
Biden lost the "first battle", Trump said he didn't want to be embarrassed with China, and Zelensky wanted a truce

author:Tani Hihei

After the first candidate debate in the 2024 U.S. election, the "Beit Showdown" won or lost by one point, and compared with the aging and deaf Biden, the victorious Trump is like a spring breeze. In this debate, Biden slurred words, babbled nonsense, and all kinds of downtime, but set off Trump's "excellence". Judging from the latest polls, Biden's approval rating continues to decline, and Trump is far ahead. As the probability of returning to the center of power in the United States increases, Trump is also addicted to the presidency of the United States in advance. Recently, in an interview with the media, he fully criticized Biden's China policy, threatening that the United States does not need to be an enemy of China.

Biden lost the "first battle", Trump said he didn't want to be embarrassed with China, and Zelensky wanted a truce

It can be said that Biden is now in his old age, and even the Democratic Party in the United States is not optimistic about his re-election prospects. As Trump's voice grows louder, there is also an undercurrent in American politics, and many politicians have begun to contact Trump in advance, hoping to play an important role in the new cabinet. In the United States, relations with China are undoubtedly the top priority, so many politicians have recently offered advice to Trump. According to the global network, on June 18, Robert O'Brien, the former national security adviser during Trump's tenure, wrote a special article to support Trump's China policy in the future. As an anti-China politician, he suggested that Trump test a nuclear test to retaliate with China, and advocated that the United States should decouple from China's economy.

Biden lost the "first battle", Trump said he didn't want to be embarrassed with China, and Zelensky wanted a truce

It is not difficult to see that Robert O'Brien and his ilk have continued the hard-line China policy line of the Trump administration, but it is obvious that today's Trump will not be so brutal. In an interview with the media, Trump was very dissatisfied with the deteriorating Sino-US relations, and he put a large part of the blame on Biden, and hoped that the United States and China would improve relations. To a certain extent, the Biden administration's foreign policy problems have become public, which is also the focus of criticism of its governing line. As far as Sino-US relations are concerned, from the economy to the military, China and the United States are in a stage of confrontation in an all-round way, which is the result of the Biden administration's policy of containing China. Therefore, at the moment when Biden is deeply criticized, Trump is also happy to push the boat and then give Biden another fatal blow.

Biden lost the "first battle", Trump said he didn't want to be embarrassed with China, and Zelensky wanted a truce

So, if Trump wins, will he really improve U.S.-China relations? This is highly unlikely. Because Trump is a very pragmatic and shrewd politician who puts interests first in everything. Therefore, his statements do not represent real thoughts, but only serve his political interests. For example, during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Trump also claimed that the U.S. should not be enemies of China and Russia, and should seek common ground while reserving differences on the basis of common interests. It's just that after he sat on the presidency, he completely turned his face and denied people, and the trade war and technology war were launched against China during the Trump administration. Even after leaving office, Trump has been aggressive when it comes to U.S.-China relations. In October last year, he claimed at a public rally that China and Russia were the natural enemies of the United States, and it was because of the incompetence of the Biden administration that China and Russia were getting closer and closer. In May this year, at a general funding event, Trump even hysterically shouted that in order to calm the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and resolve the South China Sea issue, the United States will bomb Moscow and Beijing.

Biden lost the "first battle", Trump said he didn't want to be embarrassed with China, and Zelensky wanted a truce

It can only be said that Trump will always be the politician who pursues "the supremacy of American interests", and his victory will not only make China and Russia and the Democratic Party of the United States feel bad, but also many allies of the United States. Because after Trump returns to power, the United States will inevitably follow the old path of "isolationism" and will not care about the interests of its so-called allies at all. After that, those countries that follow the lead of the United States will completely ignore their lives if they cannot come up with enough interests to impress Trump. Among them, Ukraine bears the brunt.

Biden lost the "first battle", Trump said he didn't want to be embarrassed with China, and Zelensky wanted a truce

Previously, Trump has repeatedly made it clear that if he is elected president, the United States will no longer give military assistance to Ukraine. In Trump's view, the United States has paid a heavy price for supporting Ukraine to fight the Russian-Ukrainian war, but it has not gained enough benefits, and this kind of loss-making deal obviously cannot be done. It is precisely because of Trump's current strong momentum that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was previously tough, has softened his tone. At a recent press conference, he made it clear that he wants to end the Russia-Ukraine war. It's just that Zelensky is still a dead duck with a hard mouth, and he will not make any concessions on the terms of the armistice negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. Perhaps, when Trump wins this year's election and the US military aid is completely cut off, Zelensky will recognize the reality and wake up and accept the reality of land reparations.

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