
The Taishan team had a bad record, and the media supported Wu Zhidong, but the fans didn't buy it and fought back

author:Son of the sports wind

After Shandong Taishan lost to Beijing Guoan, the Taishan team has been behind the top of the list of harbors as many as 15 points of difference, in the current state of the Taishan team, it can be said that the team has completely bid farewell to the competition for the league championship this season, now the season has been halfway, the Taishan team still has not gotten rid of the problem of injury, and coupled with the problem of the team's share reform, now the team's reinforcement has not come, it can be said that the current Taishan team makes people not see any hope.

The Taishan team had a bad record, and the media supported Wu Zhidong, but the fans didn't buy it and fought back

And the Taishan team's results obviously also caused the dissatisfaction of the fans, just after the Taishan team lost to Beijing Guoan, the fans were also emotionally chasing after the Taishan team's boss Wu Zhidong was questioning, the mood was quite irritable, the football media person Li Xuan was strongly supporting Wu Zhidong, Li Xuan first said that he also understood the fans' feelings very well, after all, the fans' expectations for this team are still very high, but in the case of the team's poor performance, the fans should not spread the fire on Wu Zhidong personally.

The Taishan team had a bad record, and the media supported Wu Zhidong, but the fans didn't buy it and fought back

Li Xuan also said: Although Wu Zhidong is the general manager of the team, but he does not represent the major shareholders to make decisions, it is understood that as the manager of the team, Wu Zhidong is now very difficult, now Wu Zhidong is no rice cook, the funds of the major shareholders have not been in place, and also require players to tax rebates, coupled with Cui Kangxi's controversy in terms of technology and tactics and recruitment, so that the club is in a very passive situation, as far as I know, in fact, Wu Zhidong has been actively coordinating the relationship between the city and state-owned enterprises, There are some things that the club doesn't say publicly, and it's not convenient for me to say more, I just hope the fans still have to be calm.

The Taishan team had a bad record, and the media supported Wu Zhidong, but the fans didn't buy it and fought back

But for Li Xuan's remarks, obviously the fans didn't buy it, and they also fought back, first of all, the fans mentioned Hao Wei, Sun Zhunhao, Jin Jingdao, Guo Tianyu and others, these people all had accidents when Wu Zhidong was in charge of the team, and in fact, before the accident, Shu Chang had already broken the news about the club's internal problems, but Wu Zhidong still pretended to be deaf and dumb and ignored it, and it can even be said that Wu Zhidong supported Hao Wei, which led to an unprecedented crisis in the team last season.

The Taishan team had a bad record, and the media supported Wu Zhidong, but the fans didn't buy it and fought back

Secondly, the fans also talked about the problems encountered by the team this season, first of all, the bad recruitment, the introduction of local players in their 30s without absolute strength of veterans, let go of the young talents they have cultivated, and the injury problem of the team this season, most of the season has passed, the team has not gotten rid of the injury trouble, which is obviously not logical, it can be said that the team's current results are bad, Wu Zhidong is to blame, and it cannot be said that he has no responsibility at all, and there are fans who think, If the Taishan team is what it is now, Wu Zhidong should take the blame and resign.