
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute

author:Huajing Intelligence Network

The energy storage converter (PCS) is a bidirectional controllable current conversion device connecting the energy storage battery system and the power grid, which can accurately and quickly adjust the voltage, frequency and power between the power grid and the energy storage system, so as to achieve constant power and constant current charging and discharging and smooth fluctuating power output. According to the circuit topology and the configuration of the transformer, the energy storage converter can be divided into power frequency step-up type and high-voltage direct-mounted type, and can be divided into single-stage and two-stage topology according to different stages.

The upstream of the industrial chain of the electrochemical energy storage industry is raw materials, the midstream is the core component manufacturing and system integrator, and the downstream is system operation and application. The upstream is mainly composed of IGBT, printed circuit boards, wires and cables, etc., and the midstream is power frequency step-up energy storage converter and high-voltage direct-mounted energy storage converter, involving Sungrow, Kehua Technology, Sawing Electric, Sineng Electric and other enterprises. The downstream is used in power systems, rail transit, new energy vehicles and other fields.

According to statistics, the global energy storage converter market size will reach 21.84 billion yuan in 2023, an increase of 105.75% year-on-year, and a CAGR of 56.92% during the period from 2017 to 2023. From the perspective of the domestic market, the market size of energy storage converters in mainland China will grow to 6.399 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 167.52%, and a CAGR of 96.55% from 2017 to 2023.

Since 2022, the production and sales volume of the energy storage converter industry have increased significantly, mainly due to the strong support of the Chinese government for the new energy industry and the rapid development of energy storage technology. According to the data, the output of energy storage converters in mainland China in 2023 will be about 23.884 million kilowatts, a year-on-year increase of 173.49%; The demand was about 21.33 million kilowatts, a year-on-year increase of 189.91%.

In the international market, the main manufacturers of foreign energy storage converters are SMA, Power Electronics, Solaredge, TMEIC, etc. With the acceleration of the layout of domestic energy storage converter manufacturers, highlighting the cost advantage of energy storage converters, the competition between enterprises is more intense, and some backward production capacity is being eliminated at an accelerated pace, and the market concentration is expected to be further improved in the future.

The research team of Huajing Industry Research Institute uses a combination of desktop research, quantitative investigation and qualitative analysis to comprehensively and objectively analyze the overall market capacity, industrial chain, operating characteristics, profitability and business model of the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry. Scientifically use SCP model, SWOT, PEST, regression analysis, SPACE matrix and other research models and methods to comprehensively analyze the market environment, industrial policy, competition pattern, technological innovation, market risk, industry barriers, opportunities and challenges of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry. According to the development trajectory and practical experience of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry, the "2024-2030 China Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Market Panorama Monitoring and Investment Strategy Consulting Report has been carefully researched and compiled", which provides an important reference for investment decision-making, strategic planning and industrial research of enterprises, scientific research, investment institutions and other units.

2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute
2024 China Energy Storage Converter Industry Market Research Report-Huajing Industry Research Institute

The "2024-2030 China Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Market Panorama Monitoring and Investment Strategy Consulting Report" makes a specific analysis of the development environment and market operation status of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry, and also focuses on the analysis of the industry competition pattern and the business status of key enterprises, combined with the development trajectory and practical experience of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry, and makes a professional prediction of the development trend of the industry in the next few years. It is an indispensable tool for enterprises, scientific research, investment institutions and other units to understand the latest development trends and competition pattern of the industry, grasp the future development direction of the industry, improve the operating efficiency of enterprises, and make correct business decisions.

The data source of this report is mainly a combination of first-hand information and second-hand information, the company has established a strict internal control system of data cleaning, processing and analysis, after the analyst collects information, in strict accordance with the requirements of the company's evaluation methodology and information specifications, and combined with their own professional experience, the information obtained is sorted out and screened, and finally through comprehensive statistics, analysis and calculation to obtain relevant industrial research results.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Definition and Data Statistical Standard Description

1.1 Definition and classification of energy storage converter (PCS).

1.1.1 Definition and technical route of energy storage

1.1.2 Definition of energy storage converter (PCS).

1.1.3 Classification of energy storage converters (PCS).

1.2 Definition and differentiation of related concepts of energy storage converter (PCS).

1.3 Introduction to the professional terms of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

1.4 The energy storage converter (PCS) industry belongs to the national economic industry classification

1.5 This report illustrates the scoping of the Energy Storage Converter (PCS) industry

1.6 Description of data sources and statistical standards in this report

Chapter 2: China Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry PEST (Macro Environment) Analysis

2.1 China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry politics environment

2.1.1 Introduction to the regulatory system and institutions of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(1) Energy storage converter (PCS) industry authority

(2) Self-regulatory organization of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

2.1.2 Status quo of energy storage converter (PCS) industry standard system construction

(1) Construction of energy storage converter (PCS) standard system

(2) Interpretation of key standards for energy storage converters (PCS).

