
In the era of AI management, Jin Dianshu, the winner of the Alimama Future Business Award, has taken a new benchmark for growth with "intelligence".

In the era of AI management, Jin Dianshu, the winner of the Alimama Future Business Award, has taken a new benchmark for growth with "intelligence".

©️ Deep Echo Original · Author|Lu Yue

Since 2023 entered the "first year of AI", the wave of new technologies has continued to surge, and now it has developed from large-scale model competition to practical application in all walks of life.

The business sector is the first to bear the brunt. At a time when all brands are desperately looking for increments, AI is the most intuitive and deterministic solution. In the accelerated penetration of new technologies, whether it is efficiency improvement, business process optimization or performance growth, there are "boosters".

The era of new dividends for AI to reconstruct operations has arrived.

In this context, this year, Alimama launched the first digital and intelligent business award to stimulate future business growth - Alimama Future Business Award. With the theme of "AI Innovation, Smart Business for the Future", the awards set up two tracks of "global management" and "breakthrough growth" and eight awards, aiming to discover and commend brand merchants who take the lead in exploring future business models and digital intelligent business strategies with AI as the core driving force.

In the era of AI management, Jin Dianshu, the winner of the Alimama Future Business Award, has taken a new benchmark for growth with "intelligence".

Taotian Group, General Manager of Alimama Ecological Customer Marketing Center

Alimama Ecological Customer Marketing Center, General Manager of Taotian Group, said at the ceremony, "Alimama will work with ecological partners to help merchants do a good job in global traffic layout and integrated operation, refined operation of goods, and improve the efficiency of content, so as to help achieve sustainable business growth." ”

Yili Jindian also won the "Global Business Growth Brand Award" in this award, which is behind the AI dual-chain promotion model jointly built by Alimama and GroupM, which has enabled the brand to achieve rapid growth in the high-end white milk market.

We try to analyze the benchmark case of Jindian from the classic e-commerce logic of "people, goods and yards" through many new technologies, new products and new changes, so as to bring new thinking to more brand merchants.

"People": Draw a mental communication map to attract new customers accurately and efficiently

The essence of any To C business is to attract more people to spend. Therefore, attracting new customers is the first step in business operation, and it is also the basis for the realization of all subsequent actions, goals and visions of the brand.

Entering the era of value consumption, on the one hand, consumers pursue cost-effectiveness and no longer blindly hoard goods, and platforms and brands that conform to the trend then start price competitions, resulting in consumers becoming more vacillating. On the other hand, there are many strong players on the high-end dairy track.

In the era of AI management, Jin Dianshu, the winner of the Alimama Future Business Award, has taken a new benchmark for growth with "intelligence".

In order to find a more accurate and efficient strategy to attract new users, Alimama and GroupM gave a solution: use AI technology to draw a complete mental communication map of people, goods and yards.

The first step is to do the "three-dimensional" positioning of the crowd.

Consumers' pursuit of health and quality of life is increasing, and the high-end dairy track covers a wide range of people, so it is necessary for brands to find the core group and high-potential group in depth and detail. Therefore, with the help of AI technology, Jindian first clarified six core groups of people, including exquisite mothers, small-town mothers, and cutting-edge white-collar workers.

Finding the right people is also finding the right needs. With the help of Alimama data analysis tool, Jindian conducted an in-depth analysis of more than 20,000 reviews of the core population, summarized their core needs, and found out the demand differences between the brand's own products and competing products.

At the same time, Alimama also analyzed the product consumption scenarios of the core population, and found that the consumption penetration rate of high-end white milk at home and breakfast time is the most extensive, and brand advertising is more likely to impress consumers by presenting and restoring these important scenes.

The second step is to arrange and combine the elements of people, needs, and consumption scenarios, and find the corresponding product selling points to accurately match them.

Alimama has made a cross-combination and importance ranking of many factors, such as mothers buying dairy products for their children, and the primary focus is on children's health; White-collar workers buy for themselves, focusing on whether dairy products are suitable for breakfast and afternoon tea, reflecting taste and supplementing nutrition. These have prepared for what theme and content will be output in subsequent advertisements.

On this basis, GroupM used Alimama digital intelligence analysis tools to clarify the differentiated selling points of Jindian's products compared with competing products and ordinary milk. When differentiated selling points are matched with the needs of different groups of people, they can make products directly target groups and inspire stronger purchase intentions.

"Goods": Each echelon obtains the optimal strategy, and the potential energy of explosive products is amplified

"Goods" is the lifeline of brand merchants, and their quality, differentiation, supply stability and whether they can explode directly affect sales, operation results and brand reputation, so the brand's control of "goods" is very important.

Alimama and GroupM used AI technology to help Jindian upgrade its product strategy, enabling it to achieve both sales and market share growth on the high-end track.

The first step in the strategy is to clarify the overall product echelon.

Based on multi-dimensional and scientific analysis, Jindian sorted out the goods, accurately divided the new products, trending products and explosive products, more comprehensively covered the high-end dairy market, and provided a strong basis for the formulation of follow-up strategies.

Based on the combination of Alimama Dharma Pan and GroupM's AI intelligent computing model, based on the overall Jindian brand and the specific budget allocated to different products, the optimal investment plan was found: that is, to clarify what products, how much budget to invest, what stage you want to grow, etc.

