
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

author:Tianshui online

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party organizations at all levels in Wushan County have carried out a wide range of celebrations in various forms and rich contents, guiding and encouraging party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in the county to work hard and move forward bravely, and present gifts to the party's birthday.

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out a special party class activity

On the eve of "July 1st", the secretaries of party organizations at all levels in the county combined with party discipline learning and education, focusing on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Constitution and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", etc., to go deep into the grassroots party building contact points, weak and sloppy party organizations and key branches to teach special party courses, and guide the majority of party members to carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style. Party organizations at all levels take the initiative to invite old party members, old party secretaries, advanced model figures, etc., to give party lectures to party members and guide party members to draw faith and spiritual strength from them.

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out a collective oath of party members

Grass-roots party organizations at all levels in the county have adopted a hierarchical and classified approach by absorbing a group of party activists and accepting a group of new party members, organizing party members and cadres to watch red films and visit red education bases, and carrying out collective oaths for new party members and old party members to review the oath of joining the party, so as to encourage and guide the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and enhance their sense of party spirit.

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out a discussion and exchange activity to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

On the eve of "July 1st", party organizations at all levels in the county invited party representatives, outstanding Communist Party members, secretaries of grass-roots party organizations, retired party members and cadres, and role models of party members around them to organize a symposium to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, to celebrate the party's birthday, review the party's glorious history, eulogize the party's great achievements, talk about the development and changes of the hometown, and encourage and stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of the grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members.

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out a centralized awarding of commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party".

In accordance with the principle of combining centralized distribution and decentralized distribution, the party working committees of the county held an award ceremony by holding meetings and door-to-door distribution, and awarded the "50 years of glory in the party" commemorative medal to 294 old party members who have reached 50 years of party age, have consistently performed well and met the conditions for issuance, so as to further enhance the sense of honor and mission of party members.

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out a theme activity to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The Working Committee of the organs directly under the county party committee and the party group of the county bureau of culture and tourism celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party with the theme of "painting the original heart with pen and ink, celebrating the party's grace with Danqing", and organized party members and cadres to carry out calligraphy and painting creation, reflecting the urban and rural features of our county since the founding of the party and the spirit of the county's party members and mass officials in the form of calligraphy and painting works. Community party organizations and party organizations of non-public enterprises jointly held the theme activity of "Party Flag Flying and Continuing to Move Forward", showing the good spiritual outlook of the majority of communities and party members of the two new organizations to participate in urban construction in the form of poetry recitation and telling "the story of my service to the masses".

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out a visit and condolence activity of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the party's kindness".

On the eve of "July 1st", party organizations at all levels in the county vigorously carried out visits and condolences activities. County-level leaders took the lead in going deep into villages, communities, hospitals, schools and other grassroots front-line condolences to outstanding party members, veteran party members and party members in difficulty. Party organizations at all levels shall determine a certain number of grassroots Party members and contact village Party members on their own, organize visits and condolences, help them solve practical difficulties and problems in production and life, and send the Party's care and warmth.

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out an activity of "celebrating July 1st and doing practical things".

Party organizations at all levels in the county organized in-service party members to wear party emblems and show their identities, and carried out the activity of "I do practical things for the masses". Rural party organizations organize party members to actively carry out activities for party members with reduced mobility to help tidy up courtyard sanitation and renovate the appearance of villages; Community party organizations mobilize party members in their jurisdictions to carry out in-depth environmental sanitation rectification in urban areas; The party organizations of government agencies, enterprises and institutions generally carried out one pair of care, one practical thing for the people, one outstanding problem, and one "four ones" activity of the party's policy.

Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead
Wushan County: Continue the red blood and gather the strength to forge ahead

Carry out a series of publicity and reporting activities of "pioneer style".

Party organizations at all levels in the county have actively excavated and selected a number of advanced grass-roots party organizations and outstanding party members in various industries and fields, and vigorously publicized them through government websites, Gansu party building APP, WeChat public account and other platforms. According to the actual work, a batch of "micro videos" were carefully filmed and broadcast on county-level media and network platforms to create a strong atmosphere of paying tribute to and learning from the advanced.

(News source: Wushan County Rong Media Center Reprint: Ma Wenjie)