
Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

author:China Net Shandong

After the rain, the sky is clear, and the breeze is coming slowly, like a fluttering light feather, dancing with a faint fragrance of flowers. A huge canvas spreads out in front of you, it is the intersection of nothingness, the strange blend of art and philosophy. The nothingness on the canvas is like an ancient scroll, which embodies people's endless pursuit of life and the universe.

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

Like a pool of clear autumn water, silent and deep. On this silent picture, countless mist fills the air, as if the drizzle of time is gently sprinkled, rendering the past prosperity into a faint ink color. It is the mottling of the years, the story of time, like a vast volume of ancient books, waiting for those who are interested to taste and interpret.

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

The nothingness on the canvas carries boundless reverie. It is an undefined realm, the pursuit and transcendence of the mind. In this realm of nothingness, the artists dance, swaying the spark of the mind, interweaving reason and sensibility on the canvas. Perhaps, it is in this nothingness that they find a different kind of situation, transcending the constraints of the world and comprehending the sublimation of the soul.

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

Nothingness is a philosophical inquiry. In its profundity, people ponder the meaning of life, the mysteries of the universe. Perhaps, nothingness is a kind of torture, a speculation on the subtle boundary between existence and nothingness. In the nothingness of this canvas, philosophers are immersed in the ultimate proposition of life, exploring the origin and destiny of the universe. It's a kind of artistic flamboyance. In this ethereal realm, the artists use the creativity of the soul and the brushstrokes of art to outline the ever-changing forms. Maybe it's a landscape painting, fresh and elegant; Maybe it's an old tune, melodious and moving. On the canvas of nothingness, art dances freely and exudes a unique charm.

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

In this tranquil space, people can escape from the hustle and bustle and quietly appreciate the deep meaning of life. Maybe it's a faint breeze blowing, or maybe it's a melodious guqin, which can make people's minds calm and feel the profound beauty of nothingness. On this canvas, an ancient heritage is embedded, containing thousands of years of wisdom. Maybe it's an ancient landscape painting, or maybe it's a long ancient text, it's a lens of history, which allows people to travel through time and feel the traces of time. In this void sky, people can let their thoughts fly and travel through the long river of time. Maybe it's a fluttering cloud, or maybe it's a group of dancing butterflies, all of which are symbols of freedom, outlining the vastness of life.

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

However, the emptiness on the canvas also makes people fall into a kind of thinking and confusion. In this endless realm, people may feel lost and do not know where to be. Nothingness is a boundless vastness, as if a distant ship could not find its way in the vast ocean, and the mind wandered on the canvas of nothingness. However, it is in this wandering that one may be able to find oneself. Perhaps it is in the pursuit of nothingness that we can have a deeper understanding of life; Perhaps it is in the contemplation of nothingness that we are able to see the wider sky. The nothingness on the canvas is not lost, but a journey of search and discovery.

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

On this canvas, nothingness is like an open window, through which one can see the wider world. Perhaps it is on this empty canvas that we can see the starry sky of our hearts, feel the long river of time, and comprehend the mystery of life. The nothingness on the canvas is a kind of situation, a kind of spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps, in this nothingness, we can find our place, find inner peace, and find the habitat of our souls.

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

(Text/Zhou Qing, July 2024)

Work appreciation

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely


Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely


Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely


Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely


Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely


Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely


Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely


Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

Nothingness of the Void Series-8, 60X80CM, OIL ON CANVAS, 2021

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

IMATH-9, 50X120CM, OIL ON CANVAS, 2021

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

Nothingness of the Void Series, 60X80CM, oil on canvas, 2021

(Source: Zhou Qing Painting)

Artist Profile

Zhou Qing's oil painting丨The canvas of nothingness carries boundless reverie, allowing art to dance freely

Zhou Qing is a professor in the Department of Art Design and Oriental Art, College of Liberal Arts, Nankai University.

He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Printmakers Association, a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, and a researcher of the Contemporary Chinese Freehand Oil Painting Research Institute.

Major Experiences:

From 2002 to 2005, he received a master's degree in oil painting from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

From 2006 to 2007, he was a visiting scholar at the School of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts

From 2007 to 2009, he was a graduate class in oil painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Solo Exhibitions:

In 1999, the National Art Museum of China held "Zhou Qing's Solo Exhibition"

In 2003, the Art Museum of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts held "Zhou Qing's Solo Exhibition"

In 2004, the National Art Museum of China held "Zhou Qing's Solo Exhibition"

In 2005, the CAFA Art Museum held "Zhou Qing's Solo Exhibition"

In 2005, the Art Museum of China Academy of Art held "Zhou Qing's Solo Exhibition"

In 2005, the Oriental Art Museum of Nankai University held "Zhou Qing's Solo Exhibition"

In 2012, "Exchange" participated in the International Artist Creation Camp and held a series of exhibitions

2015 "Blooming - 2015 China's First 100 Contemporary Female Artists Exhibition" - "After Nala Leaves, Love Never Stops" - Contemporary Art Masters Invitational Exhibition

In 2015, Tianjin Auditorium held the "Zhou Qing Poetry Concert"

In 2018, the Hudson Center Gallery in New York held Zhou Qing's solo exhibition "Sketching the United States"

In 2018, he was a large-screen aerial exhibition on the NASDAQ in Manhattan, New York, USA - a solo exhibition of Chinese contemporary artist Zhou Qing

Main Publications:

2004 "Alternative Screaming: World Feminist Art Trends", Kyushu Publishing House

2006 "Wisteria Flowers Are Spreading - Zhou Qing's Poetry and Painting Diary", Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House

2010 Genealogy of the World's Female Artists, Hebei Education Publishing House (4 volumes)

2010 Genealogy of Chinese Women's Literature, Hebei Education Press

2012 "World Female Painters - Dumas Painting Manuscript", Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House

2013 "Moth Anthology", China Literature and Art Publishing House

2013 "Moth Painting Collection", China Literature and Art Publishing House

2014 "Cong Lu Qin Score" (upper and lower volumes), China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House

2015 "Homeland", Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House

2017 "Flower and Grass Collection", Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House

2019 "Lingshan Printmaking Collection", Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House

2019 "Broken Step Collection", Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House

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