
"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

author:Yanqing, Beijing

In the past, the Pingbei area was an important gateway to defend Gyeonggi, shield the Central Plains, and connect North China, Northeast China, and Northwest China.

Yanqing, Huailai and Chicheng, as an important part of the Pingbei strategic base area, are closely linked in geographical location, and go hand in hand in the torrent of red history, weaving a series of stirring heroic legends. Time flies, now, the smoke of war has dissipated for more than 70 years, under the implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development of major national strategies, these old revolutionary areas in the red culture and red spirit of the excavation, drive, inheritance, become hand in hand partners, glow with new vitality, become the epitome of the progress of the times and a new landmark full of vitality and hope.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

●Yanqing - dig deep into red resources and tell the story of the revolution

Yanqing has a profound revolutionary cultural heritage. Since the establishment of the first grassroots party organization in Yanqing in 1925, the red gene has taken root in this land. In 1938, the first rural party branch in Pingbei was established in Dazhuang Keshatanggou Village.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the memorial hall of Pingbei Red First Village in Shatanggou Village

Two years later, in 1940, the Changyan Union County Government was established in Dazhuang Ke Poshi Village, becoming the first anti-Japanese democratic government in Pingbei area, which not only laid a solid organizational foundation for the local anti-Japanese struggle, but also left valuable spiritual wealth and enduring historical memory for future generations.

As a red old area in Pingbei with a glorious revolutionary tradition, Yanqing now has 23 martyrs' memorial facilities and has discovered and visited 44 red relics of the Anti-Japanese War, which are not only the bearers of Yanqing's red culture, but also a living "textbook". "In recent years, the Yanqing District Party Committee and Government have attached great importance to the excavation, development and utilization of red resources, and have held many special meetings to study and deploy. At the same time, through the strategic layout of 'walking in the front' in five aspects, including building red venues, building red brands, developing red cultural creativity, mining red resources, and forming red synergy, the red culture will be reborn. Yan Maoxian, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Yanqing District Veterans Affairs Bureau, said.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the Memorial Hall of the Anti-Japanese War in Pingbei

As the core carrier, the Pingbei Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Park has continued to play the role of the red position of the national patriotism education demonstration base for many years, actively excavated the red history of Pingbei, and strived to do a good job in publicity, research, reception and other work, and wrote a new chapter in the green development of Pingbei with red culture.

Bai Xiushu, 74, is a veteran party member with 48 years of party experience. On June 29, with infinite reverence for the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War, Bai Xiushu walked into the Pingbei Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Park and stopped for a long time in front of the exhibition boards and documents.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows party member Bai Xiushu visiting the Memorial Hall of the Anti-Japanese War in Pingbei

There are not a few tourists like Bai Xiushu who want to go deep into the Pingbei Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Park and truly feel the heroic years of resistance. In order to provide visitors with a richer red culture experience and profound historical education, the Pingbei Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Park took active action in 2021 and completed the installation of many exhibitions, including the "Red Pingbei Haituo Monument - Pingbei Anti-Japanese Struggle Historical Exhibition", "Glorious Model - The Construction of the Communist Party of China during the Anti-Japanese War and the Construction of the Party Style and Clean Government during the Anti-Japanese War" and "Blowing the Horn for the Anti-Japanese War - The Communist Party of China and the Culture of the Anti-Japanese War". It is worth mentioning that because of its profound educational significance, the "Glorious Model" clean government exhibition was selected by the Working Committee of the Organs directly under the Central Committee as an important site for the study and education of party discipline in various ministries and commissions of the central government, which not only enhanced the influence of Yanqing's red culture, but also further demonstrated its important role in the education of party style and clean government construction.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the monument to the martyrs of the Anti-Japanese War in Pingbei

In terms of excavating red resources, Yanqing has conducted in-depth visits to more than 40 red sites in the Pingbei area since 2022. At the same time, it actively held expert seminars, published academic articles, and launched relevant historical materials on the "Anti-Japanese War and Modern Sino-Japanese Relations Literature Data Platform", which has achieved remarkable results in the excavation and protection of red resources.

