
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

author:October Tomoyuki

Losing belly fat or visceral fat is an important goal in our pursuit of health and beauty, from a health point of view, too much belly fat often means that visceral fat is exceeded, thus increasing health risks; From the perspective of the body, too much belly fat will more intuitively affect the beauty of the figure, and will directly make the body lose its sense of line. It is precisely for this reason that many friends' fat loss journey starts with losing belly fat.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

So, how can you know the problem of excessive visceral fat? And how to lose belly fat and visceral fat? What kind of exercise is the most suitable for the choice of exercise mode? Let's talk about related issues.

First: belly fat and visceral fat

Normally, when we talk about abdominal fat, we will directly equate abdominal fat with abdominal subcutaneous fat, which is what we often call a big belly, but in addition to subcutaneous fat, abdominal fat also includes visceral fat, which is different from subcutaneous fat, which is located deep in the abdomen and surrounds internal organs, which cannot be directly felt by us but has high health risks.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

So, how can you tell if you have excess visceral fat? The method is relatively simple, that is, by measuring the waist circumference and calculating the waist-to-hip ratio, for example, for men, if the waist-to-hip ratio is greater than 1, or the waist circumference is greater than 90 cm; If the waist-to-hip ratio of a woman is greater than 0.85 and the waist circumference is greater than 90 cm, it means that there is a high probability of excessive visceral fat.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

Second: how to lose belly fat as well as visceral fat

In fact, visceral fat is easier to lose than subcutaneous fat, so when we work hard to lose belly fat, as the subcutaneous fat decreases, visceral fat will also decrease, therefore, abdominal fat loss and visceral fat do not need to be separated, so, how to lose belly fat?

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

In fact, the first thing to do is still to lose fat, because there is no absolute sense of local thinness, when we want to lose local fat, we still have to slim down the whole body. If you want to lose fat effectively, you need to keep the calorie deficit through diet and exercise, and of course, develop good lifestyle habits.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

1. Dietary adjustment

The first step to reduce belly fat is to control your total calorie intake. By reducing the intake of high-calorie foods, a calorie deficit can be created, which can lead to fat breakdown. It is recommended that the daily calorie intake is reduced by 300-500 kcal compared with the normal requirement, and in the case of other factors, if you just do this well, you will slowly lose weight, which can be referred to the following points:

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

1. Choose low-fat, high-fiber foods: Low-fat, high-fiber foods are one of the means to reduce calorie intake, while helping to reduce fat intake, while promoting intestinal peristalsis and reducing fat absorption in the intestines. It is recommended to eat more fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, etc.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

2. Control carbohydrate intake: Foods high in sugar and starch will quickly raise blood sugar levels, stimulate insulin secretion, and then promote fat synthesis. Therefore, to reduce the intake of high-carbohydrate foods such as refined sugar, white bread, and white rice, choose low-sugar, low-starch foods, such as increasing the proportion of coarse grains, and also consider the amount of carbohydrates.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

3. Increase protein intake: Protein is an important component of muscle, and increasing protein intake can help maintain muscle mass and increase basal metabolic rate. It is recommended to consume enough protein per day, such as fish, shrimp, lean meat, eggs, etc., and in general, the daily protein intake should be 1.2-2 g/kg body weight.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

2. Increase exercise

Different from simply losing fat and becoming thinner, when we want to lose belly fat, exercise will play a very important role, because exercise can accelerate the breakdown of belly fat, especially high-intensity exercise, so we must not only put exercise on the agenda, but also break through our comfort zone during exercise. Of course, the best way to exercise for fat loss is a combination of cardio and strength training. If you don't have enough time, HIIT is also a good option.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

1. Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise such as jogging, swimming, cycling, etc., can accelerate fat breakdown and improve cardiopulmonary fitness. It is recommended to do aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

2. Strength training: Strength training can increase muscle mass and increase basal metabolic rate. It is recommended to carry out full-body strength training 2-3 times a week, focusing on the training of large muscle groups, paying attention to compound movements, which can improve the overall training efficiency, if you don't want to do strength training, then it is under the premise of diet + aerobic exercise, pay attention to abdominal training and core training.

3. High-intensity interval training (HIIT): HIIT is a short, high-intensity interval training method that burns a lot of fat in a short period of time. It is recommended to do HIIT training 1-2 times a week, but you need to pay attention to proper rest and recovery, and also consider your own sports foundation and health, and do it under a safe environment, so how to choose an effective HIIT training? This point will be shared with you later.

