
Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

author:Baoshan News Network
Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

In accordance with the provisions of the "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Publication of Information on the List of Judgment Defaulters", this court has included the following judgment defaulters who refuse to perform the obligations set forth in the effective legal documents of the people's courts in the national court list of judgment defaulters, and the list is hereby announced:


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Chang Xiangyou Enforcement Case Number: (2022) Yun 0521 Zhihui No. 41 ID Number: 5330011981****5434 Application Subject: 865,000 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Chen Yun Enforcement Case No.: (2023) Yun 0521 Zhi No. 17 ID Number: 5335241999****1213 Application Subject: 26,133 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Duan Deshuang Enforcement Case No.: (2023) Yun 0521 Zhihui No. 42 ID Number: 5330221985****263X Application Subject: 10,000 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Guan Dongliang Enforcement Case No.: (2022) Yun 0521 Zhi 1717 ID Number: 5329271995****0510 Application Subject: 43,000 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Lu Guijun Enforcement Case No.: (2023) Yun 0521 Zhi No. 151 ID Number: 5330221988****1613 Application Subject: 134,700 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Luo Qingxing Enforcement Case No.: (2023) Yun 0521 Zhi No. 1 ID Number: 5330221983****2215 Application Subject: 20,000 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Tao Fuqiang Enforcement Case No.: (2022) Yun 0521 Zhi 1652 ID Number: 5125271979****8999 Application Subject: 80,000 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Tao Jianjun Enforcement Case No.: (2023) Yun 0521 Zhi No. 597 ID Number: 5330221988****2012 Application Subject: 12426.57 yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Yang Guixian Enforcement Case No.: (2023) Yun 0521 Zhi No. 31 ID Number: 5330221978****0804 Application Subject: 858283 Yuan


Shidian Court's platform for exposing untrustworthy persons

Name: Yang Hai Enforcement Case No.: (2023) Yun 0521 Zhi No. 147 ID Number: 5330221985****2610 Application Subject: 10,000 yuan

The above list of judgment defaulters has been centrally released by the Supreme People's Court on the "National Platform for the Publication and Inquiry of the List of Judgment Defaulters in Courts", and the list information is to be sent to departments such as for public security, state-owned assets, industry and commerce, banking regulators, civil aviation, and railways, and credit punishments are to be carried out. Natural persons, legal persons, and legal persons on the list of the untrustworthy are restricted in areas such as government procurement, government support, bidding and tendering, market access, qualification determinations, enterprise registration, loans or credit cards from banking financial institutions, purchase of air tickets, purchase of sleeper tickets, leaving the country, and handling passports abroad.

July 1, 2024


Source: Shidian Court


Editor: Jiang Yonghua Responsible editor: Yang Qingzong about Baoshan News Network

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