2.1.3 Summary and interpretation of policies and plans related to the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(1) Summary of policies related to the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(2) Summary of plans related to the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

2.1.4 Analysis of the impact of the 14th Five-Year Plan on the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

2.1.5 Analysis of the impact of the "carbon neutrality and carbon peaking" strategy on the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

2.1.6 Analysis of the impact of the policy environment on the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

2.2 Economic environment of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

2.2.1 Current status of macroeconomic development

2.2.2 Macroeconomic development outlook

2.2.3 Analysis of the correlation between the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry and the macroeconomy

2.3 China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry social environment

2.4 Technology environment of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

2.4.1 Manufacturing process and comparison of energy storage converter (PCS).

2.4.2 Analysis of core and key technologies of energy storage converter (PCS).

2.4.3 R&D innovation status of energy storage converter (PCS).

2.4.4 Application and disclosure of patents related to the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(1) Patent application for energy storage converter (PCS).

(2) Patent disclosure for energy storage converter (PCS).

(3) Popular applicants for energy storage converters (PCS).

(4) Energy storage converter (PCS) hot technology

2.4.5 Analysis of the impact of the technical environment on the development of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

Chapter 3: Global Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Development Status and Trend Forecast

3.1 Development history of the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.2 Policy environment for the development of the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.3 Technical environment for the development of the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.4 Supply and demand of the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.4.1 Development status of the global energy storage industry

(1) The number of global energy storage projects and installed capacity

(2) The market segment structure of the global energy storage industry

(3) Global installed capacity of electrochemical energy storage

(4) Global distribution of electrochemical energy storage technology routes

(5) Changes in the installed capacity of global energy storage batteries

(6) Global shipments of lithium batteries for energy storage

(7) Regional market distribution of global energy storage batteries

(8) Global energy storage battery demand scenario distribution

3.4.2 Global supply and demand of energy storage converters (PCS).

3.5 Development status of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in major economies in the world

3.5.1 Development of the U.S. Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry

3.5.2 Development status of the European energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.5.3 Development status of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Japan

3.6 Estimation of the market size of the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.7 Global Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Market Competition Pattern and Mergers and Acquisitions

3.7.1 Global Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Market Competition Pattern

3.7.2 Global Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions

3.8 Case study of the development layout of representative enterprises in the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.8.1 Comparison of the layout of representative enterprises in the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.8.2 Representative enterprise layout cases in the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(1) LG Chem

(2) Samsung SDI

3.9 Global Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Development Trend and Market Prospect Forecast

3.9.1 Prediction of the development trend of the global energy storage converter (PCS) industry

3.9.2 Global Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Market Prospect Forecast

Chapter 4: Analysis of the development status and market pain points of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.1 Development history and market characteristics of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.1.1 Development history of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.1.2 Market characteristics of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.2 Analysis of the import and export status of products in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.2.1 Import and export overview of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.2.2 Import status of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(1) The import scale of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(2) The import price level of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(3) The structure of imported products in the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(4) The main import sources of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(5) Import trends and prospects of energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.2.3 Export status of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(1) The export scale of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(2) The export price level of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(3) The export product structure of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(4) The main export source of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

(5) Export trends and prospects of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.3 Types and sizes of players in China's Energy Storage Converters (PCS) industry

4.3.1 Types of participants in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry and entry methods

4.3.2 The number and scale of enterprises in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.4 Market supply and demand of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.4.1 Market Supply Analysis of China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry

4.4.2 Market demand analysis of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.4.3 Balance of supply and demand in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.4.4 Price level and trend of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.5 Estimation of the market size of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

4.6 Analysis of market pain points in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

Chapter 5: China Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Competitive Status and Market Landscape Analysis

5.1 Investment, financing, mergers and acquisitions of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.1.1 Investment and financing development of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.1.2 Mergers and acquisitions of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.2 Analysis of Porter's Five Forces Model in China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry

5.2.1 Competition among existing competitors of energy storage converters (PCS).

5.2.2 Analysis of the bargaining power of suppliers of key elements of energy storage converters (PCS).

5.2.3 Analysis of the bargaining power of energy storage converters (PCS) consumers

5.2.4 Analysis of potential entrants in the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.2.5 Risk analysis of alternatives to energy storage converters (PCS).