Xia Lin, deputy director of the Pingbei Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Park and special researcher of the Yanqing District Red Culture Research Center, has been focusing on research in this field for 6 years. In the past six years, she delved into the history of the Anti-Japanese War and discovered many little-known and worthwhile contents. "The study of the history of the Red War of Resistance is not only of far-reaching significance, but also with the deepening of research, we can feel more and more the profound heritage contained in it." Xia Lin said, "I also hope that through my research, more people can understand this history and know that such a magnificent anti-Japanese war was staged in Pingbei." ”

Published red books such as "Beacon Haituo" and "Beacon Youth", promoted the creation and performance of the red Peking Opera "A Flower in the Mountains of Haituo", and designed and developed red research routes...... Yanqing has also made unremitting efforts in the development of red brands and cultural and creative products. The Qingming Poetry Conference, which has been successfully held for 8 consecutive sessions, has become a business card of Yanqing's red culture. The "red caravan" went to the grassroots level to talk about the history of the party, and in a down-to-earth way, the red story was closer to the masses. A series of colorful activities, such as the "Red Commentator Competition" and the "Pingbei Memory" Red Second Generation Interview Micro Party Class, have also further enriched the connotation of Yanqing's red culture, making the red culture deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in a more diverse and vivid form.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the red book "Beacon Sea Tuo" and "Beacon Youth"

In addition, in order to form a red synergy, Yanqing is also actively exploring cooperation models with institutions at all levels. Whether it is with universities, national museums, or township-level museums, Yanqing is committed to building a "matrix" research and education system, which not only realizes the sharing of research results, but also promotes the development of red culture research to a deeper level.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

Through in-depth excavation of red cultural resources, Yanqing has inherited the revolutionary tradition and made red culture an important bridge connecting the past and the future and stimulating patriotic feelings. "In the future, we will strive to build the Pingbei Red Anti-Japanese War theme area by holding red docent competitions, red culture seminars, and protecting red sites, and jointly promote the construction of the 'Beijing-Zhangzhou' red cultural belt to a new level." Yan Mao said first.

●Huailai - Activate the red power and lead the revitalization of the countryside

The farmhouse has been renovated, the asphalt road is flat and wide, the street lamps and light boxes with the red spiritual lineage as the main content are distributed on both sides of the road, and the 170-meter relief wall of heroic deeds extends to the hat top mountain where Dong Cunrui stood guard when he was a child...... In the middle of summer, when I walked into Nanshanbao Village, Cunrui Town, Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, I was greeted by a new picture of prosperity. This small village, with only more than 260 households and more than 400 permanent residents, is the hometown of Dong Cunrui, a national combat hero and model Communist Party member.

Nanshanbao Village is an old revolutionary area, where 47 revolutionary soldiers have come out, including 9 heroes such as Dong Cunrui who died bravely in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. In 1968, the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall was completed in Nanshanbao Village, and then underwent renovation and expansion in 2006, and opened to the public in May 2008. Today, it has become the forefront of Huailai County to spread the spirit of Cunrui, carry forward the tradition of patriotism, and gather positive social energy.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall

Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall docent Wang Ailing is a native of Huailai, grew up listening to heroic stories, in her affectionate explanation, Dong Cunrui's deeds can still arouse endless respect and emotion in people's hearts. "Our explanations are not simply memorizing the manuscript mechanically, but incorporating all the sincere feelings into it." Wang Ailing said. In her opinion, Dong Cunrui's spirit of the times of "not afraid of sacrifice and courage to contribute" has eternal value and charm, and the job she is engaged in is a kind of inheritance and promotion of the spirit of Cunrui.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the former residence of Dong Cunrui

