Guardian Soup, warm the lungs and drink, benefit Qi and relieve asthma; Liyang deficiency and weight with Qi attached decoction combined with Xiaoqinglong soup and Roaring decoction plus and reduce temperature and yang, dissipate cold and qi to relieve asthma; Yang deficiency and cold condensation, phlegm stasis block, add and subtract Yang and decoction with ephedra aconite, fine spicy decoction, and stinging decoction to clear yang and dispel cold, and relieve qi and asthma; It also has phlegm and stasis and heat, and both qi and yin are injured, so Qifu decoction and Maimendong decoction are used to roll phlegm pills and Qianqi decoction to reduce temperature and yang, nourish qi and nourish yin, cleanse phlegm and discharge stasis and heat.

5. Allergic constitution, showing qi and yang weakness, dampness and heat depression of the lungs, heat into the blood, with warm yang and qi to protect the decoction and ephedra forsythia red bean soup plus Su leaf, citrus aurantium, Senecio, hook vine, peony bark, red peony, comfrey to protect the qi, to release heat and dampness, cool blood and dispel wind.

Typical medical cases

Wang Moumou, female, 41 years old. First visit on April 15, 2008. He complained that he had asthma when he was a child, and his condition worsened significantly 8 months ago, with wheezing from time to time, wheezing when he moved slightly, difficulty lying down at night, coughing non-stop, and he was admitted to the emergency hospital twice because of ineffective inhalation of antiasthmatic drugs.

Current symptoms include: wheezing at night, frequent coughing, medium amount of phlegm, dry stool, red and dark tongue, white and greasy, thick and yellowish, thin and smooth pulse, and floating right inch pulse. On examination, multiple wheezing may be heard in both lungs.

Diagnosis: (cold outside and drink inside) wheezing (called bronchial asthma acute attack in Western medicine).

Treatment: Dissipate cold and promote lung relief, and relieves phlegm and asthma.

Medicinal Xiaoqinglong soup with flavor: raw ephedra 10g, cinnamon branch 10g, white peony 10g, fine pungent 3g, French banxia 10g, schisandra 10g, dried ginger 10g, small tooth soap 6g, coria seed 15g, Wei Mao 10g, syrup shell 15g, raw rhubarb 6g (lower back). Decoction with water, 1 dose per day. After taking 14 doses in a row, the patient's wheezing was halved, he could lie down at night, his cough was reduced by 2/3, the phlegm was stagnant in the pharynx, the white matter was sticky, the cough and asthma were reduced when the phlegm came out, the stool was dry and knotted, 1 time/day, the tongue was red and dark, the moss was white and yellow, thick and greasy, and the pulse was smooth and smooth.

The second diagnosis on April 29: the external evil has been removed, the signs of phlegm stasis obstruction of the airway are prominent, and the treatment is mainly to cleanse the phlegm and stasis, and relieve the asthma, and the prescription is to use the stinging soup and Qianqian soup in and out: 15g of Lotus seeds, 15g of small green peel, 10g of tangerine peel, 10g of white mustard seeds, 10g of Wei Mao, 10g of vitex seeds, 10g of raw rhubarb (lower back), 3g of ginger, 6g of small tooth soap, 10g of Fabanxia, 20g of green limestone, 15g of skullcap, 20g of goose tube stone, decoction in water, 1 time/day.

After taking it for 2 weeks, cough and asthma are greatly reduced, a slight cough, itchy throat, wind and smell pungent odor will cough easily, cough drama will be wheezing, asthma can be slippery after an asthma attack, the treatment is based on "treating both the symptoms and the root cause", the method is to strengthen the solid foundation, anti-allergy and resist the wind, and the main method is to use Wenyang Guardian Soup, or add Shell Cough Soup to cleanse phlegm and relieve stasis and asthma, or add ephedra forsythia red bean soup, Dan red comfrey soup to clear heat and dispel dampness and anti-sensitivity, or warm the lung decoction to dispel cold and relieve cough, and take cough and asthma solid powder (in-hospital preparation) for 6 months.

The patient has been coughing and asthma for more than 3 months, and his symptoms such as being susceptible to colds and cold in his vest have been significantly alleviated, and his ability to resist cold has been significantly enhanced. He is still insisting on outpatient follow-up and is in stable condition.

Zheng reiterates:

Since each person's constitution and condition are different, the prescription and dosage in this case are only applicable to the patient's condition at that time. Without TCM syndrome differentiation diagnosis and treatment, the prescription and dosage in this case must not be copied. If necessary, readers should go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment to avoid delaying their condition. ■

[Source: China Traditional Chinese Medicine News, content compiled from: "China Traditional Chinese Medicine News" December 1, 2021 Fifth Edition, Author: Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Yu Peiwen, Liang Qijun]