What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

3. Improve living habits

Good living habits are the premise of health, and of course, it is also the premise of effective fat loss, so in daily life, we must develop good living habits, such as:

  1. Regular work and rest: Adequate sleep and regular work and rest can help regulate endocrine and reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat. It is recommended to maintain 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and try to fall asleep and wake up at a fixed time.
  2. Reduce stress: Long-term stress can lead to endocrine disorders and promote the accumulation of belly fat. Therefore, learn to relax yourself and relieve stress through exercise, meditation, yoga, etc.
  3. Avoid sitting for a long time: sitting for a long time also leads to the accumulation of abdominal fat, speaking of which, an important reason why abdominal fat is difficult to lose is that the blood flow of abdominal fat is low, and sitting for a long time will aggravate this phenomenon, so in daily life, we must develop the habit of getting up regularly to move the body, such as setting an alarm to remind yourself.
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

Third: sharing of relevant training movements

As mentioned above, it is better to add exercise in the process of losing belly fat, and pay attention to the intensity of exercise during exercise, high-intensity exercise is more conducive to the breakdown of belly fat, so I will share a set of HIIT training movements for the abdomen, which not only saves time and efficiency, but also produces very good consumption to assist in fat loss.

Movement 1: Squat jumping jacks

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart, your back straight, your core tightened, and your arms hanging at your sides
  • Keep your body steady, jump your legs outward, raise your arms up above your head, and then jump back inward with your feet on the ground, and sit back with your hips back and bend your knees while your arms follow your body movements
  • Maintain an even rhythm throughout the movement, keep the movement coherent, pay attention to the cushioning of the knees when the feet land, and keep the knees and toes in the same direction
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

Action 2: Mountaineering and running

  • Lean over with your arms under your shoulders to support your body, your elbows slightly bent, your back straight, your core tightened, your legs slightly apart and straight back, and your toes on the ground
  • Keep your body steady and don't shake, and the lower abdominal muscles exert force to drive your legs to alternately run towards your front knees
  • Maintain an even rhythm throughout, and if you have difficulty, slow down and alternate knee raises to complete the movement
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

Movement 3: Squat hip abduction

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, your back straight, your core tightened, and your hands into fists to your chest
  • Keep your body steady, keep your back straight, and sit back with your hips bent until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly lower
  • Then get up and stand up, after getting up, the gluteus medius muscle force drives one leg to the side to lift, and feel the contraction of the gluteus medius, and then slowly reduce, the body is stable and then complete the next squat action, and when getting up, complete the leg lift on the other side
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

Action 4: Support jumping jacks

  • Lean over with your arms under your shoulders to support you, your elbows slightly bent, your back straight, and your legs back together and straight
  • Keep your body steady, and your abdominal muscles drive your legs to jump to the sides at the same time, and then jump back inward after your feet hit the ground
  • Complete the movements while maintaining a coherent and even movement, and concentrate on feeling the force of your abdominal muscles during each movement
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

Movement 5: Squat jump

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, your back straight, your core tightened, and your hands behind your head
  • Keep your body steady, keep your back straight, sit back with your hips and knees bent until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly lower, then get up and jump up, and complete the squat again with your feet on the ground
  • Keep your back straight and your knees in the same direction as your toes
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

Action 6: Dynamic plank

  • Lean over with your arms straight under your shoulders to support your body, your elbows slightly bent, your back straight, your core tightened, and your legs slightly apart and straight back
  • Keep your body steady and don't shake from side to side, keep your core tight, alternately bend your elbows down until you reach a plank position, and then straighten your arms in turn to support your body
What can I do to reduce my waistline and stay healthy by losing belly fat and visceral fat?

This group of movements is relatively intense, before the official start to move the body, do a good job of warm-up, and during the training process to ensure safety, if you feel uncomfortable to stop the exercise, you can do each movement 16-20 times, rest about 30 seconds between movements, 3-4 groups each time.


Losing belly fat is a long-term process that requires consistent effort and persistence. Through a combination of dietary adjustments, increased exercise, and improved lifestyle habits, we can gradually reduce the accumulation of belly fat and improve our overall health. At the same time, it is also important to maintain a positive mindset and patience to believe that you can achieve your goals.

Author: October Zhixing