Wang Ailing told reporters that in recent years, the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall has attracted many cadres, masses and young students to come to relive the red memory and feel the red nostalgia. Today, 150,000 visitors visit the memorial every year.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows Wang Ailing, the docent of the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall

In order to "stay" these tourists, Nanshanbao Village relies on red resources and takes advantage of the east wind of rural revitalization to continue to work hard to improve infrastructure and improve the appearance of the village. Dong Xiaobing, secretary of the party branch of Nanshanbao Village, described the changes in the village as "earth-shaking", "The village has implemented water supply and water supply, coal to electricity, in addition to hardening the main street, the lighting project has also been fully covered." At the same time, we have also integrated red elements into the village environment, and built a new cultural square, a village history museum and the first rural clean government education base in Huailai County, so that the hometown of heroes will be revitalized. ”

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the interior of the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall

What has changed is not only the appearance of the village, but also the happiness index of the villagers. In 2022, Nanshanbao Village launched the "Pai Rice in Memory" project. The so-called "pie rice" is a common name for cadres who go to the countryside to work in the villages, and the village cadres assign them to eat at the homes of peasant households. Tourists can experience "pie rice" in Nanshanbao Village, not only to taste the taste of the farmhouse, but also to find the memories of touching bowls with the villagers and connecting hearts. At present, the village has developed 8 "pie rice lanes" and 9 "pie rice households", each of which can increase its income by nearly 10,000 yuan per year.

In Dong Xiaobing's view, the "Cunrui Spirit" is the pillar of Nanshanbao Village. "No matter what industry is developed, we must first inherit and carry forward the red culture. It is our eternal goal to tell the story of Cunrui, carry forward the spirit of Cunrui, and build a good hometown of Cunrui. Dong Xiaobing said. This year, the village also plans to build a tourist reception center, develop characteristic agriculture and boutique homestays, and strive to transform the rich connotation of red culture into a source of power to drive villagers to increase their income and get rich, and promote the development of the village.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the docent of the Xin'an Battle Memorial Hall explaining the history

A picture of rural revitalization painted on the basis of red culture is slowly unfolding in Nanshanbao Village, and on the other side, Qianjianjie Village in Huailai County has also ushered in new changes. In July last year, the Xin'an Battle Memorial Hall was completed and opened at the former site of the former Central School on Qianqian Street, with rich historical materials and precious exhibits, vividly reproducing the battle scene of that year. At the same time, Qianjianjie Village also innovated and designed cultural and creative products such as ornaments, folding fans, and Desheng gongs, skillfully integrating red culture into them, and exploring a new way for the development of the local cultural tourism industry.

●Akagi - Inherit the red blood and inherit the red gene

Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou City, is another important part of the Pingbei region, with black, white and red rivers meandering through the whole territory, endowing this land with unique natural features and profound cultural heritage. The majestic Haituo Mountain stands in the middle, like a witness of history, telling the eventful years that once happened here.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the Phoenix Mountain Cemetery

In 1940, Duan Suquan, the former secretary of the Pingbei Prefectural Party Committee and political commissar of the military sub-district, and other generals of the Anti-Japanese War established the Pingbei Anti-Japanese Base Area centered on the Haituo Mountain Area of Chicheng County. Here, the soldiers and civilians of Pingbei were brave and fearless, dyed this hot land with blood, and tempered the Haituo revolutionary spirit of selfless dedication, hard work, unity and sacrifice.