5.2.6 Summary of competition for energy storage converters (PCS).

5.3 Analysis of the market structure and concentration of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.3.1 Market Competitive Landscape of China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry

5.3.2 Analysis of the International Competitiveness of China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry

5.3.3 Market concentration analysis of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.4 Analysis of market structure of product segments in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.5 Analysis of the regional development pattern and key regional markets of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

5.5.1 Development pattern of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry zone

5.5.2 Development of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Jiangsu Province

(1) The development environment of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Jiangsu Province

(2) The demand status of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Jiangsu Province

(3) The development trend of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Jiangsu Province

5.5.3 Development of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Guangdong Province

(1) The development environment of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Guangdong Province

(2) The demand status of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Guangdong Province

(3) The development trend of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Guangdong Province

5.5.4 Energy storage converter (PCS) industry development in Zhejiang Province

(1) The development environment of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Zhejiang Province

(2) The demand status of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Zhejiang Province

(3) The development trend of energy storage converter (PCS) industry in Zhejiang Province

Chapter 6: China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Chain Sorting and Panoramic In-depth Analysis

6.1 Industrial Structure Attributes of China's Energy Storage Converters (PCS) (Industrial Chain)

6.1.1 Energy storage converter (PCS) industry chain structure combing

6.1.2 Ecological map of energy storage converter (PCS) industry chain

6.2 Value Attributes of China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry (Value Chain)

6.2.1 Cost structure analysis of energy storage converter (PCS) industry

6.2.2 Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Value Chain Analysis

6.3 Analysis of China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Upstream Core Component Market

6.4 China Energy Storage System Integration and Installation Market Analysis

6.5 Analysis of market demand potential for downstream applications of energy storage converters (PCS) in China

6.5.1 Structure of downstream application scenarios of energy storage converters (PCS) in China

6.5.2 Energy storage converter (PCS) demand analysis in power system

6.5.3 Energy storage converter (PCS) demand analysis in the field of rail transit

6.5.4 Energy storage converter (PCS) demand analysis in the field of new energy vehicles

6.5.5 Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Demand Analysis in Other Fields

Chapter 7: Case studies of representative companies in China's energy storage converters (PCS).

7.1 Comparison of the development layout of representative enterprises in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

7.2 Case study of the development layout of representative enterprises in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

7.2.1 CATL New Energy Technology Co., Ltd

(1) Enterprise development history and basic information

(2) Enterprise development

(3) Introduction of enterprise business types and products

(4) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises

7.2.2 BYD Co., Ltd

(1) Enterprise development history and basic information

(2) Enterprise development

(3) Introduction of enterprise business types and products

(4) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises

7.2.3 Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd

(1) Enterprise development history and basic information

(2) Enterprise development

(3) Introduction of enterprise business types and products

(4) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises

7.2.4 Hunan Nandu Power Co., Ltd

(1) Enterprise development history and basic information

(2) Enterprise development

(3) Introduction of enterprise business types and products

(4) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises

7.2.5 GoodWe Technology Co., Ltd

(1) Enterprise development history and basic information

(2) Enterprise development

(3) Introduction of enterprise business types and products

(4) Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises

Chapter 8: China Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Market Prospect and Investment Strategy Recommendations

8.1 Assessment of the development potential of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.1.1 Summary of the development status of the energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.1.2 Summary of influencing factors of energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.1.3 Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry Development Potential Assessment

8.2 Forecast of the development prospect of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.3 Prediction of the development trend of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.4 Barriers to entry and exit in China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.5 Investment value assessment of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.6 Analysis of Investment Opportunities in China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry

8.7 Investment risk warning of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

8.8 Investment Strategies and Suggestions for China's Energy Storage Converter (PCS) Industry

8.9 Suggestions for sustainable development of China's energy storage converter (PCS) industry

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