Of course, this is not a "static" solution, Alimama also uses real-time data monitoring and analysis, and conducts real-time optimization and monitoring to ensure that the strategy is always effective and the effect is maximized.

Subsequently, each echelon of goods carries different goals, and brands need to match more refined strategies: core explosive products are the engine driving sales growth, which needs to be fully promoted to accelerate the penetration and expansion of brands in the industry; Trending products are like the vane in the market, which needs to be upgraded and iterated in the same category; New products are fresh blood, and they need to activate consumption more quickly to inject new vitality into the brand.

At this time, Alimama's Wanxiangtai Unbounded Edition played a pivotal role: it allowed Jindian to intelligently combine and allocate channels and product resources according to the characteristics of different echelons of goods, carry out continuous and accurate delivery, and seek the best solution for efficiency improvement.

Finally, from an overall point of view, Alimama's whole-process monitoring of goods assets is also a key to ensuring the stability and continuity of the operation.

From clarifying the total amount of goods and echelons, to doing grass planting, transformation, and repurchase in layers and stages, Jindian has obtained targeted strategies from Alimama. Jindian not only achieved the goal of product conversion during the marketing period, but also used it for a long time to stabilize its own market share.

The joint efforts of Alimama and GroupM have made it more certain for the brand to create explosive products, and also provided strong support for the brand to grasp the lifeline of goods for a long time. Jindian has outstanding achievements in many nodes last year, which is enough to support this.

During the Asian Games Super Product Week, the sales volume of Jindian flagship store increased by more than 152% year-on-year, and the Asian Games customized products achieved significant sales growth on the big Tmall platform, with a month-on-month increase of up to 40%+, and won NO.1 in a number of similar category lists. Double 11 promotion, a number of new products of Jindian are also leading the Tmall list, double 11 limited new products are on the list of new pure milk products, and the sales volume of Jindian flagship store has also increased by more than 6 times year-on-year. At the end of the year, during the New Year's Festival and the Spring Festival, the business of Jindian's flagship store also increased by more than 150% year-on-year.

"Field": Dynamically optimize the promotion and find the increment in the whole domain

The market environment is always changing. Brands should continue to iterate and optimize advertising and promotion strategies in different "fields", maximize the value of various scenarios, do real global marketing, and tap more potential growth opportunities.

Last year, Alimama launched a one-stop marketing delivery system, Wanxiangtai Unbounded Edition, to help merchants accelerate their entry into the "simple business era" of "full-field marketing". This AI product also played an important role in the marketing and promotion of Jindian.

On the one hand, AI drives people, words, and images to improve efficiency.

people, i.e., iterative and calibrated populations.

The consumption structure is undergoing profound changes: consumers' lives, attitudes and needs are changing all the time, and their value judgments are more diverse, and their demand scenarios are more refined. The demand mining and refined reach of the target group have also become particularly important in the era of value consumption. Through continuous data analysis, Jindian iterates and calibrates the characteristics of the new user group, finds the most suitable advertising scenarios, the target group, etc., and always maintains a high accuracy while improving the overall volume of new users.

The term refers to search expansion.

Using Wanxiangtai Unbounded Edition, Jindian intelligently expands search keywords and digs deeper into more potential place-grabbing words and opportunity words. And the brand does not forget to capture the industry's hot search words, soaring words, natural store keywords, and timely follow up the trend changes. With the help of human-machine collaboration, brands can achieve 3D analysis of the core thesaurus, thereby improving the effectiveness of search marketing.

At the same time, Alimama also calculated the efficiency of the keyword combination according to the budget of the products and the phased conversion goals, and formulated a personalized advertising plan for Jindian to help it find the best balance between ROI and the cost of attracting new customers. During the marketing period, the growth rate of the number of active searchers was higher than the industry average growth rate of 47.31%, which shows the effectiveness of search expansion.

The figure shows the improvement of the output efficiency of graphic materials.

AIGC technology quickly generates and iterates creative content, and Jindian can intelligently generate different styles and diversified advertising materials by entering multiple different keyword combinations, which greatly enriches the creative content. More importantly, AIGC can be adapted to multiple channels and scenarios at the same time to improve the application efficiency of creative content.

With the blessing of Alimama AI technology, Jindian has gained more than 10 billion exposures on the whole network, with an increase of 340% in assets and an increase of 1.2 million+ in the number of buyers. The number of purchases from its target group also increased by 25.3% year-on-year. Jindian has achieved the precise positioning of the core group and injected new impetus into the growth of the brand in the high-end market.

In the era of AI management, Jin Dianshu, the winner of the Alimama Future Business Award, has taken a new benchmark for growth with "intelligence".

To this day, no one questions the value of AI. The performance of Jindian is that AI technology has been implemented in the whole process of brand management, and it is a clear presentation that is effective for market expansion and performance improvement. In the future, GroupM will continue to deepen its AI-driven marketing strategy, further strengthen its market position and drive sustainable growth for Jindian through precise reach and in-depth interaction.

Every time a new technology wave hits, it is necessary to find a suitable incision and then reuse it on a large scale. Judging from the Alimama Future Business Award, Alimama's digital and intelligent management capabilities have made many leading brands and cutting-edge brands see the possibility of taking their business to a higher level. The platform has paved a new path for AI, and brands and service providers can seize opportunities earlier when they enter the platform, and their business is still promising.

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