In order to commemorate these old revolutionaries who have made great contributions to the country and the nation, Chicheng County has established a meritorious garden on the main axis of the Phoenix Mountain Cemetery. The park was officially completed in August 2015, covering an area of 1,860 square meters, divided into three units, the first is the monument square, the front is the monument to the national soul of the Anti-Japanese War, and the second and third are the burial area of the deceased old revolutionary.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the Phoenix Mountain Cemetery

Zhang Jinzhong, the former fourth-level researcher of the Chicheng County Civil Affairs Bureau, is the initiator of the Meritorious Garden and a first-hand witness of the preparation process. He fondly recalled: "The opening time of the Meritorious Garden was chosen on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the eve of the liberation anniversary of Zhangjiakou, which has special historical significance. ”

At present, there are 10 old revolutionaries who have fought in the Pingbei War of Resistance in the Meritorious Park and are resting here, and Duan Suquan is one of them. "Although Pingbei is not my father's hometown, the Pingbei War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression is the most memorable part of his life." Duan Suquan's son Duan Huanheng said. More than 80 years ago, Duan Suquan and his comrades-in-arms resolutely set foot on the land of Pingbei with common ideals and beliefs, and fought to the death against the Japanese invaders for more than 2,000 days and nights. "My father's attachment to Pingbei stems from his deep memory of fighting side by side with his comrades-in-arms here, as well as his deep affection for this hot land and people. For him, Pingbei is not only a piece of history, but also an inseparable complex. Duan Huanheng said.

Like Duan Suquan, the years of the Pingbei War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression also carved a deep imprint on the life of Lai Fu, the commander of the Pingbei Cavalry Detachment, the former chief of staff of the armored corps of the Beijing Military Region, and the founding colonel of the People's Republic of China. In November 1991, in accordance with Lai Fu's will, his children scattered his ashes to the land of Pingbei centered on Haituo Mountain. In July 2015, Lai Fu's reading glasses, pens, rulers and other items used before his death were buried in the Meritorious Service Garden. Lai Fu's wife Yin Shengbo made an appointment and went to the Meritorious Garden to accompany Lai Fu a hundred years later.

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows the "Meritorious Garden" of Phoenix Mountain Cemetery

On June 27, Lai Fu's daughter Lai Jingli once again stepped into the Meritorious Garden to sweep the graves of her father and mother. Next to the tombstone, there is a statue of Lai Fu riding on a war horse and looking at the mountains and rivers of Pingbei affectionately. The stele is carved with a first-generation Type 59 main battle tank independently designed by the mainland, and the six stars above the tank symbolize the "Laifu" composed of six tank crews in the family.

Staring at the tombstone in front of him, Lai Jingli's eyes flashed with infinite admiration and longing for his ancestors. "As the descendants of the revolution, we shoulder the heavy responsibility of passing on the red spirit from generation to generation. This is not only to remember history, but also to promote the unwavering faith and selfless dedication of our ancestors. We want more people to understand this history, so that the red spirit can shine more brightly in the new era. ”

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation

The picture shows Lai Fu's daughter Lai Jingli sweeping the graves of her parents

It is understood that in March 2017, the Meritorious Park Monument Square was officially approved by the Propaganda Department of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China as a patriotic education base in Hebei Province, which not only highlights its important position in spreading red culture and inheriting the red spirit, but also gives it a more far-reaching educational significance. Today, it has become an important position for Chicheng County to promote the spirit of patriotism, and continues to inspire the general public and young students to continue the spirit of heroic martyrs, draw strength to forge ahead, and practice the red tradition and inherit the red gene with practical actions.

Yanqing, Huailai and Chicheng are all in the same red hot land, remembering the glory and sacrifice of history. Digging deep into red resources, activating red power, and continuing the red blood, the people of the three places are full of enthusiasm and use their unremitting efforts to integrate the precious red spirit into the pace of development of the times.

The vicissitudes of wind and rain, the years are glorious. Nowadays, under the strategic opportunity of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yanqing, Huailai and Chicheng are telling the moving story of red cultural inheritance and regional coordinated development with a new look, showing the world the vitality and infinite possibilities of the Pingbei Revolutionary Base Area in the context of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei......

●Walking, recording, and inheritance

"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation
"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation
"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation
"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation
"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation
"Walking Yanhuaichi" Special Report丨At the foot of Haituo Mountain, the red hot land has been passed down from generation to generation